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Your search resulted in 1463 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Electrochemical deterioration of wood in sea-water
1981 - IRG/WP 464
In the specialistic literature only few items can be found dealing with the specific kind of wood deterioration called electrochemical corrosion of wood. This deterioration occurs predominantly on marine vessels, yachts, and other marine craft where wood is jointed by means of various metal connectors. Up to date information demonstrates that in wood surrounding copper connectors, when in proximit...
J Raczkowski

The new method of detecting decay in poles
1984 - IRG/WP 2229
In 1982 the Swedish Telecoms Administration in corporation with the Swedish Dog Training Centre started to investigate the possibility of using dogs for detecting decay in poles. At present two German Sheppheards and two Labrador Retrievers are in operation and the results have up to now well fulfilled our expectations. The following results have been obtained: 1.) The dogs can with high reliabili...
A Ammer, B Svedberg

Comparison of various types of bait containers designed to aggregate large numbers of foraging subterranean termites from natural populations in below-ground mound colonies
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10116
At Walpeup in the semi-arid mallee country of north-west Victoria (350 km from Melbourne), there are several indigenous subterranean termite species, none of which build above-ground mound colonies but build their colonies below-ground and/or in trees. This paper describes a baiting experiment in which three types of bait containers were compared in their ability to aggregate large numbers of fora...
J R J French, B M Ahmed

Stake test with ammoniacal copper in combination with different agents started in 1962
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30130
In 1962 a stake test was started with ammoniacal copper in combination with chromium, arsenic, pentachlorophenol, boron, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, pyridine and tannin. Different concentrations of the copper component were used as well as the added agents. For each concentration and test site, ten stakes of Pinus sylvestris L. sapwood were treated. The stakes were set out at two te...
B Häger, Ö Bergman

Restrictions on the use of chlorosilanes as potential wood preservatives
1985 - IRG/WP 3345
The biological protection of wood by chemical modification with different types of chlorosilanes has been investigated. The impregnation of wood has been carried out by means of liquid phase and vapor phase treatments using pure silane and silane-solvent systems. The biological efficacy against wood rotting fungi, molds and staining fungi was determined in a number of screening trials, subsequentl...
M Stevens

Immunolocalization of extracellular metabolites from Poria placenta
1988 - IRG/WP 1361
Polyclonal antisera produced to Poria placenta extracellular metabolites was used in immuno-fluoresence microscopy and immuno-gold TEM studies. In the fluorescence work, labelling of Poria placenta hyphae in wet fixed wood material was observed but not in infected wood which was oven dried prior to sectioning and immunolabelling. TEM studies provided better resolution, with gold labelling detected...
B Goodell, G F Daniel, J Jellison, T Nilsson

A laboratory evaluation of tributyltin ethanesulphonate as an aqueous fungicide in wood preservation
1983 - IRG/WP 3229
Toxic limit data, using both leached and unleached wood test blocks, are reported for aqueous solutions of tributyltin ethanesulphonate against four Basidiomycete fungi, Poria placenta, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Coriolus versicolor and Coniophora puteana. An in situ study of the tributyltin compound in Scots pine and ponderosa pine sapwood has been carried out, using the technique of 119mSn Mössbauer...
R Hill, P J Smith, J N R Ruddick, K W Sweatman

Glass splinters as physical termite barriers: Optimized material properties in use with and without insecticidal pretreatment minimizes environmental contaminations
1991 - IRG/WP 1476
The major advantage of physically acting barriers against termites using sand or cinder is to be impenetrable for a number of termite species by showing environmental compatibility in a high degree. The major disadvantage of these barriers is the ability of termites to build galleries over them. Glass or glass-like materials are showing optimum material properties: crushed to a particle size from ...
M Pallaske, A Igarashi

Comments on leaching in view of accelerated testing
1977 - IRG/WP 294
We developed an accelerated test for leaching at elevated temperatures (75-85°C). This test was used for the examination of 11 preservative formulations containing Cu, Zn and As. The data obtained from these experiments were compared with data on some formulations tested by ASTM standard leaching test. The method consists in making a large surface to volume ratio of wood from a treated block by c...
J Rak

The effect of added nutrients on growth rate and decay capacity of Serpula lacrymans
1990 - IRG/WP 1427
At the previous meeting a new technique was presented that enables both fungal growth rate and wood decay rate to be measured using the same timber specimen. The technique (IRG/WP/1384) has previously been carried out with 1% malt as the sole nutrient within the small jar that provides the inoculum for this method. Results presented here relate to an additional level of 5% malt, with or without a ...
J D Thornton, A McConalogue

EPR observation of Mn(II) in decayed wood
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10443
Preliminary Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) studies of copper/chromium (CC) treated spruce wood, subjected to laboratory soil decay test showed increased intensities of Mn(II) EPR signal in partially decayed specimens. Several reasons might be responsible for this phenomenon: Mn(II) could originate from the wood after being released from the typical ligand binding, from reduction of other Mn...
M Petric, M Humar, P Kalan, F Pohleven, U Schoknecht, M Šentjurc

Detection of increased metal cations after wood decay using Chromeazurol-S
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20112
Chromeazurol-S (CAS) is a dye used for the spectrophotometric determination of metals, mainly aluminum (Al), berillium (Be) and copper (Cu). CAS has been widely used for determining the penetration of copper containing preservatives like CCA (AWPA A3-96). Additional uses include: i) detection of utility pole decay (Esyln, 1979), ii) a chemical spot test for aluminum in wood (Kukachka and Miller, 1...
F Green III, U Srinivasan, R B Miller

Effects of wood-inhabiting marine fungi on food selection, feeding intensity and reproduction of Limnoria tripunctata Menzies (Crustacea, Isop.)
1981 - IRG/WP 480
The paper gives a condensed survey on laboratory tests with Limnoria tripunctata Menzies and pure cultures of 9 different marine wood-inhabiting fungi. Limnoria is able to distinguish between fungus-infested and non-infested wood. Wood with dead mycelium mostly proved to be less attractive or even repellent and was initially consumed less than with living fungi. On non-infested wood, initial feedi...
H Geyer

Subterranean termite foraging behaviour and the development of baiting methods used for termite control by the Division of Forest Products
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10058
Given the premise that alternatives to current subterranean termite control measures using organochlorine insecticides and arsenic trioxide have been actively researched by our Division for over ten years, emphasis on baiting methods in controlling these termites has been a major facet of our research. Recently, the new Australian Standard (AS 3660 -1993) was released which outlined the use of phy...
J R J French, J W Creffield, B M Ahmed

Effect of treatment process on performance of copper-chrome-arsenate. Part 1: Fungus cellar tests
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40045
Pinus radiata sapwood stakes 20 x 20 x 400 mm³ were treated with CCA Type C using a range of concentrations and three treatment processes; Bethell, Lowry and Rueping. Preservative retention was determined by chemical analysis of treated material. Following fixation, fungus cellar stakelets, 5 x 10 x 180 mm³ were cut from treated material and after leaching were exposed in unsterile soil beds in ...
M E Hedley, J Anderson, J B Foster, B E Patterson

Evaluating the performance of wood preservatives against fungi
1974 - IRG/WP 247
A compilation is made of results published by various workers for agar/block laboratory tests of the effectiveness of wood preservatives against 11 species of wood destroying Basidiomycetes and one species of soft rot fungus. Preservatives include creosote, boron, metal/arsenic mixtures, metallic naphthenates, chlorinated naphthalene, chlorinated phenols and tri-n-butyl tin oxide. The results are ...
R Cockcroft

CCFZ, a new type of water-borne wood preservative for vacuum pressure impregnation
1991 - IRG/WP 3643
By combination of CCF-Salt types with zinchexafluorosilicate a remarkable improvement of efficacy is achieved. In the same time the ecotoxicoligical data become more save. As well as the efficacy against wood-destroying organisms (Basidiomycetes, Soft rot and Long horn beetle) the basic data to evaluate the ecotoxicological behaviour of a CCFZ-Salt are described and compared with the properties of...
W Metzner, D Seepe, H-W Wegen

Possible durability transfer from durable to non durable wood species. The study case of teak wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10392
Teakwood is well known for its excellent natural durability, mostly due to its high proportion of extracts. Amongst these extracts, quinones, and more precisely some naphtoquinones (such as lapachol) and anthraquinones (such as tectoquinone) appear to play a crucial role in the resistance to wood decay organisms. At a laboratory scale, sawdust from malaysian teak heartwood has been extracted under...
M-F Thévenon, C Roussel, J-P Haluk

Reappraisal of some fungicides by the amended JWPA method
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3689
Organoiodine compounds which have been commercialized these years in Japan poorly performed as fungicides in the amended JWPA decay test (Standard 1, 1989) when applied to superficial treatment of timber. Because some parts of active ingredients seemed to disappear from the treated timber surface mainly due to the severe leaching cycles. This was prominently true for beech (Fagus crenata Blume) sa...
K Tsunoda

A study of fungal biodeterioration in unseasoned, packaged hem-fir lumber
1978 - IRG/WP 2116
This study was undertaken to determine the extent of biodeterioration that could occur within British Columbia (BC) prior to the export of packaged Canadian Lumber Standard Hem-Fir (Tsuga heterophylla, Abies amabilis and small amounts of Abies grandis). By examining the anti-stain treatments received by the lumber and identifying and characterizing the organisms responsible for the biodeterioratio...
P W Perrin, A J Cserjesi

The natural durability of five Indonesian timber species against marine borers - A field test in Indonesia
1981 - IRG/WP 474
This paper presents results of a natural durability field test using five species of Indonesian timbers against marine borers. An attempt is also made to assess any difference in durability between the lower and upper part of the trunks. Results of marine fungal identification, soft-rot assessment, and marine-borer assessment of CCA-treated test blocks will be reported in separate papers...
Suhirman, R A Eaton

Method of embedding and staining of wood after biological testing to support the identification of decay type
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20131
A method for preparing wood for microscopic analysis after decay testing is described, with special regard to a novel fast simultaneous staining, which helps to identify different types of decay. The novel staining process is explained as well as the embedding of heavily decayed samples in polyethylene glycol (PEG) and picking up of sections by transparent adhesive tape. Special feature of the int...
A O Rapp

Untersuchungen zur Prüfung mit Moderfäulepilzen im Vermiculit-Eingrabe-Verfahren
1972 - IRG/WP 214
Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung eines Prüfverfahrens für die Bestimmung der moderfäulewidrigen Wirksamkeit von Holzschutzmitteln wurden Versuche mit Reinzuchten von Pilzen und mit Vermiculit als Trägersubstanz sowohl mit unbehandelten als auch mit Schutzmittelgetränkten Holzproben durchgeführt. Dabei wurde die Eignung von handelsüblichen, eintachen Einweg-Kunststoffbechern anstelle der bish...
W Kerner-Gang, M Gersonde

Field fencepost tests of several species treated with water-borne preservatives by rural methods
1986 - IRG/WP 3385 E
Fencepost field results in ground-contact treated by rural methods: immersion-diffusion and sap displacement by evaporation are analyzed. Copper-chrome-arsenic and copper-fluor-chrome preservatives were used in two concentrations. The wooden species studied were: Pinus pinaster, Eucalyptus globulus and Quercus rubra. For each of the test units decay index evolution was analyzed after five years ex...
M V Baonza Merino

Occurrence and importance of various types of fungal and bacterial decay in CCA-treated horticultural pine posts in New Zealand
1984 - IRG/WP 1234
A detailed microscopical examination has been carried out on samples taken from CCA-treated pine posts exposed in horticultural soils. The following decay types were observed: white rot, brown rot, soft rot, tunnelling bacteria, cavitation bacteria, and bacterial erosion. The occurrence and importance of the various decay types between different regions, and plots within a specific region, varied ...
T Nilsson

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