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Your search resulted in 1463 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Final draft of a monographic card for Pole Fungus A, L Harmsen, Rigidoporus vitreus (Fr.) Donk according to the 'Model Questionnaire for preparation of monographic cards for wood-destroying fungi'
1978 - IRG/WP 178
L Harmsen

Biodegradation of creosote/naphthalene-treated wood in the marine environment
1977 - IRG/WP 428
The present study was undertaken to determine the biodegradability of marine grade creosote and selected components, including naphtalene, and to determine the effectiveness of (up to 40%) creosote in protecting wood from microbial attack. Also, the impact(s) of creosote and naphtalene-enriched creosote on the microbial ecology os estuarine environments was examined....
P A Seesman, R R Colwell, A Zachary, A J Emery

A field test with anti-sapstain chemicals on sawn pine timber in Finland
1986 - IRG/WP 3368
Fourteen formulations, each in two concentrations, were tested for effectiveness against sapstain, mould and decay on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a field test in South-Finland. The trial was commenced in June 1985 and finished in October 1985. During the test the boards were infected mainly by mould fungi. In kiln dried boards the protective effects of nine and in green boards of four trea...
L Paajanen

Biological effectiveness of ground-contact wood preservatives as determined by field exposure stake tests
1984 - IRG/WP 3297
Field exposure tests conducted on stakes treated with different creosotes, mixtures of creosote and waxy oil as well as different CCA wood preservatives over a period of 25 years, gave the following results: The CCA preservatives provided excellent biological protection to treated stakes, especially against fungal attack. The CCA Type I, currently approved for use under South African conditions is...
W E Conradie, A Pizzi

Assessment of the natural durability of four Ghanaian hardwoods against the white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor and soft-rot using laboratory tests
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10498
The natural durability of two lesser-utilized species (LUS) (Corynanthe pachyceras Welw. (pamprana) and Glyphaea brevis (Sprengel) Monachino) (foto) from three forest districts, and two related primary species (Nauclea diderrichii (de Wild.) Merr. (opepe) and Nesogodornia papaverifera (A. Chev.) R. Capuron.) (danta) from one district in Ghana is assessed against Coriolus versicolor Linnaeus Quelet...
C Antwi-Boasiako, A J Pitman, J R Barnett

The performance of softwood species used as poles in Queensland
1985 - IRG/WP 1253
In Queensland, the conifer Pinus elliottii could provide material suitable for use as poles. Full size pole material has been readily treated with CCA with no significant loss in strength. Seasoning of logs prior to treatment requires particular attention in the wet tropical and sub-tropical regions of Queensland. Experimental and in service field tests have indicated excellent performance of CCA ...
L E Leightley

Some biological observations on the management of preservativion experiments with submerged timber in the marine environment
1976 - IRG/WP 421 E
P Deschamps

Chemical analysis of TnBTO in lap-joints
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20173
This research was performed as part of the EU project FACT (contract SMT4-CT96-2135) on field tests out of ground contact and ageing methods. The results reported here are part of the work on the experimental lap-joint standard (ENV 12037). TNO investigated the TBTO content of 32 lap-joints by analysing the tin content of 90 samples. The lap-joints were treated with two different TBTO-concentratio...
A Voss, P Esser, W L D Suitela

The Pilodyn instrument as a non-destructive tester of the shock resistance of wood
1978 - IRG/WP 2107
A new non-destructive shock resistance tester, the PILODYN, has been developed. The instrument measures the fracture surface area created by a constant amount of energy. It operates by shooting a blunt pin into wood by an exact amount of energy. The penetration depth is read on a scale. A wide field of application is open to a non-destructive shock resistance tester such as: 1) assessment of the r...
P Hoffmeyer

Spatial arrangement of lignin peroxidase in pine decayed by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Fomitopsis pinicola
1988 - IRG/WP 1343
By applying immunoelectronmicroscopic methods, lignin peroxidase of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium has been localized in the cytoplasm of hyphae, close to the plasmalemma and on the plasmalemma. Infiltration of wood specimen with culture filtrates, concentrated 300-fold, gave clear information on the penetration of the enzyme into the wood cell wall. Penetration was restricted to...
E Srebotnik, K Messner

Detection of trace organics by ion mobility spectrometry
1990 - IRG/WP 3635
Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) is a time of flight analytical technique that is suited to detect chemicals in the low parts per billion range. Some of the advantages of IMS are: operation at atmospheric pressure, fast response time (0.1-10 sec), and the ability to characterize individual chemical species in complex matrices without any prior sample preparation. In this paper, the utility of IMS i...
A H Lawrence

Collaborative soft rot tests: Results of analyses of soil samples
1976 - IRG/WP 263
C R Levy

The influence of building design on wood decay
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10339
The cheapest and most effective way to prevent wood decay is to KEEP THE WOOD DRY! You and I know that, but we often forget and attempt a preservative solution to a problem better solved with good design and construction. It's also the answer to a frequently missed exam question in my Architecture class. Just as caulking is a poor substitute for proper design, so preservative treatment sh...
W W Wilcox

A short note on the subject of pretreatment decay in wood
1984 - IRG/WP 1245
The paper reviews five national standards for wood utility poles and some literature that concerns the problems of pretreatment decay. Finally it is proposed to form a new sub-group to study that problem....
J A Taylor

Results from soft rot tests in vermiculite jars
1976 - IRG/WP 272
T Vihavainen

Monographic information on Serpula (Merulius) lacrymans (Schum. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray, according to the 'Model Questionnaire for preparation of monographic cards for wood-destroying fungi'
1978 - IRG/WP 170
J Segmüller, O Wälchli

Surface coatings for impregnated wood
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3684
The use of proper surface coatings enhances the aesthetic and protective properties of impregnated wood. Good results with especially water-borne coatings have been obtained for class-A impregnated L-joints and claddings in field tests started in 1982....
L Kotama

Co-operative research project on L-joint testing. Progress report to May 1989
1989 - IRG/WP 2338
Further sets of data received from STU (Sweden) after 36 months exposure and Sipad-IRC (Yugoslavia) after 45 months exposure are presented and discussed in conjunction with data reported previously. The new data are generally in agreement with those presented previously and the major difference between institutes continues to be one of rate of colonisation rather than any relative difference in pe...
J K Carey, A F Bravery

Inspection of tropical hardwood window frames in Nigeria for decay presence
1987 - IRG/WP 2294
A method of in situ inspection of hardwood window frames for expression of decay is discussed in this paper. The results show that about 6% of the frames inspected or 23% of the volume of wood in all the frames sampled in buildings erected between 1920 and 1984, exhibited evidence of advanced decay. Protection by the length of the eaves, species of the framing timber used, length of exposure to se...
M A Odeyinde, M A Amakiri, E B Lucas, J O Eyenike, S Akanni

The preliminary evaluation of selected sulfonium salts for use in wood preservation
1984 - IRG/WP 3278
Five sulfonium compounds, including two sulfonium methosulfates, one sulfonium bromide and two amphoteric sulfonium propanesulfonates, were prepared in crude form and subjected to various biocidal screening tests. A rapid screening test in which treated Pinus radiata pulp pellets were exposed to one of three wood-decaying fungi growing on malt agar revealed that dodecyl dimethyl sulfonium methosul...
D V Plackett

Soil-bed studies
1982 - IRG/WP 2181
This paper discusses factors affecting the design and use of a soil-bed....
P Vinden, J G Savory, D J Dickinson, J F Levy

Ultrastructural observations on wood-degrading erosion bacteria
1986 - IRG/WP 1283
G F Daniel, T Nilsson

A deflection test for monitoring decay in miniature beams
1986 - IRG/WP 2269
A laboratory apparatus for assessing decay in small stakes is described. It involves the measurement of deflection in a static bending apparatus using a displacement transducer linked to a microcomputer. Measurements are non-destructive, rapid, accurate and automatic and decay can be assessed repeatedly over long time periods....
S M Gray

A laboratory evaluation of the susceptibility to biological attack of glued laminated pine timber
1991 - IRG/WP 2387
In the scope of a research programme concerning the use of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) to produce glued laminated timber structures in Portugal, the natural durability of this material was checked by using laboratory test methods. An European standard, EN 113, was used to test durability against basidiomycetes and a test method developed at LNEC for termites was adapted for this purpose. From t...
L Nunes, H Cruz

Performance of chromated copper arsenate-treated aspen fence posts installed in Forintek's Eastern test plot from 1951 to 1963
1984 - IRG/WP 3272
Aspen poplar fence posts were pressure treated by the full cell process using three formulations of copper chrome arsenate wood preservative. A total of one hundred and fifty nine of the posts were installed in service in Forintek's Chalk River post plot from 1951 to 1962. During the 1982 general inspection of the post plot all 159 posts were still in service. A groundline inspection was ...
C D Ralph

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