Your search resulted in 138 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Water-repellent additive for CCA
1991 - IRG/WP 3655
Hickson have developed a water repellent additive for incorporation into copper-chromium-arsenate timber treatment solutions. The water repellent emulsion shows good stability in the treatment solution, is easily incorporated and applied in a single stage treatment. No modifications to the additive is safe to treatment schedule are usually needed and use. Weathering of the treated wood is substant...
P Warburton, R F Fox, J A Cornfield
A summary of tests and practical experiences with the Pilodyn wood testing instrument
1980 - IRG/WP 282
This paper presents a summary of the reports, tests and practical experiences with the Pilodyn wood tester not only, however, concerning poles but also in other fields such as standing trees, sawn timber etc. The principle of the Pilodyn is a spring-loaded pin which is fired into the object and the depth to which the pin penetrates is correlated to physical and mechanical properties of the object....
H Friis-Hansen
Preservative treatment of Pinus elliottii
1987 - IRG/WP 3435
The treatment of Pinus elliottii with copper-chrome-arsenic preservative by four alternative seasoning and treatment methods is investigated. Steam conditioning followed by either alternating pressure method (APM) or 'Q' treatment resulted in inadequate preservative penetration. Air drying or high temperature drying followed by the Bethell process resulted in a high standard of t...
P Vinden, L Carter
The use of zirconium as an inert fixative for borates in preservation
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30256
Stand-alone borates have been used in internal protected situations as wood preservatives for about 60 years. They have not been deemed acceptable for external situations because of their leaching characteristics. Work carried out to reduce the leachability of borates has been reviewed briefly here, and a specific fixation agent based on zirconium has been tested in standard leaching and decay tes...
J D Lloyd, J L Fogel, A Vizel
Washboard effect: A surface deformation of spruce resulting from vacuum-pressure impregnation with water-borne preservatives
1987 - IRG/WP 3450
The washboard effect has been observed in sawn spruce after both commercial and laboratory based preservative treatments and is of increasing economic importance. The effect is defined as a specific phenomenon at the wood surface. It is distinct from internal collapse in the wood, but it may occur in association with internal collapse damage. Experimental investigations on the causes of washboardi...
H Willeitner, R J Murphy
Resin bleed after light organic solvent preservative treatment - the effect of drying method and process type
1986 - IRG/WP 3378
The effects of drying method and treatment process type on resin bleed were investigated. High-temperature drying of resinous radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) heartwood resulted in improved wood permeability, higher preservative uptake, and greater resin bleed when treated by the Rueping process. Resin bleed was reduced substantially when timber was treated by the Lowry process, and totally eli...
P Vinden
Observations on the uptake and penetration of various liquids in clear heartwood and sapwood of Pinus radiata D.Don
1983 - IRG/WP 3224
Volumetric uptake of water (aqueous copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA)) or methanol, applied by bulk hydrostatic pressure to air dried clear heartwood specimens of Pinus radiata D. Don, far exceeds that of a wide variety of polar and non-polar solvents. In air dried sapwood, the volumetric uptake of CCA tends to be less than that achieved for most solvents including methanol. No comprehensive explanation...
J E Barnacle
Artificial drying of impregnated wood
1987 - IRG/WP 3448
Sawn timber (Pinus Sylvestris) of dimension 50x150 mm was impregnated with CCA by a full-cell process. The timber was then dried in a conventional kiln or a special vacuum kiln where the timber was dried by circulating superheated steam. Drying time was 16 days and 2 days respectively. The aim of the investigation was to compare the physical appearence of the wood after drying by the two methods w...
M-L Edlund
Fixation of CCA in Pinus sylvestris after kiln-drying
1990 - IRG/WP 3594
Tanalith C Paste is 98% fixed and Tanalith Oxide C is 99% fixed irrespective of whether treated Pinus sylvestris is kiln or air dried. A schedule suitable for kiln drying of CCA treated Pinus sylvestris is described....
P Warburton, J A Cornfield, D A Lewis, D G Anderson
Decay, decayed wood and the Shigometer
1980 - IRG/WP 281
A L Shigo
Environmentally more acceptable solvents
1979 - IRG/WP 3131
The subject of this paper is hydrocarbon solvents with particular reference to the cyclo-aliphatic or naphthene-rich, grades which are now available. The specialised low aromatic high boiling petroleum fractions are also discussed....
A M Cumbers
Kiln drying of CCA-treated wood - Some safety and environmental considerations
1987 - IRG/WP 3443
Vapours and condensate from a condenser kiln in which CCA-treated wood was being dried have been collected and analysed. The concentrations of arsenic, copper and chromium found in the vapours from the drying process were well below Swedish threshold limit values. The contents of arsenic and chromium were also low in the condensate, although the copper content was fairly high. The latter result wa...
J Jermer, B Lundberg
Dip-diffusion of dressed timber - Effect of drying
1989 - IRG/WP 3509
The effect of drying on dip-diffused dressed freshly sawn timber was determined by the depth of penetration of boron achieved on the two test timber species, White cheesewood (Alstonia scholaris) and Light Hopea (Hopea papuana). The results obtained showed that light density White cheesewood was completely penetrated even after 3 days drying while Light hopea, treated immediately achieved 5.2 mm p...
H C Konabe
Presteaming radiata pine heartwood to improve treatability
1983 - IRG/WP 3239
Steaming and holding before preservative treatment by the Bethell process greatly improved the treatment of radiata pine heartwood. Maximum penetration of preservative for the shortest holding period was obtained by the use of steam vacuum but the difference between this and steam venting was small when compared with the standard of treatment of air dried samples. A holding period of one day was s...
A J Bergervoet
A new model for wetting and drying of wood end-grain – with implications for durability and service-life
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20477
New experimental data for wetting and drying of wood end-grain, Sandberg (2009), imply that traditional models for moisture transport are not at all applicable. A new model is developed to consider the phenomenological behaviour of water transport in and out of end-grain, using the pore water pressure and sorption scanning properties. Modelling results are compared to experimental results and the ...
L-O Nilsson, K Sandberg
In vitro sporulation of selected wood decay fungi
1978 - IRG/WP 190
Basidiospores produced axenically without laborious attention in the laboratory are useful in studies of wood decay initiation. Such spores presumably approach those collected from natural sporophores in size and germinability (Morton, 1964). Production of spores in vitro by inversion of cultures grown on 2% malt extract agar in deep glass dishes (100x80 mm²) has been the preferred method (Morton...
E L Schmidt, D W French
Internal pressure monitoring during the treatment of Pinus radiata (D. Don)
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40049
The use of micro-transducers to monitor the internal pressure of wood during treatment is investigated. The rates of pressure transfer in radiata pine sapwood and heartwood are compared during Bethell treatment with copper chrome and arsenic preservative. The effect of pre-conditioning treatments are also evaluated using micro-transducer monitoring. It is anticipated that knowledge of the changes ...
P R S Cobham, P Vinden
IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 1: Treatment of reference samples
1977 - IRG/WP 426
It was agreed in Wildhaus on 15 May 1976 that preparations for the test detailed in Document No: IRG/WP/414 should commence immediately, but that initially only two water-borne preservatives should be used - a copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) and a copper/chrome/boron (CCB) formulation respectively. PRL, England (R Cockcroft) would be responsible for supplying samples of the reference timbers treated w...
R Cockcroft, T B Dearling, W O Schulz, H V Borck
Laboratory tests on artificial weathering of Quercus rubra crossties
1986 - IRG/WP 2252
Clear red oak (Quercus rubra) blocks were used to evaluate various types of accelerated aging tests including boil, steaming, and cyclic weathering. It was found that the repeated vacuum and pressure treatment of wood in water, steaming, oven-dry, and freezing appeared to be most effective in reducing the MOE in compression and hardness modules of wood specimens. Red oak crossties which were press...
P Chow, A J Reinschmidt, E J Barenberg, S L Lewis
An investigation of the effects of pre-steaming on the treatment of sawn spruce timber with Celcure A, a copper/chrome/arsenic preservative
1981 - IRG/WP 3180
Difficulties in the treatment of spruce using standard vacuum/pressure techniques with both water-borne and organic solvent preservatives are well known. The growth characteristics of spruces (Picea spp) make them attractive candidates for forestry schemes. In 1975 the UK Forestry Commission had about 400 000 hectares, about 20% of total UK forest area, planted with Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)...
C R Coggins
The critical moisture and temperature conditions for the growth of some mould fungi and the brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana on wood
1988 - IRG/WP 1369
The growth of some mould fungi on pine and spruce sapwood was studied in 40 different constant moisture and temperature conditions. The temperature range was between +10 and +40°C and the relative humidities varied from 76 to 100% relative humidity (RH). The incubation time was 12 weeks. The mixed mould inoculation used included typical fungi growing on wood: Aspergillus versicolor, Cladosporium ...
H Viitanen, L Paajanen
Behaviour of some selective Indian species towards treatment with solvent based water repellent preservative
1984 - IRG/WP 3309
This paper discusses a solvent based preservative using PCP and a water repellent for preserving three species of timber commonly used in India for the manufacture of doors and windows. It examines the method of treatment to achieve desired levels of penetration and retention of the preservative-cum-water repellent, and tests made on these timbers to examine the success of the processing methods a...
V R Sonti, B Chatterjee
Quality of timber impregnated with preservatives of class AB
after three years in service
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20241
Quality of impregnated timber is most often expressed by penetration and retention of the preservative used. Relatively less information is available about the performance of the final product, e.g. decks, panels etc. regarding product’s surface checks, deformations and overall appearance. Together with the timber durability, the above mention features are of esthetical importance in the above g...
N Terziev
Effects of drying processes on termite feeding behaviour against Japanese larch wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10390
We investigated the effects of current drying schedules for larch lumbers on the termite feedings. Thermal analyses were also conducted to investigate degradation of wood components. Choice feeding tests showed specimens dried under high-temperature schedules were evidently susceptible against termite attacks. These schedules produced the feeding-attractants, which were suggested by the TGA result...
S Doi, Y Kurimoto, H Takiuchi, M Aoyama
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) measured during drying of impregnated timber
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50216
Discussion about drying of impregnated timber has taken place in the Nordic countries under eighties and nineties and goes on nowadays. The drying increase the value of production and the customer gets fewer problems when handles the timber. This introduces a positive attitude to the impregnation as a process and its products. Beside the important information about the advantages of impregnated ti...
N Terziev, V Djokic