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Your search resulted in 606 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Laboratory aquaria evaluation of CDDC (copper dimethyldithiocarbamate) against marine borers
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10262
The performance of CDDC (copper dimethyldithiocarbamate) and CCA (copper chrome arsenic) treated timber blocks was examined in a 1.5 year aquaria bioassay against the marine borers Limnoria tripunctata Menzies and Lyrodus pedicellatus (Quatrefages). Three timbers, southern yellow pine (SYP), Pinus radiata D. Don and Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell were treated with CDDC to retentions of 16, 32, 48 and...
L J Cookson, C R McIntyre, D Scown

Biological detoxification of wood treated with salt preservatives
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3717
The use of microorganisms that are capable to convert chemically fixed inorganic preservative complexes from impregnated wood waste into watersoluble components is investigated. A number of fungi were isolated from deteriorated and initially well-treated wood. They revealed an exceptionally high production of organic acids (pH 2). The fungi were identified and used together with others of the same...
I Stephan, R-D Peek

Remedial ground-line treatment of CCA poles in service. A final report after 60 months' testing
1989 - IRG/WP 3534
Remedial treatment of CCA treated utility poles of Pinus sylvestris with incipient decay was carried out in 1983 and the results of chemical and microbiological analyses 6 months after treatment were reported in Document No: IRG/WP/3388 while microbiological studies 12 and 28 months after treatment as well as chemical analyses of poles treated with boron rods or boric acid paste 28 months after tr...
B Henningsson, H Friis-Hansen, A Käärik, M-L Edlund

Inadequacies in preservative retention and formulation as contributory causes of premature failure of CCA-treated vineyard posts
1984 - IRG/WP 3280
Analyses of severely decayed or failed vineyard posts and examination of stake test data on effectiveness of copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) preservatives have suggested two contributory causes of premature failure of vineyard posts: 1. Preservative retentions in posts are such that after 15 years' exposure some decay is inevitable. 2. The high arsenic, low chrome formulations with which the...
M E Hedley

Leaching of active components from preservative-treated timber - Ongoing research: Status after approx. 4 months’ out-door exposure
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20276
The Danish Technological Institute is together with manufacturers of active ingredients and formulators of wood preservatives running a project aiming at finding realistic leaching rates from preservative treated wood in hazard class 3 (above ground). The project is focussed on developing a field trial method for investigating leaching. According to BPD hazard assessment has to be carried out f...
N Morsing

Adsorption of ACQ and CuMEA Wood Preservatives in Red pine
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30374
The rates of stabilization or fixation of ACQ subcomponents (CuO, DDAC and MEA) in red pine (Pinus resinosa) were compared for different solution concentrations (0.75%, 1.5%, 2.25% and 3% ACQ-D) and post treatment conditioning temperatures. Preservative solutions were impregnated into red pine sapwood by a full-cell treatment. Copper and MEA adsorptions from copper monoethanolamine solutions witho...
C Tascioglu, P A Cooper, Y T Ung

Tendency of the preservative use for impregnation industries in Japan
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-05
In Japan, since 1997, the acceptable limit of the arsenic in the waste water become to 0,1 mg/l and the additional regional severer restriction can be established. In this reason, Japanese wood preservation industries intend to use other than CCA, like DDAC, ACQ, Tanalith CuAz, copper-naphthate and zinc-naphthenate, as replacing from CCA. In Jan-June 1997, the share of CCA preservatives was less t...
K Suzuki

Field performance of novel antisapstain formulations
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30125
The effectiveness as antisapstain formulations of combinations of oxine copper (Cu-8), carbendazim, hexaconazole, cyproconazole, flusilazole, didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride (DDAC), an alkanolamine borate (SB), benzalkonium chloride (BAC), 2-n-octylisothiazolin -3-one (isothiazoline) and p-chlorophenyl-3-iodopropagilformal (CPIPF) was determined for freshly sawn, block-stacked radiata pine in th...
D R Eden, R N Wakeling, C M Chittenden, J G Van der Waals

A note on the distribution of copper-chrome-boric (CCB) along the culm length of freshly felled bamboo treated by modified Boucherie process
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40317
Preservative treatment of green and dry bamboo poses severe problems. A number of bamboo/ wood preservatives (Chemical formulations) for the destroying organism like fungi, borers and termites etc. In this paper we reported preliminary results of treatment of fresh green round bamboo attached with baranches by modified Boucheri process. Sample full length of an Indian species of bamboo Dendrocalam...
R Lal, C N Vani

A survey of the incidence of decay in copper-chrome-arsenate treated trellis support posts used in horticulture in New Zealand
1984 - IRG/WP 1225
Copper-chrom-arsenate treated softwood posts used as trellis support structures in 5 major horticultural districts of New Zealand were systematically examined for presence of decay. Principal crops on properties examined were grapes and kiwifruit; a minority of properties grew hops, boysenberries, and dwarf apples. Occurrence and severity of decay were variable within specific age classes of posts...
M E Hedley, J A Drysdale

Preservative treatment of different thatching materials for low cost housing
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40144
Preservative treatment were made in seven different roofing materials with Copper-Chrome-Boron (CCB) at different concentration by soaking process. These were paddy straw, wheat straw, jute stick, sungrass, ulu grass, sugercane leaf and Nipa fruticans. It was observed that retention of preservative chemicals varies from species to species at the same concentration. From the service test it was obs...
K Akhter, M Younusuzzaman, M H Chowdhury

International collaborative laboratory comparison of two wood preservatives against subterranean termites: Update
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20032
It was agreed by members at the termite workshop at the 24th annual meeting of IRG in Orlando, USA, in May 1993 to initiate an international subterranean termite laboratory bioassay to compare the various preferred termite protocols used by IRG termitologists. The author was nominated to co-ordinate this comparative laboratory evaluation of two wood preservatives (CCA and Cu-naphthenate) against t...
J R J French

Performance of preservative-treated timber against biodeterioration in Indian waters
1984 - IRG/WP 4106
Results on the investigation on the durability of panels of 32 timber species, pressure-treated with various preservatives and exposed along the Indian coast for varying periods upto a maximum of 15 years, are summarised. Panels of even non-durable timber gave excellent results against biodeterioration after treatment. Their life was comparable to that of treated durable timber. The preservative t...
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain, M C Tewari

Preservative treatment of Golpata (Nypa fruticans) using CCA (Chromated Copper Boric Acid)
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40131
Golpata (Nypa fruticans) leaves provide a cheap but practical source of roof thatches. This study was carried out to determine whether the life span of Golpata could be extended by using CCB (Chromated Copper Boric Acid) treatment. Both leaves and midribs of Golpata , with different moisture contents ranging 16.63% to 70.67%, at the start of the experiment were treated with four different concentr...
G N M Ilias, F Abdullah, M O Hannan, S M Feroz

Oxine copper (NYTEK® GD) for the control of mould and sapstain on lumber in North America
1989 - IRG/WP 3517
NYTEK® GD is a new, water-based, micro-dispersible formulation of oxine copper registered in the United States and Canada for control of mold and sapstain-causing fungi. NYTEK GD is noncorrosive and of low hazard to applicators and people handling treated lumber, when used according to the label. The product is an effective wood protectant applied as a dip or spray treatment at concentrations of ...
D F Myers, J M Fyler, C H Palmer, G D Rosebery

Tests with ammoniacal copper and alkyl ammonium compounds as wood preservatives
1984 - IRG/WP 3299
Formulations based on copper and alkyl ammonium compounds in ammonia solution have been tested in a fungus cellar on Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica. This type of products gives promising results as wood preservatives, especially on hardwood and are safe to destroy by e.g. combustion. The best results were achieved with a dialkyl ammonium compound, Cu/octyldecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (NH3)....
C-E Sundman

Lignin degradation by a non-enzymatic system supposed to be active in white rot fungi
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10340
Electron microscopic investigations have shown that ligninolytic enzymes of white-rot fungi are only able to penetrate the wood cell wall in late stages of degradation. Thus, the selective degradation of lignin of certain white-rot fungi can only be explained on the basis of a low molecular weight, highly diffusible system. A system, consisting of copper, a coordination compound and either H2O2 or...
P Lamaipis, W Gindl, T Watanabe, K Messner

Tolerance of Wood Decay Fungi to Commercial Copper Based Wood Preservatives
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30291
Due to the use of copper based preservatives like CCB or CCA for more than a century, copper tolerant fungi have appeared in some European countries in recent times. It is therefore important to find out whether this phenomenon is specific for only classical copper ingredients, or generally for all copper based formulation. Thus, we tested the tolerance of three commercial copper based pres...
F Pohleven, M Humar, S A Amartey, J Benedik

A laboratory study on effect of coating materials on leaching of copper from CCA treated wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50176
Components of CCA preservatives can leach into surrounding soil and water and have some effect on germination and growth of some plants. In this report, the effect of coating materials in reducing chemical concentration in the leachate were evaluated. Rubber wood blocks (Hevea brasiliensis) treated with CCA were fixed at room temperature at high humidity. After air dried, they were painted with co...
A Veenin, T Veenin

Surface accumulation of copper on CCA-impregnated Pinus patula stakes during marine preservative trials in the southern hemisphere
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4181
Pinus patula stakes treated with CCA to target retentions of 30 kg/m³ salts were exposed to sea water in marine and estuarine ecosystems off the coast of Southern Africa for two years. Samples were then analysed for copper and arsenic. Analysis of samples from the marine ecosystem showed (IRG/WP/4167) that arsenic was longitudinally and transversely leached from the wood, whereas the copper was r...
G D Shelver, C D McQuaid, M Tarin, A A W Baecker

The effect of composition on the effectiveness and fixation of CCA and copper/chrome preservatives. Part 1: Effectiveness. Part 2: Selective absorption and fixation
1973 - IRG/WP 324
A preliminary study of a wide range of copper-chrome-arsenic formulations indicates that the most effective are in the region, CuSO4 · 5H2O - 35 to 45 per cent; K2Cr2O7 - 40 per cent and above; As2O5 · 2H2O - 25 to 15 per cent or less. Effectiveness appears to depend more on the copper content than the copper - arsenic. Observations on selective absorption and leaching suggest that the chromium ...
D N R Smith, A I Williams

The effect of pretreatments on the impregnation of air-dried sawn Belgian spruce
1988 - IRG/WP 3490
In general the impregnation of airdried spruce results in a variable treatment and limited penetration. This is the result of pit aspiration that occurs during drying of the spruce sapwood and heartwood. Spruce timber is becoming of greater importance in Belgium and hence research for better treatment of this vulnerable wood species is needed. Squared airdried timber of different dimensions were e...
J Van Acker, M Stevens

Water-Borne Copper Naphthenate: An Emerging Wood Preservative
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30280
Waterborne copper naphthenate (WB Cu-N) was used to treat southern yellow pine (Pinus spp) and red maple (Acer rubrum) stakes. The treated stakes were exposed in test sites located in Florida, Michigan and Mississippi for 3 to 6 years. Copper Chromium Arsenate (CCA), Ammoniacal Copper Quat (ACQ) and Oil-borne Copper Naphthenate (OB Cu-N) were also used to treat some stakes for comparison. Results...
P Nzokou, D P Kamdem, M H Freeman

Development of a model system to assess the efficacy and environmental impact of a chromated fluoride remedial treatment for creosoted distribution poles
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2395
A closed model system was designed to facilitate a controlled study of the leachability and environmental fate of a remedial preservative under laboratory conditions. The elements of the model include a precipitation apparatus above a treated pole section which is positioned in a representative soil profile supporting a sward of perennial ryegrass. The model will allow detailed examination of the ...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, B King

Diffusion of chromium and fluoride in Rentex treated creosoted pole sections
1991 - IRG/WP 3659
A chromated fluoride preservative was applied by injection to the groundline regions of creosoted distribution pole sections and these were erected at a filed site in Scotland. Wood samples were recovered for chemical analysis at one week, two, five and twelve months after treatment. Small sample mass and destructive nature of the analysis necessitated modification of an alkali fusion technique to...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, B King, H J Staines

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