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Your search resulted in 3435 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Modified Wood – Methods, testing and applications: Outcomes of the EU-Thematic Network
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40268
In the last decade, interest in the development of wood modification systems has increased in Europe. Alongside several industrial initiatives for heat treatments, there have also been scaling up and pilot plant projects for chemical wood modification. Between 2000 and 2003, the European Commission funded the "Thematic Network on Wood Modification". This paper will feature the modification process...
D Jones, W Homan, J Van Acker

Fixation of copper-chrome-arsenic treated timber: A comparison of leaching methodologies
1996 - IRG/WP 96-50075
Five packs of kiln dried radiata pine heartwood were treated with copper-chrome-arsenic preservative treated, utilising a modified Bethell treatment schedule. Two methods of determining the level of preservative fixation were compared. These included the diphenylcarbazide method and simulated rainfall testing. The fixation levels were generally higher for tests involving simulated rain leaching. F...
S Walley, P R S Cobham, P Vinden

Wood preservation using furanones derived from marine algae
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10506
Halogenated furanones that are analogues of natural compounds extracted from the red seaweed Delisea pulchra were examined in the laboratory for activity against termites and decay fungi. The furanones were found to have broad spectrum activity, some with solution strengths of 0.01% controlling Coptotermes acinaciformis in a filter paper trial, while 2% solutions impregnated into Pinus radiata blo...
L J Cookson, R de Nys, P Steinberg, N Chew

Leaching characteristics, decay and termite resistance of treated wood with boron compounds, N'-N-(1,8-Naphthalyl) hydroxylamine (NHA-Na), and hydroxynaphthalimide (NHA-H)
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30307
Despite many advantages of boron wood preservatives, boron itself does not adequately protect wood in ground contact and exterior applications because its natural diffusibility and susceptibility to leaching. As a result of previous studies to limit or decrease boron leaching, several fixation systems have been developed. In this study, we evaluated the effects of N'-N-(1, 8-Naphthalyl) h...
S N Kartal, Y Imamura

Selective chromate elimination from the storage-drainage-water of a wood impregnation plant
1980 - IRG/WP 3153
With the Enviro-Chrom-Ex process it is possible to eliminate ecologically and economically hexavalent chromium (chromate) from water selectively. The process which is based on the principle of selective ion exchange works with different chromate concentrations and under the presence of other ions, irrespective of the water hardness. The values of water-offtake reach 0.1 mg CrVI at maximum, causing...
O Wälchli, R Ott, R Hugener, E Graf, B Lieberherr

Hygroscopicity of decayed wood - Implications for weight loss determinations
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20085
Hygroscopicity changes were observed in red maple blocks subjected to brown rot, white rot and soft rot. Brown rot reduced hygroscopicity, soft rot increased hygroscopicity, and white rot showed only a very slight increase in hygroscopicity. The effect of these changes on weight loss tests is a slight overestimation of weight loss for brown rot and a slight underestimation for soft rot and white r...
S E Anagnost, W B Smith

Relative performance of copper/chrome/boron (CCB) and copper/chrome/arsenate (CCA) in ground contact
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3694
The performance of four retentions each of an oxide CCA formulation and a salt formulation of CCB in radiata pine and European beech was compared after 18 years' field exposure. In radiata pine CCA oxide was more effective (4 failures out of 40) than CCB (9 failures out of 40). However, in European beech CCB was substantially more effective (22 failures) than CCA oxide (all failed). Analy...
M E Hedley

The natural durability of wood in different use classes
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10457
The natural durability of important European wood species has been tested on 3970 specimen in field trials. The wood was exposed at five test fields in Germany with different climates at each site in European hazard class 4 and 3 (with and without soil contact). Within EHC 3 it was distinguished between tree different expositions (end grain sheltered, unsheltered and with water trap). The test is...
U Augusta, A O Rapp

A light and electron microscopic study of decayed CCA-treated radiata pine (Pinus radiata) wood from a cooling tower
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10056
An inspection of an industrial cooling tower in New Zealand showed surface decay of 12 year old Pinus radiata wood panels treated with CCA preservative to a retention of around 15 kg/m³ of salt. Wood decay micromorphology typical of that caused by soft rot fungi, white rot fungi, 'stripy' and 'v-shaped' erosion bacteria and cavitation bacteria were all commonly...
A P Singh, R N Wakeling, D R Page

A method for the preliminary assessment of timbers for their treatability with preservatives under pressure
1977 - IRG/WP 3100
President Maurice Fougerousse has provided the following references to a IUFRO report, published in English, French and German, which may be of interest to IRG members: 'A method for the preliminary assessment of timbers for their treatability with preservatives under pressure', PANS Vol 23, No 2, 153 158, June 1977. 'Une methode d'evaluation preliminaire de l...
M Fougerousse

Microbial decay of an archaeological wood
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10053
A light and transmission electron microscopic investigation of an archaeological wood was undertaken to determine the cause of its deterioration. The wood came from a bulwark constructed in early 1100 in the lake Tingstäde Träsk on the island Gotland in Sweden. The samples of the wood, which was identified as Pinus sylvestris, were taken from a depth of 0.85 m below the bottom level. The wood wa...
A P Singh, T Nilsson, G F Daniel

Termite-tunnels formation on the surface of termite-resistant wood species in field sites
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10400
In this report, termite-tunnels formation by the subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki on the surface of termite-resistant wood species, namely, Hinoki (Chamaecyparis abtsu), Yoshino Hinoki (Chamaecyparis abtsu), Miyazaki Hinoki (Chamaecyparis abtsu), Hiba (Chamaecyparis abtsu) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) was conducted in field sites. Westernhemlock (Tsuga heterophylla...
Y Kadekaru, K Kinjo, S Yaga

Transformation of Ophiostoma picea and Trichoderma harzianum with green fluorescent protein (GFP)
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10477
While microbial colonization of wood is presumed to be characterized by a myriad of interactions between numerous organisms, studying these processes is often difficult owing to the opaque nature of the wood and the inability to readily distinguish among the many species colonizing the material. One method for enhancing the ability to distinguish organisms is to induce specific proteins in one or ...
Ying Xiao, L M Ciuffetti, J J Morrell

Behavioural and morphological adaptations to tidal inundation in the adult wood boring weevil Pselactus spadix Herbst
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10308
Pselactus spadix tunnels wood in the mid intertidal to high intertidal zones and is submersed for several hours with each tide. The submergence and subsequent recovery behaviour, together with sub elytral morphology of P. spadix was investigated and compared to a terrestrial wood borer of the same subfamily Euophryum confine. An investigation of adult activity following submersion in seawater show...
P Oevering, A J Pitman

Resistance of painted wood to mould fungi. Part 3. The effect of weathering, wood substrate and fungicides on mould growth
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10284
The effect of 6 month outdoor weathering on the resistance of acrylate paint systems on different types of pine and spruce sapwood to mould fungi was studied. Dipping into the preservative prior to painting, a primer with and without a fungicide (propiconazole + IPBC 0.50 + 0.2%) and a topcoat with and without a fungicide (propiconazole + IPBC 0.25 + 0.12%) were combinations of the treatments stud...
H Viitanen, P Ahola

Strength properties of preservative treated pine and spruce wood after super-heated steaming
1984 - IRG/WP 3313
Possible changes of strength properties of CCF pressure impregnated pine and spruce with subsequent steaming at 110°C respective 120°C for 30 min were examined. For spruce analysis of variance indicated that none of the processes had a significant effect on bending strength, compression strength and the corresponding modulus of elasticity as well as on impact bending strength and shear strength ...
R-D Peek

Soft rot decay in acetylated wood. Chemical and anatomical changes in decayed wood
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40231
Acetylated Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood were studied in soil beds under laboratory conditions for longer periods. High mass losses and dynamic MOE losses were measured in non-acetylated wood and at lower weight percent gains (WPG). Rapid losses of lignin, holocellulose and ?-cellulose occurred in non-acetylated beech wood and no losses were detected at the highest...
B Mohebby, H Militz

Efficiency of wood impregnation processes
1980 - IRG/WP 3151
Many wood impregnation processes have been in use for a very long time, up to 150 years, but they have not been progressively modified. This paper considers impregnation processes in relation to current requirements, particularly impregnation efficiency and energy consumption. The term 'pore' is used throughout in its physical sense and is not confined to botanical 'pore...
B A Richardson

Microscopic characteristics of microbial attacks of CCA-treated radiata pine wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10011
Light and electron microscopic observations were made of CCA-treated radiata timbers, which had been placed in service in a vineyard soil as supporting poles and as part of a house pile, to determine the cause of their deterioration. The house pile had failed in service after between 9 and 13 years and was of particular interest because decay was more severe in deeper regions than at the surface a...
A P Singh, R N Wakeling

Blue Stain Testing of Alkyd and Acrylic Stains
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20273
Resistance against blue stain of semi-transparent alkyd and acrylic stains was tested by both EN 152 and the so-called reverse exposure test methods. Comparison of the results, obtained by both methods was the most important aim of this study. As expected, performance of the water-borne acrylic paint was lower compared to protective effectiveness of the alkyd stain. This difference was even more p...
M Petric, M Pavlic, B Kricej, M Humar, F Pohleven

Rapid analysis - chances and limitations
1999 - IRG/WP 99-50130
The reuse of wood out of service in the particle board industry demands a proper handling and separation of assortments with differing content and nature of preservative. A pre-selection based on visual and olfactorial characteristics can be carried out for certain assortments like sleepers, poles, etc. Problems arise from diffuse and less intensive treated wood which is regularly dip-treated or b...
A Peylo, R-D Peek

Use of wood-decay fungi for disposal of PCP-treated wood
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-33
Although PCP has been classified as a priority pollutant, PCP-treated wood products are currently allowed to be disposed of as ordinary solid (non-hazardous) wastes in the US. Non-regulated disposal of these materials is allowed because PCP concentrations in extracts from PCP-treated products such as utility poles and crossarms, determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) h...
R T Lamar

Effect of wood species on decomposition efficiency of metham sodium
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3699
The effect of wood species and temperature on efficiency of metham sodium (32.1% sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate) decomposition to methylisothiocyanate (MITC) was investigated on 10 hardwoods and 9 conifers over a 144 hour period. Gas chromatographic analyses of headspace samples and ethyl acetate extracts of the wood revealed that decomposition never approached the theoretical decomposition effici...
J J Morrell

The full guideline for the “double layer test method” - A field test method for determining the durability of wood out of ground
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20290
This guideline describes a test method for wood to be exposed to the weather out of ground contact. The main objective of the method is to evaluate the durability of wood in above ground exposure as shifted overlaid stakes, which form the so called double layer. The method is applicable to the testing of untreated, treated and modified wood. Initially it was developed and found to be most useful ...
A O Rapp, U Augusta

Vertical distribution of fouling and wood-boring organisms in the Trondheimsfjord (Western Norway)
1981 - IRG/WP 476
Results of a detailed study on the vertical distribution of fouling and wood-boring organisme of Trondheimefjord at an interval of 3 m from intertidal level to a depth of 30 m, has been presented, based on data collected from two series of panels, exposed from 15-3-1977 to 15-7-1977 (Series I) and from 22-7-1977 to 13-3-1978 (Series II). The intensity of fouling generally decreased with increasing...
L N Santhakumaran

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