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Your search resulted in 494 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Effects of intumescent formulation of vinyl acetate-based coating on flame-retardancy of thin painted red lauan (Parashorea spp.) plywood
2011 - IRG/WP 10-40537
Using intumescent coatings on wood-based materials is an effective method for fire safety. The intumescent coatings consist of four major components: (1) binder resin (BR), (2) carbonizing substance (CS), (3) foam producing substance (FPS) and (4) dehydrating agent (DA). Previous studies have demonstrated that the formulation of the four components strongly influences the performance of coatings. ...
Chih-Shen Chuang, Kuang-Chung Tsai, Te-Hsin Yang, Ming-Kuang Wang, Chun-Han Ko

Increased sustainability for wood construction by recycling
2011 - IRG/WP 10-50275
Wood is the only renewable and certified industrially available construction material that has also unique opportunities as carbon storing, energy-independent and generally approved resource. However, if burning into energy is not counted, there are only few viable and competitive solutions for re-use or recycling of various wood products. The biggest challenge related to recycling of wood product...
H Heräjärvi, I Pirhonen, T Räty, P Saukkola

Influence of wood swelling agents on penetration and copper leaching of copper-ethanolamine based wood preservatives
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30556
Copper ethanolamine based preservatives are currently the most important solutions for impregnation of wood in ground contact in Europe. One of the issues related to those and similar water based solutions is insufficient penetration to refractory wood species like Norway spruce. In order to elucidate this issue, commercial copper ethanolamine based solution was supplemented with five different wo...
M Humar, N Thaler, B Lesar

The case for using borates in termite control in tropical Australia
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30573
A brief historical overview of boron based wood preservatives efficacy against subterranean termite management worldwide, and in Australia, is presented. The boron based compounds to be used in H2 hazard conditions, may be applied as a surface treatment by dip, flood coat or spray, and rapidly penetrates to the centre of timber substrates, whether containing sapwood or heartwood. However, section ...
B M Ahmed (Shiday), J R J French

Effectiveness of Water Based Bentonite-Borate Slurry for In-situ Remedial Protection of Historic Wooden Piles: The Eurobor Protocol, Part 2
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30574
The study of the biocide product Eurobor®, water mixture of boric acid, borax and sodium bentonite, aimed to verify previous findings regarding borates penetration from a clay-water mixture of foundation timber. The product was applied on samples from 100 year old timber foundation from the city of Göteborg. Although in ground for this long the timber was in acceptable god condition due to groun...
M. Theorin, K. Fimmerstad, K-M. Bandh

The potential of silicone-based formulations to enhance wood properties through industrial treatment for outdoor use
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30578
High hygroscopicity is one of the main weaknesses of wood as far as its susceptibility to biodegradation, and specifically to fungal decay. New wood preservation technologies are constantly entering the wood protection market, competing with traditional, biocide-based preservation. Silicones are commercially used as hydrophobic agents on stones and concrete. They belong to the restricted number of...
F Simon, F Marchal, F Pochon, M Kutnik, I Le Bayon

Thermally modified timber (TMT) for decking applications – determination of relevant surface properties
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40544
In recent years thermally modified timber (TMT) entered various market segments. It is used for facades, horticultural equipment, garden furniture, and also for kitchen and bathroom cabinets. However, flooring turned out to be the most important application for TMT, either as interior parquet or as exterior decking. Besides durability and dimensional stability, which had been the initial target pr...
L Meyer, C Brischke, C R Welzbacher

Implementation of a Quality Assurance System for thermally modified timber (TMT) by the Association of Central European TMT-Producers
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40558
Due to increasing market shares of thermally modified timber (TMT) in Europe, a working group of ten central European TMT manufacturers (TMT-WG) was founded in 2010 to cover public relations and marketing activities. Since the present level of product testing and property declaration was not satisfying, a “task group TMT-quality” was put into action in 2010 to develop a comprehensive quality a...
C R Welzbacher, W Scheiding

Evaluation effect of kiln schedule on Warp, Twist, Bow and surface checks in Poplar Wood
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40565
In this research, to establish a kiln-drying schedule for poplar (Populus nigra) lumber with 75 mm thickness that cut down from North Khorasan province in Iran, with three schedules T5-D2 (Forest Product Laboratory), T5-D3 and T8-D5 were adapted for drying the lumbers down to the final moisture content of 8±2%. primary dry bulb temperature each three schedules was adjusted at 49,49 and 54°C and ...
M. Akhtari, M.Arefkhani

Limited variability in biological durability of thermally modified timber using vacuum based technology
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40567
The SmartHeat® thermal timber treatment is a new technology based on the process parameters being steered very precisely mainly due to the vacuum applied and heating system involved. Timber treated with this technology shows a potential for less variability of biological durability in one batch. Several batch treatments were sampled and assessed on statistical variability of decay resistance agai...
J Van Acker, S Michon, J Van den Bulcke, I De Windt, B Van Swaay, M Stevens

Moisture performance based wood durability testing
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20495
In the frame of a scientific cooperation within the Swedish research program ‘WoodBuild’ comparative field and laboratory durability studies have been carried out by the Technical Research Institute of Sweden SP and Leibniz University Hannover. One objective was to improve test methods as well as evaluation systems in order to facilitate the use of (field) testing for service life prediction. ...
L Meyer, C Brischke, A Pilgård

Mold Control for Treated Lumber in Block-Stack Storage Conditions
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30588
The mold development and control for freshly treated and block-stacked wood have been evaluated using a green house mold testing method. The results for the mold resistance of several commonly used water boron preservative treatment systems, such as ACQ, Copper Azole, and borates with and without inclusion of mold inhibitors are presented. The data suggest that the different preservative treatme...
L Jin, P Walcheski, A Preston

Thiacloprid as a glueline termiticide for veneer based wood products
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30592
Thiacloprid is an insecticide commonly used in the agricultural industry. No evidence of its commercial use in wood has been discovered by the authors. Results are reported for veneer based wood products treated with thiacloprid via the glueline. Thiacloprid was tested against Coptotermes acinaciformis following the brick assembly technique as described in the Australasian Wood Preservation Com...
K Day, A Siraa, P Lobb

Glueline fungicides in veneer based engineered wood products - results from laboratory work for the H1.2 hazard class in New Zealand
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30593
The use of glueline insecticides in plywood and laminated veneer lumber is commonplace in several countries. However, few glueline fungicides are registered for commercial use with previous work suggesting that achieving control of decay from the glueline is very challenging. This paper summarises two tests completed on Pinus radiata plywood with a new glueline fungicide comprising the active in...
A Siraa, K Day, P Lobb

Termite resistance of copper-based preservative supplemented aspen strandboards
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30594
Termite resistance of aspen strandboards treated with various copper-based preservative systems was evaluated in field exposure tests. Five copper-based chemicals or zinc borate were blended into aspen furnish at three retention levels prior to pressing. Tebuconazole or 4,5-dichloro-2-N-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (DCOI) were added as co-biocides to selected copper-based treatments. Sections from...
J J Morrell, C Vidrine, A Preston, L Jin

Influence of heat treatment intensity on the structural integrity of 14 timber species
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40586
Thermally modified timber (TMT) is characterized by improved durability and dimensionally stability, but strength properties, especially the dynamic ones, are compromised at the same time. Because dynamic standard tests require high efforts and time, the high-energy multiple impact (HEMI) –test was developed for the fast and reliable characterisation of the structural integrity of TMT, showing a...
C R Welzbacher, C Brischke, G Maier

Comparison of exterior performance of two coating systems based polyurethane applied Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea orientalis L. wood
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40588
Some surface changes in sapwood and heartwood of two species before applying clear-coating were characterized after accelerated weathering time. Wood specimens covered with two types polyurethane (PU) films were also observed in accelerated weathering exposure. In this study, changes on the wood surface were compared of between wood specimens covered with two types polyurethane (PU) films after ir...
Ö Özgenç, Û Cafer Yıldız

Biodegration of treated wood waste by native fungal communities of tropical soil in French Guiana
2012 - IRG/WP 12-50285
Woods have been protected with fungicides for a long time, and the effects of these fungicides on soil after being leached into the ground have turned out to be a true environmental issue. It is in this perspective that we are proposing to study fungal communities of these contaminated woods in a purpose of bioremediation. Most of precedent studies have focused on ability of some Basidiomycetes an...
A Zaremski, L Gastonguay, C Zaremski, F Chaffannel, J Beauchêne, G LeFloch

Scale-up of a chemical process for copper-based preservative-treated wood wastes recycling
2012 - IRG/WP 12-50286
In recent years, the development of appropriate wood waste disposal options has been encouraged by severe regulations and expensive fees associated with wastes landfilling or burning. An efficient and economically attractive leaching process was developed at laboratory scale (200 mL) for CCA-, ACQ- and CA-treated wood wastes recycling. This leaching process consisted of three leaching steps of 2 h...
L Coudert, L Gastonguay, J F Blais, G Mercier, P Cooper, P Morris, A Janin, N Reynier

Succession after Fire of Fungal Fruiting Bodies in Mediterranean Pinus pinaster Stands in Spain
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10789
In this study we present the results of a 4-year survey aimed at describing the succession of fungal communities following fire in a Mediterranean ecosystem in Northwest Spain, dominated by Pinus pinaster Ait. After a large wildfire in 2002, six 2 x 50 m study plots were established in burned and unburned areas corresponding to early and late succession stages. During the autumn seasons from 2003 ...
P Vásquez Gassibe, M Hernández-Rodriguez, R Fraile Fabero, J A Oria-De-Rueda, P Martín-Pinto

Mould growth on wood-based materials – a simulated in-service study
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20503
Ten different wood-based materials including preservative-treated wood, fire retardant-treated wood, modified wood, WPCs and untreated references of pine sapwood and spruce were placed in three different environments (an attic and two crawl spaces) for a period of 26 months. Mould growth was analysed at five to seven month intervals in an effort to map the growth development. The relative humidit...
G Bok, P Johansson, J Jermer

Triazole – based ionic liquids to protect of lignocellulosic materials against fungi
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30601
In presented paper we examined on biotic properties of novel structure of tebuconazole derivatieves: tebuconazole hydrochloride, allyltebuconazole chloride, methyltebuconazole iodide, tebuconazole dihydrocitrate. Our investigation against wood-degrading fungi were contained also the didecyldimethylammonium 3-aminotriazolate as well as didecyldime-thylammonium nitrate(V) with tebuconazole or wit...
J Zabielska-Matejuk, J Pernak, I Frąckowiak, A Stangierska, W Przybylska, M Kot

Development of a quality control assessment method to predict properties of heat treated wood
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40611
Heat treatment has been used to improve properties of non durable European species. Chemical modification of some of the wood components provides improved dimensional stability and biological performance against decay fungi while mechanical properties such as modulus of rupture are reduced. Quality control of commercially made thermally treated wood is one of the major challenges to allow its indu...
M Chaouch, K Candelier, S Dumarcay, A Pétrissans, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin

Wood-leather panels – A biological, fire retardant building material
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40615
The poor flame retardant properties of wood-based products are among the severest obstacles, hindering its use in the commercial building sector. Recently, some attempts to improve the fire properties, relying on inflammable salts or reactive halogen compounds, have been presented, although they either cause problems with machining or embody harmful compounds (halogen derivates). In this paper, ...
S Wieland, U Stöckl, T Grünewald, S Ostrowski, A Petutschnigg

Focus on the European standardization - Towards a revision of the EN 350 natural durability standard: a different approach to the inherent resistance and performance of wood and wood-based materials
2013 - IRG 13-10811
The European standard EN 350 “Natural durability of solid wood”, Parts 1 and 2, is one of the fundamental standards developed by the CEN/TC 38 “Durability of wood and wood-based products”. This standard is widely used by wood industries as the reference document which provides information on the resistance of wood species used in mainly the construction sector against decay fungi, wood-bor...
M Kutnik

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