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Your search resulted in 940 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Laboratory and field evaluations of a novel formulation, BAM as an anti-sapstain agent
1991 - IRG/WP 3639
A novel anti-sapstain formulation, BAM, consisting of 2-(thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole (TCMTB) and methylene bis thiocyanate (MBT) was evaluated for ist anti-sapstain performance in the laboratory and in the field as well. BAM proved effective in controlling the growth of molds and a sapstaining fungus in the standardized Japan Wood Preserving Association (JWPA) tests. All the test fungi coul...
Y Nomura

A comparison between different accelerated test methods for the determination of the natural durability of wood
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20099
According to the European standard EN 350-1 the natural durability of wood is defined as: "the inherent resistance of wood to attack by wood destroying organisms". This standard also describes how, for certain hazard classes, the durability is determined. The two methods described in this standard are the kolleflask method (EN 113) and the field-stake-test method (EN 252). The EN 113 test gives re...
H Militz, S G L Michon, J E Polman, M Stevens

An evaluation of the efficacy of a chlorothalonil formulation and a chlorothalonil plus chlorpyrifos formulation in the field
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30005
Details on the treatment of Pinus radiata D. Don and Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. sapwood specimens to three retentions of each of two preservative formulations (chlorothalonil in oil; chlorothalonil plus chlorpyrifos in oil) and their installation below ground at three field test sites in Australia are given. Specimens were treated with each formulation to achieve 3.2, 6.4 and 12.8 kg/m³ of chlo...
J W Creffield, N Chew

Field trials of Sinesto B at some sawmills in Portugal
1989 - IRG/WP 3512
The efficacy of SINESTO B as antistain chemical for use in Portugal has been studied. The studies were done during the years 1987-1988 at several Portuguese sawmills in co-operation with the Instituto dos Produtos Florestais and the APCIM (Associacao Portuguesa de Comercio e Industria de Madeiras). SINESTO B was used in 5% and 8% concentrations. The storage time varied from 10 weeks to 6 months. I...
I A Linderborg

Evaluation of a new anti-sapstain formulation
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30035
A new anti-sapstain mixture, which consists of 2% IPBC (3-iodo-2-propynylbutyl carbamate) and 1.5% DCOI (4,5-dichloro-2-n-octylisothiazolin-3-one), was evaluated by three methods in the laboratory. A standardized test (JWPA standard 2) demonstrated that the new anti-sapstain formulation was highly effective in controlling growth of monocultures of five test fungi on wood substrate. When exposed to...
K Tsunoda, H Kumagai, M Sakurai

Field evaluation determining the toxic effect and diffusion properties of Impel, Improsol and TBTO-capsules in L-joints (spruce) for pretreatment application
1991 - IRG/WP 3641
Bonded joints (L-joints and T-joints) are especially at risk from water absorption (rain, condensation) over bare, unprotected radial wood surfaces (joggle joints). It is therefore quite certain that lasting protection against fungi attack cannot be guaranteed in the long term if the surface of coating is damaged. Therefore, in a field investigation, using L-joints (spruce) over a total period of ...
R Gründlinger, K Messner, O Janotta

Field and greenhouse testing of window joinery of pine and spruce treated with LOSP
1991 - IRG/WP 3658
Norwegian window frame components of full size were double vacuum-treated with TBTN and TBTO, and connected as 'L-joints' and subsequently coated with stains. The corner sections were exposed (out of ground contact) both in field (temperated coastal climate, Taastrup, Denmark) and in a greenhouse (Uppsala, Sweden). The window frame L-joints of spruce (Picea abies Karst.) - treate...
F G Evans, B Henningsson, E Borsholt

Kerfing reduces checking in ACA-treated western white spruce poles
1988 - IRG/WP 3477
Western white spruce poles, pressure treated with pentachlorophenol and ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA) were installed in the Westham Island test site. The pentachlorophenol treated poles were unkerfed, while both unkerfed and kerfed ACA poles were placed in test. The checking and kerf width and depth were recorded at the time of installation. After ten years of weathering the checking characteri...
J N R Ruddick

Comparison of performance of wood preservatives in laboratory and field tests of treated commodities
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20010
The purpose of laboratory tests for evaluating efficacy of wood preservatives is usually to establish toxic values against standard strains of wood decay fungi. Exposure conditions are usually chosen as optimal for fungal growth. Toxic values so determined serve as a guide as to expected performance of the preservative in field stake tests or in above ground exposure tests. Test material is select...
M E Hedley

Termite resistance of Malaysian and exotic woods with plantation potential: Field evaluation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10289
An in-ground resistance of selected Malaysian and exotic timbers to attack by a representative aggressive subterranean Coptotermes termite was evaluated as part of an on-going collaborative research between the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia and the University of Hawaii on termite control of building timbers under humid tropical conditions. A test site at FRIM, highly susceptible to the sub...
A H H Wong, J K Grace, L H Kirton

Soil termiticides: A review of efficacy data from field tests
1987 - IRG/WP 1323
This paper reports efficacy data from the field evaluation of various soil termiticides by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Gulfport, Mississippi. These chemicals, which include a number of chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphate, pyrethroid, and carbamate insecticides in a range of concentrations, have been in long-term tests at seven field sites. Data are reported for the gro...
J K Mauldin, S C Jones, R H Beal

Field evaluation of the above-ground susceptibility of Pinus heartwood and untreated or treated sapwood to two species of Australian subterranean termites
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10147
Plantation-grown Pinus elliottii, Pinus caribaea and Pinus radiata specimens containing heartwood and untreated or preservative-treated sapwood were exposed above ground to the subterranean termites Coptotermes acinaciformis or Mastotermes darwiniensis near Sydney (NSW), Brisbane and Townsville (Qld), and Darwin (NT), using a variety of exposure techniques. Heartwood of Pinus elliottii and Pinus c...
M J Kennedy, J W Creffield, R H Eldridge, B C Peters

Facility for Conducting Field Tests on Coptotermes formosanus at LSU Agricultural Center
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20274
Efforts by Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSU AgCenter) and Mississippi State University (MSU) research scientists, to conduct cooperative research on C. formosanus and other wood-related topics, have led to establishing an FST field test site at the LSU Agricultural Center Citrus Research Experiment Station, Port Sulfur, Louisiana. A minimum of 32 termite colonies will be establi...
W R Smith, T L Amburgey, G Henderson, D R Ring

A soil-less test of treated wood
1978 - IRG/WP 2105
The objective of this work is to devise an accelerated test for preservatives to be used in places away from soil contact. There may be compounds or mixtures which will protect wood or wood derived materials from decay in such articles as sash and doors, boardwalks, steps, laminated arches and the like, and possess properties that make them preferable to the heavy-duty preservatives used for poles...
E A Behr

Lab and field test results for wood treated with polymeric alkylphenol polysulfide
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30268
A new wood preservative based on polymeric alkyphenol polysulfide (PXTS-A) is being evaluated in a series of laboratory and field tests and the results continue to show promise. A modified formulation (PXTS-B), which contains additives to reduce the viscosity, is being evaluated along with the original formulation. Soil block decay tests comparing PXTS-B with CCA-C indicate that PXTS-B is equally ...
J Goswami, A Abramson, R Buff, D D Nicholas, T Schultz

Relative merits of laboratory and field tests for assessing wood decay resistance
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20009
Laboratory and field trials have long been employed for assessing natural durability of a variety of wood species, but there is a continuing debate concerning the relative merits of approach. While laboratory tests provide carefully controlled conditions for decay, they are often criticized for being too artificial to produce meaningful results. Conversely, field trials often vary widely between t...
T C Scheffer, J J Morrell

Termite physical barriers: Update on retrofitting Granitgard around 'mock up' buildings after four years
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10140
This field experiment was installed four years ago (March 1992) to evaluate the effectiveness of graded crushed granite stone, commercially marketed under the name, Granitgard, as a physical termite barrier when retrofitted around 'mock-up' buildings. The field site is located at Walpeup in the semi-arid mallee region of north-west Victoria (360 km from Melbourne), and there are ...
B M Ahmed, J R J French

Field tests with Antiblue and Biocide TT for the prevention of sapstain and mould fungi on Pinus elliottii timber
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3682
Freshly cut and sawn Pinus elliottii timber was dipped in four concentrations of Antiblue (active ingredient sodium pentachlorophenate) and Biucide TT (local substitute), at four immersion times and stacked in the open at Chisengu sawmill. Five weeks later, the timber was assessed for the incidence and intensity of stain and mould. The results showed that Antiblue was the better chemical providing...
A J Masuka

The evaluation of the effectiveness of wood preservatives by means of IUFRO's method for field tests with wooden stakes
1985 - IRG/WP 3348
Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus saligna stakes treated with CCA-A, CCA-C, CCB, Cashew Nut Shell Oil and Benzotar solutions were exposed in seven test sites in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. After five years of exposure, between oil-borne preservatives Benzotar show better performance than CNSL (cashew nut shell liquid), and within waterborne preservatives the performance of CCB is not so good as that of ...
G A C Lopez, A M F Oliveira, E S Lepage

Results on field stake tests against termite – Maximum for 8 years examination at Kumamoto in Japan
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10463
Various preservative treated or modified wood and charcoal painting stakes were tested in field, maximum for eight years in Kumamoto, distributed two main termite species, Coptotermes formosanus and Reticulitermes speratus. After two years in field, untreated sapwood of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) were observed severe attacks by termites, but the preservative treated stakes were observed no signif...
K Suzuki

A field test with anti-stain chemicals on sawn pine timber in Brazil
1989 - IRG/WP 3513
Field tests were carried out in São Paulo State - Brazil, to evaluate pre-treatment formulations of O-Phenyl-Phenol (OPP) based products. The Sodium Pentachlorophenate solution was used as a reference formulation. The treated test blocks were stacked in a covered shed, and in an uncovered place for air drying. The evaluation was done by measuring the percentage of stained surface on each test blo...
M B B Monteiro, S Brazolin

Artificial weathering as an aid to assessing the effectiveness of chemicals for preventing blue stain in service - a co-operative study
1984 - IRG/WP 2215
The paper reports co-operative studies carried out within Working Group II of the International Research Group on Wood Preservation to assess the effects of different artificial weathering systems on the performance of fungicides to control blue-stain in service. It has been shown that Atlas, Xenotest and Marr equipments operated according to particular standard schedules can give essentially the ...
A F Bravery, D J Dickinson

Co-operative research project on L-joint testing. Progress report to March 1985
1985 - IRG/WP 2236
It was originally intended that each participant would expose L-joints in the main trial on 1 April 1983 with the first sampling at 8 months (1 December 1983) and the second sampling at 18 months (1 October 1984). In the event, some participants have had to vary this schedule. Results after the first sampling have been received from CTFT (8 months), BAM (12 months) and Sipad-IRC (8 months) and aft...
J K Carey, A F Bravery

Natural durability of larch heartwood against decay
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10201
Larch heartwood has been promoted in Sweden and in other European countries as an alternative to preservative treated timber. It has even beeen stated that larch heartwood is more durable than preservative treated timber. This paper presents a compilation of facts from scientific reports on the durability of larch heartwood. Some recent data from this department are also reported. All data suggest...
T Nilsson

Silafluofen: Novel chemistry and versatility for termite control
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30069
A novel silicon - containing insectizide, HOE 084498 ('Silafluofen'), with a favourable toxicological profile, has shown activity against a broad spectrum of agricultural and environmental health pests. Results from laboratory and field studies around the world have demonstrated that silafluofen is effective at protecting timber from attack by various species of termite and wood-...
A J Adams, A Jermannaud, M-M Serment

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