Your search resulted in 68 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
A field test with anti-sapstain chemicals on sawn pine timber stored and seasoned under different conditions
1984 - IRG/WP 3245
Newly sawn timber of European redwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) was dip treated in four different anti-sapstain chemicals. The protectife effect against sapstain, mould and decay was examined after 10 weeks' and 10 months' storage in open and closed stacks. The results showed that the performance of individual chemicals was different in open and close stacks, although the wood as wel...
D J Dickinson, B Henningsson
Bacterial brown stain on sawn timber cut from water-stored logs
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1532
Brown stains which appear on the surface of sawn radiata pine cut from water-stored logs were identified as tannin-like compounds. They are derived from bacterial breakdown of flavanoid-glucosides. When timber is sawn from infected logs, the free flavanoids migrate to the wood surface as the timber dries. There, they condense and oxidise to form permanent brown discolourations. Stains occurred on ...
M E Hedley, R Meder
Prevention of creosote bleeding from treated Scots pine poles
1970 - IRG/WP III 3B
Creosote, the most widely used preservative for pressure treatment of Electricity Board and GPO transmission poles in the United Kingdom has, when correctly applied, given good performance over a long period of time. Perhaps its only disadvantage as a preservative in the above fields is its tendency to exude or 'bleed' from a proportion of treated poles upon exposure to solar hea...
Kinetics and mechanism of fixation of Cu-Cr-As wood preservatives. Part 5: Effect of wood species and preservative composition on the leaching during storage
1975 - IRG/WP 354
Conversion reactions during storage of CCA treated wood take place even at and below the fiber saturation point as long as ion transport is possible. Increase in drying temperature increases the final pH of the treated wood and the leachability of Cu and decreases slightly the leachability of Cr, while the leachability of As is not affected. This temperature effect is considered to be of no techni...
S-E Dahlgren
Optimun storage period for the boron diffusion treatment of rubber wood
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30121
The study determined the maximum thickness of rubber wood that can be diffusion treated and the effect of diffusion storage period on the distribution of chemicals in treated wood of various thicknesses. Wood of thickness up to 50 mm can be easily diffusion treated with 10% boric acid equivalent (BAE) solution to adequate loading of chemicals. The optimum diffusion storage period to get uniform an...
T K Dhamodaran, R Gnanaharan
The use of spruce for transmission poles
1973 - IRG/WP 326
A series of preservative treatments with creosote using Lowry and Rueping schedules was undertaken. From these treatments the most suitable impregnation conditions for water stored Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) transmission poles were determined. Preservative distribution and permeability values for poles of both species were used to decide the optimum season and ...
J A Dunleavy, D J Balfe, J P Prendergast
Water-storage for improving the permeability of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don)wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40129
The viable bacterial counts in sapwood and intermediate wood of sugi bolts increased immediately after floated in a fresh water pond. Bacterial invasion into the heartwood was not detected apparently during water-storage for 36 weeks, although a few bacterial species have inhabited in freshly-cut heartwood samples. The bacterial species isolated from the water-stored bolts were almost Gramnegative...
S Ohta, S Doi
The effect of water storage on the cell-structure of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) with reference to its permeability and preservation
1970 - IRG/WP III 3A
Commercial treatment trials with full sized transmission poles have shown that water storage considerably improves the permeability of Sitka and Norway spruce. These results were confirmed by laboratory measurements which showed that in the sapwood of ponded Sitka spruce there is a vast improvement in permeability in all three grain directions. Heartwood permeability does not seem to be affected t...
J A Dunleavy, A J McQuire
Preservative treatment of wood by diffusion processes - Simulation of commercial treatment processes
1988 - IRG/WP 3498
Spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula) were preservative treated by diffusion with mixtures of copper sulphate and arsenic pentoxide. The preservative was fixed after a suitable diffusion storage period by soaking in ammonia solution. A high standard of treatment could be achieved in spruce sapwood. This was attributed to its low wood density, and high wood ...
P Vinden
Timber preservatives and corrosion
1983 - IRG/WP 3228
A survey of preservative treated timber commodities has illustrated problems that may be caused by corrosion. After treatment, timber should be compatible with commonly used fasteners. Whilst many corrosion methods have been used in the past, no standardized method is used by workers in timber preservation. The Queensland Department of Forestry is developing laboratory test methods for assessing c...
R I Davis
Sapstain development on Jack pine logs in Eastern Canada
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10358
During 1998-99, a study was initiated to investigate the influence of seasons, log types and storage time on the sapstain development on jack pine logs at two sites in Eastern Canada. Jack pine trees (Pinus banksiana) were harvested into whole-tree and cut-to-length logs in spring and in autumn. Sapstain development was examined in these logs at 2 to 4 week intervals after felling. The mean stain ...
Dian-Qing Yang, R Beauregard
Ponding of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) - 2. The effect of ponding on coating penetration into wood
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10249
Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) wood panels which had been ponded for periods ranging from 2 to 12 weeks, dried and subsequently coated with a primer and examined by light microscopy after staining sections with Sudan IV to enhance the contrast of the primer material.
A correlation between the extent of ponding and the extent of coating penetration into wood was observed. The coating penetration var...
A P Singh, S S Gallagher, U Schmitt, B S Dawson, Yoon Soo Kim
Time limits for holding logs to achieve successful antisapstain treatment
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30126
The purpose of these trials was to determine the maximum time that logs can be left in winter and summer before treatment if sapstain, caused by pre-treatment infection, was to be prevented. Pre-treatment storage conditions representative of average temperature and humidity for the winter months of June, July and August, and of moderately severe summer conditions, for the Bay of Plenty, New Zealan...
D R Eden, R N Wakeling, C M Chittenden, J G Van der Waals, B Carpenter
Some practical implications from recent research on the fixation of CCA preservatives
1975 - IRG/WP 358
The mechanism of fixation of CCA preservatives is briefly described. If the temperature is increased during the primary fixation period, the formation of intermediate fixation compounds is less extensive. The length of the primary fixation period is of practical interest. It is determined by preservative composition and concentration, temperature and wood species. Diagrams are given for Pinus sylv...
S-E Dahlgren
The effect of storage and subculturing on in vitro fruit body formation and spore production in Gloeophyllum sepiarium and Oligoporus placentus
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20232
Spores are widely assumed to be the main mode of infection of wood in conditions conducive to decay above ground. In order to supply spores on demand as an experimental material, fruiting body and basidiospore production in vitro by Gloeophyllum sepiarium and Oligoporus placentus have been examined. The optimum medium, time to spore production, and duration of fruiting as well as fruiting body sha...
S Choi, J N R Ruddick, P I Morris
Industrial fixation of chromium based wood preservatives
1990 - IRG/WP 3630
Fixation is an abstract and non-defined process. Nevertheless it is a specified requirement in most impregnation standards. The impregnation industry is facing increased pressure to deliver fixed products and to increase the safety of the handling of impregnated products. Industrial fixation of impregnated wood can be obtained by using different methods. The purpose of the process is to transform ...
T Christensen
Migration of chlorothalonil and carbendazim in fruits stored in wood treated with the anti-sapstain formulation Tuff Brite C
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50097
Fruits and vegetables stored in treated wood boxes are in contact with the products used for the treatment. In order to obtain regulatory approval for incidental food contact it is necessary to determine the quantity of residues on these fruits or vegetables. When the active materials are used in agriculture it is required that residues found are below to the MRL fixed for these substances. In the...
J F Cooper, D Riboul, M De Vleeschauwer, T L Woods
Chemical treatment of chips for outdoor storage. Evaluation of sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate + sodium 2,4-dinitrophenol treatment
1980 - IRG/WP 2134
Fresh slash pine chips were treated by spraying them with a dilute aqueous solution of sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate and sodium 2,4-dinitrophenol. The were then formed into an experimental chip file 10 feet high, and the pile was maintained for seven months. The treatment effectively slowed heat release and retarded losses in wood substances, tall oil, pulp yield, and pulp strenght. Under certain...
E L Springer, M Benjamin, W C Feist, L L Zoch, G J Hajny
The association of bacteria with the increased permeability of water-stored spruce wood
1973 - IRG/WP 325
A microbiological investigation was undertaken to check our earlier work on patterns of bacterial counts and pH changes in water-stored wood. A survey of industrial activity was conducted upstream from the storage site with a view to explaining the existing bacterial flora. Further experiments were carried out with spruce bolts in enclosed tanks, using lake water with its natural bacterial flora a...
J A Dunleavy, J P Moroney, S E Rossell
Wood injurers found at wood processing plants in SR Sloveni
1981 - IRG/WP 1140
This report describes the stating of damages on wood and taking stock of wood injurers found in the warehouses of wood processing plants in SR Slovenia. The results of this research show that in the process of manufacture vast quantities of spruce-wood, pine-wood, beech wood, oak-wood, and poplar-wood are exposed to numerous injurers, both fungi and insects. The reasons for such a state lie in con...
R Benko
An analysis of the effects of some factors on the natural durability of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and spruce (Picea abies Karst.)
1986 - IRG/WP 1279
The effects of some factors on the natural resistance of pine and spruce sapwood against fungal decay and against attack of house-longhorn beetle larvae have been studied in laboratory tests and the results are evaluated by analysis of variance and regression analysis. Following conclusions were reached: Wood from summer-felled trees did not have a lower inherent natural durability against fungal ...
J B Boutelje, T Nilsson, S Rasmussen
Permeability measurements on surface layers for detecting wood with abnormally high permeability
1988 - IRG/WP 2298
Wet storage of timber during the warm period of the year may lead to an increased permeability of the wood, an undesirable phenomenon for several wood industries and also for many end-uses. Neither before nor after drying, such wood with "wet storage damage" can be visually distinguished from wood with a normal permeability. A non-destructive method for inspecting the permeability of surface layer...
J B Boutelje, G Hägglund
Application of oscillating pressure to improve treatability of refractory species
1987 - IRG/WP 3449
Under practical conditions a minimum moisture content of 80% demande by the German quality standard RAL-RG 411 can not be guaranteed throughout the year. Storage of logs with bark prolonges the drying process; a storage without bark must be avoided. A sufficient penetration according the standard can be achieved at least with a moisture content of 60%, optimal conditions may prevail between 100% a...
R-D Peek
Methods of testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting sawn timber during storage and transport
1976 - IRG/WP 273
No international standard method for testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting fresh sawn timber exists. The methods used can be divided into three types: a) Rapid screening tests for finding chemicals effective against blue-stain and mould fungi. The chemicals are tested in agar medium, in pieces of filter paper or on small pieces of wood using pure cultures. b) Laboratory tests for evaluating ...
T Vihavainen
Kinetics and mechanism of fixation of Cu-Cr-As wood preservatives. Part 4: Conversion reactions during storage
1974 - IRG/WP 332
Precipitates simulating those produced in wood by preservative fixation reactions were prepared by the reduction of Boliden K 33 and Celcure AP solutions with hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine. The pH changes on aging at 20 and 50°C were studied and related to the chemistry of fixation previously described. Hydrolysis of copper arsenates may render arsenic acid temporarily water soluble pending pre...
S-E Dahlgren