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Your search resulted in 391 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The identification of organic compounds in wood using thermal desorption GC-MS - possibilities and limitations
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20224
There is a clear need for the analytical characterisation and identification of organic compounds and their derivatives in different phases especially in timber. In this context the paper describes a rapid and powerful gas chromatographic method for the determination of insecticides, biocides and "other" organic substances in treated and/or modified wood. The main advantage of this procedure is th...
P Jüngel, E Melcher

Influences of the hydro-thermal treatment on physical properties of beech wood (Fagus orientalis)
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40303
Influences of the hydro-thermal treatment on physical properties of beech wood were studied. Wood specimens (2×2×2cm) were treated in two steps. At first step, samples were treated at 160,180 & 200ºC for 4, 5 & 6 hours. At second step, treated samples were cured based on their first step treatment temperatures (160,180 & 200ºC) for 16 hours. The treated samples were soaked in water...
B Mohebby, I Sanaei

Tebuconazole - A new triazole fungicide for wood preservation
1990 - IRG/WP 3629
The main cause of economic damage to timber and millwork worldwide are Basidiomycetes (brown and white rot). After testing a wide range of triazole derivatives for their effectiveness against decay fungi, Tebuconazole, a triazole compound, was selected. The physico-chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological data of this substance are described. Tebuconazole is unleachable, light-stable, heat-sta...
R Gründlinger, O Exner

Thermal modification of non-durable wood species 2. Improved wood properties of thermal treated wood
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40124
Properties of wood treated in a new heat-treatment process called the PLATO-process have been studied. Several wood species have been treated using this new thermal modification process using a range of process conditions (mainly time and temperature). In this study the characteristics of the treated wood were determined using samples from whole planks treated on pilot plant scale. The modified ch...
B F Tjeerdsma, M J Boonstra, H Militz

Controlled envelope treatments of Pinus sapwood, achieved by modifications to impregnation process and carrier solvents
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40258
Specimens of slash pine or radiata pine were treated to a target retention of 0.02% m/m permethrin with conventional light organic solvent fluids or with oil-modified fluids (Tanalith® T). Best achievable envelopes from LOSP fluids were poorly controlled, penetrating not only the target outer 0-5 mm zone (mean 0.019%, RSD 28%), but also breaking through into the 5-10 mm zone (mean 0.013%, RSD 37%...
M J Kennedy, P R S Cobham

The influence of drying and chemical stress on the lignin degradation in aspen by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1573
Wood wafers of Populus tremuloides sapwood were incubated on common media with the white rot fungus Phanaerochaete chrysosporium (wild isolate) and subjected to cyclic drying or chemical agents (low levels of borate or trifluoperazine [a calmodulin antagonist]). After a mass loss of approximately 5.5%, wafers were dried and analyzed for acid-insoluble lignin. Those wafers containing chemical agent...
E L Schmidt, Y-L Lin

Microwave modification of wood properties - Improvements in wood permeability
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40181
A new method of microwave (MW) wood modification is described. Microwave irradiation of timber provides an improvement in wood permeability mainly in the radial and longitudinal directions. This is achieved by physically modifying ray cells and forming a large number of cavities in the radial - longitudinal planes. More extensive MW irradiation of different species transforms the wood into a new m...
G Torgovnikov, P Vinden

IPBC - A new fungicide for wood protection
1984 - IRG/WP 3295
3-iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate (IPBC) is presented as a potential low toxic alternative to pentachlorophenol and the sodium chlorophenoxides. Data on its effect against basidiomycetes is shown. Tests according to both the European standard method, EN-113, and American, ASTM D-413, have shown its potential. The chemical gives protection against both the wood destroying fungi, blue stain, mould and algae. It is possible to have it formulated in both water-based and organic solvent-based products. Treatment of wood out of ground contact (vac-vac products, pretreatment products, primers, stains, etc.) and sapstain control are some of the most potential end use areas within wood protection. Besides wood protection, the IPBC is used as a fungicide in paint, adhesives, caulks and sealants, cement, leather, paper, cutting oil, ink and in different roofing materials.
J Hansen

Deterioration of wood viewed from iron nail
1991 - IRG/WP 2368
Deterioration of nail was graded by a five - rank numerical - rating. The rating of nail moisture content and decay of wood were inspected in a mortal-wall of 34-year-old house. The wood was mostly in decay, when the rating of the nail was above about 4, and the moisture content was above about 20%. Nailed wood specimens kept in several humidity room of 20°C for 4 years showed that the rating of ...
H Imamura

Soft rot decay in CCA treated eucalypts in Queensland - A comment
1986 - IRG/WP 1301
A survey has been completed concerned with the distribution and severity of groundline soft rot decay in the CCA treated sapwood of eucalypt poles in Queensland. The survey encountered some 1000 poles of which 55% were slightly, 28% moderately and 17% severely decayed. Soft rot decay was more severe in urban than rural locations. Embedment of poles in concrete resulted in severe soft rot. No signi...
L E Leightley

New ways of chemical wood preservation
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40087
Synergistic effects pertaining to wood preservation have been investigated by combining different polymerizing agents with modifying chemicals, modifying chemicals with known preservatives and new types of preservative chemicals with each other. One of the investigated methods is the use of impregnating solutions based on furfuryl alcohol (produced from biomass), in which the chemicals polymerizes...
M Westin, T Nilsson, B Ohlsson, R Simonson

Silafluofen: Novel chemistry and versatility for termite control
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30069
A novel silicon - containing insectizide, HOE 084498 ('Silafluofen'), with a favourable toxicological profile, has shown activity against a broad spectrum of agricultural and environmental health pests. Results from laboratory and field studies around the world have demonstrated that silafluofen is effective at protecting timber from attack by various species of termite and wood-...
A J Adams, A Jermannaud, M-M Serment

Evaluation of the effectiveness of defence anti-stain in the control of sapstain in laboratory and field tests
1990 - IRG/WP 3593
The anti-sapstain product Defence Anti-stain (DAS) has been evaluated internationally in laboratory and field tests during the years 1988 and 1989. Results of tests carried out by institutes and by own companies in countries like Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain will be presented. In the several tests Defence Anti-stain showed a high fungicidal activity t...
G Rustenburg, C J Klaver

A novel chemical barrier system, KORDON® TMB, for the protection of buildings against subterranean termites using a synthetic matrix as carrier for the chemical
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10264
Kordon TMB is a new chemical barrier system for installation beneath concrete slab-on-ground constructions using a matrix other than soil as carrier for the termiticide. The product consists of a synthetic foraminous web (blanket) carrying the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin. The blanket is laminated on the upper side to a standard 0.2mm thick moisture vapour membrane of low density polyethylene...
M Lenz, P Morrow, S Runko

Suitability of propiconazole (R 49362) as a new-generation fungicide
1989 - IRG/WP 3529
Propiconazole (R 49362), an anti-fungal triazole-compound of Janssen Pharmaceutica, has been extensively tested to determine its potential use as a wood preserving fungicide. Various tests in both private laboratories and official institutes indicate a good activity against Basidiomycetes (brown and white rot) and Ascomycetes (blue stain-in-service). The active ingredient seems very resistant to w...
A R Valcke

Bending properties of wood after its decay with Coniophora puteana and subsequent modification with selected chemicals
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40146
Mechanical properties of wood are often decreased due to decay processes caused by biotic and/or abiotic factors. Damaged wooden elements (e.g. historical structures) can be reinforced by more methods, including their modification with convenient chemicals. This paper presents influences of selected chemicals on basic bending properties (modulus of elasticity - MOE, modulus of rupture - MOR) of so...
L Reinprecht, S Varinska

Facts or feelings to decide on wood preservation
1988 - IRG/WP 3480
Feelings against the use of chemicals in general and of wood preservatives in special get increasing importance within the population. They are based mainly on an uncertain fear for unknown health risks and vary between different countries and regions. No straight line can be traced. Nevertheless feelings often will influence a decision against chemical wood preservation. Therefore they have to be...
H Willeitner

Chemical and biological investigations of double-vacuum treated windows after 5 years in service
1983 - IRG/WP 3219
In 1980 The Swedish Wood Preservation Institute initiated an investigation to study the degradation of TBTO and possible fungal attack in double-vacuum treated window joinery in service during 5 years. A hospital in Gothenburg was chosen that was built during 1969 to 1976. Both untreated and double-vacuum treated windows of Pinus sylvestris were used. A brown alkyl oil type paint (Nordsjö system ...
J Jermer, M-L Edlund, B Henningsson, W Hintze, S V Ohlsson

Chemical Analysis of Southern Pine Pole Stubs Thirteen Months Following Treatment with Three Methylisothiocyanate Based Commercial Fumigants
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30294
Agricultural fumigants have been commercially used in the United States for over 20 years to control internal decay in utility poles and other wooden structures. Of the four fumigants which are currently used in the remedial treatment of utility poles, three are based on methylisothiocyanate (MITC) as being the principal fungitoxic component. Two of these MITC based fumigants, liquid metham sodi...
R J Ziobro, T C Anderson, D J Herdman, J Guzzetta, T Pope

The effects of preservative treatment and exposure to wood degrading fungi on fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials used for structural wood reinforcement
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40204
Glass fiber reinforced phenolic (GFRP) composite materials are becoming increasingly accepted for use in the construction industry because they combine advantages of both wood and advanced polymeric materials. Addition of only 1-3% FRP in the tension zone, for example, can typically improve the strength of the hybrid system by 200%. As more applications are found for wood/FRP hybrids, (e.g. lamina...
C Tascioglu, B Goodell

Prevention of non-microbial sapwood discolorations in hardwood lumber: chemical and mechanical treatments
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30137
Sapwood discolorations in hardwood lumber that are non-microbial in origin result from the formation of pigmented starch-like granules in ray parenchyma cells. These discolorations can be prevented by treating unseasoned lumber with an antioxidant (sodium bisulfite). Exposing unseasoned lumber to microwaves or treating logs with fumigants also will prevent these discolorations. Subjecting unseason...
T L Amburgey, S Kitchens

Subterranean termite foraging behaviour and the development of baiting methods used for termite control by the Division of Forest Products
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10058
Given the premise that alternatives to current subterranean termite control measures using organochlorine insecticides and arsenic trioxide have been actively researched by our Division for over ten years, emphasis on baiting methods in controlling these termites has been a major facet of our research. Recently, the new Australian Standard (AS 3660 -1993) was released which outlined the use of phy...
J R J French, J W Creffield, B M Ahmed

Comparison of thermally modified wood originating from four industrial scale processes – durability
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40229
This study examined the differences in biological wood properties of heat treated wood originating from four different European industrial heat treatment plants. The manufacturers of heat treated material were: PLATO Hout B.V./Netherlands, Thermo Wood/Finland, New Option Wood/France and Menz Holz/Germany where Oil-Heat treated Wood (OHT) is produced. The results of miniblock tests with basidiomyc...
C R Welzbacher, A O Rapp

FLUROX, a new breakthrough in insect control for wood preservation
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30079
FLUROX (flufenoxuron) is an acylurea insecticide which acts as a growth regulator in insects. FLUROX inhibits the production of chitin - the exoskeleton or 'skin' of the insect. When the exposed larva attempt to moult to its next stage of development, it is unable to produce a new skin and dies. FLUROX has been found to be extremely active against wood borers, when applied in a p...
A R Valcke, M Pallaske

Effects of chemical pretreatment of Douglas-fir heartwood on efficacy of potential bioprotection agents
1990 - IRG/WP 1440
Biological protection against wood decay fungi represents an environmentally attractive alternative to the use of chemicals; however, the process of identifying suitable candidates and the conditions that ensure successful protection pose major challenges. One critical aspect of this problem is to identify organisms that can rapidly and uniformly colonize the wood. Wood contains low levels of nutr...
B Dawson-Andoh, J J Morrell

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