Your search resulted in 29 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Gleditsia triacanthos tannins for wood coatings
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40995
When used outdoors or in high humidity interiors, wood highly is susceptible to decay by biotic and abiotic agents. Applying coating systems that contain compounds able to control decay is a way to increase the useful life of the wood. Gleditsia triachantos is regarded as a plague in many countries due to its resistance to extreme environmental conditions and its displacement of native forests. In...
C M IbaƱez, E Fernandez
Suberinic acid from birch bark and its suitability in wood protection
2024 - IRG/WP 24-20708
This study investigated the effect of different concentrations of suberinic acid (SA) on the growth of two fungi species. Initial radial growth tests showed a slightly slower growth rate for brown rot, whereas white rot exhibited faster growth than the untreated reference. In contrast, a commercial wood preservative significantly reduced the radial growth of both fungi species. Evidence of cell wa...
A Treu, M Altgen, J Rizikovs
Shelling of flat and profiled western larch deck-boards exposed to natural weathering
2024 - IRG/WP 24-40997
Shelling is a severe type of raised grain that occurs at the surface of deck-boards made from wood species that have growth rings with pronounced differences in density between earlywood and latewood, for example southern pine (Pinus spp.). Shelling is more severe in deck-boards fixed with their growth rings oriented pith-side-up (concave) rather than bark-side-up (convex). Far less is known about...
L H Leung, P D Evans
Phytosanitary treatment of roundwood for oversea shipping - on the suitability of dry heat treatment as alternative to climate-change effective fumigation
2024 - IRG/WP 24-50394
The transcontinental trade of roundwood requires thorough phytosanitary treatment to protect native flora and fauna against foreign pests. This is generally done by fumigating shipping containers packed with roundwood with sulfuryl fluoride, a potent greenhouse gas. After treatment, the gas is released into the atmosphere, causing massive emissions. Since 2017, the usage of sulfuryl fluoride in th...
G Weber, L Schrader, J Trautner