Your search resulted in 73 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Termite physical barriers: Is retrofitting with Granitgard an option?
1993 - IRG/WP 93-40011
Granite particles within the range of 2.4 to 1.7 mm diameter were recently adopted by the Standards Association of Australia as an alternative treatment to soil chemical barriers in protecting new buildings against subterranean termites. The granite substrate is sold under the commercial name, "Granitgard". However, there are many existing buildings that have no chemical or physical subterranean t...
J R J French, B M Ahmed
The dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) in nature and its history of introduction into buildings
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10300
For many years the True dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans (Wulf.: Fr.)Schroet.) has exclusively been found in buildings. That is why it is called the True dry rot fungus. The origin of the fungus has always been a mystery, but a wild ancestor must have occured. In the literature there is some information about finds of Serpula lacrymans in nature, however it is difficult to distinguish it from the...
J Bech-Andersen, S A Elborne
Untersuchungen über das Vorkommen und den Schaden der Rossameisen (Camponotus herculeanus und Camponotus ligniperda) in Gebäuden in Schweden
1976 - IRG/WP 147
Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchung der von Rossameisen befallenen Häuser in Schweden können wie folgt zusammengefasst werden. Rossameisenschaden kommt in ganz Schweden vor, jedoch hauptsächlich in Küstengebieten und in der Nähe von grossen Seen. Beide Rossameisenarten schaden in gleicher Weise. Camponotus herculeanus ist im ganzen Lande zu finden, Camponotus ligniperda d...
V Butovitsch
Decay in window joinery in Sweden
1977 - IRG/WP 390
Systematic investigations of decay in window joinery in Sweden have not been undertaken until very recently. One might guess that one of the reasons for the minor interest is that this type of joinery did not rot strikingly faster than people expected. In the last 10-15 years, however, house owners, tenantowners, building societies and others have repeatedly argued that windows do rot more than in...
B Henningsson
Termite physical barriers: Update on retrofitting Granitgard around 'mock up' buildings after four years
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10140
This field experiment was installed four years ago (March 1992) to evaluate the effectiveness of graded crushed granite stone, commercially marketed under the name, Granitgard, as a physical termite barrier when retrofitted around 'mock-up' buildings. The field site is located at Walpeup in the semi-arid mallee region of north-west Victoria (360 km from Melbourne), and there are ...
B M Ahmed, J R J French
Protection of buildings, other structures and materials in ground contact from attack by subterranean termites with a physical barrier - a fine mesh of high grade stainless stee
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10014
A new type of physical barrier for the prevention of attack by subterranean termites on buildings, other structures and materials in ground contact - a fine mesh of highalloy (originally 304, now 316) stainless steel - has recently been developed and patented worldwide by industry in Australia. The termite resistance of the material was assessed by CSIRO in laboratory and field trials. In the labo...
M Lenz, S Runko
Preliminary testing of an improvised wood preservative mixture applied against dry wood beetles
1986 - IRG/WP 1308
An improvised wood preservative mixture was preliminarily tested in situ against some dry wood beetles which had infested structural timbers in a semi-finished building. The results obtained should encourage further research towards mobilizing/improvising locally available resources in the face of scarce standard wood preservatives, against the background of a dilemma in wood utilization in the de...
M O Akanbi, E M Bayode, A A Alabi, J Gbadebo
A novel chemical barrier system, KORDON® TMB, for the protection of buildings against subterranean termites using a synthetic matrix as carrier for the chemical
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10264
Kordon TMB is a new chemical barrier system for installation beneath concrete slab-on-ground constructions using a matrix other than soil as carrier for the termiticide. The product consists of a synthetic foraminous web (blanket) carrying the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin. The blanket is laminated on the upper side to a standard 0.2mm thick moisture vapour membrane of low density polyethylene...
M Lenz, P Morrow, S Runko
New experiences with Dry Rot in Danish buildings, heat treatment and viability tests
1989 - IRG/WP 1423
An increasing number of concealed dry rot attacks, especially in older multi-storey houses under renovation, have been detected during the last few years. A necessary consequence is a demand for cheaper methods of repair, compared to the standard method used in Denmark for many years otherwise severely attacked houses will by pulled down. A heat-treatment has been developed and tested in practice....
A P Koch, C Kjerulf-Jensen, B Madsen
Repairs of dry rot damages. A follow-up survey
1989 - IRG/WP 1400
The success of repairs of dry rot (Serpula lacrymans) damage in small houses was studied by means of a questionnaire, interviews and inspections. The research material consisted of 92 buildings in the first follow-up survey and of 71 of those 92 buildings in the second survey 6 years later. In 55 buildings the damages had been repaired once and at that time the harmfulness of dry rot fungus was kn...
L Paajanen
New methods for nondestructive inspection of timber in buildings
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20070
In these years older buildings are renewed in most European countries on a large scale, and new techniques are needed for both inspection and eradication of fungal attacks. Heat treatment as a means of eradicating the dry rot fungus has been used in Denmark during the last decade. This technique minimises the structural damage to the building, whilst at the same time reducing costs by up to 50%. T...
B Madsen, O V Frederiksen
Assessment of the Termatrac™ system - a new microwave based technology for non-destructive detection of termites
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20265
Termites can be difficult to detect reliably and many detection methods are destructive to property or disturbing to the termites (which may interfere with remedial treatment). The reliability of Termatrac™, a new Australian device for the detection of termites in an unobtrusive manner, based on novel microwave technology, was tested in the field. Termite presence was assessed as indicated by th...
T A Evans
Field study: Wood degradation pattern in buildings and utility poles in tropical climates of Nigeria
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1521
The paper is the result of five years field study of wood degradation patterns in three ecological forest zones (Guinea Savannah, Tropical rain forest and mangrove forest zones, respectively). It involved 800 residential buildings and 700 electric overhead transmission poles. The methodology used was a modified Eslyn (6) test. A high rate of Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes attack especially on the ...
E O Onuorah
Wood attacking insects in urban areas in Sao Paulo State - Brazil
1985 - IRG/WP 1267
From 1974 to 1984 the investigators of Wood Division (IPT) inspected, for insect attack, more than 1,500 buildings of several kinds: commercial, residencial and historical buildings, houses and industries. In all cases, IPT was asked to give advices on control and erradication. During that time three papers concerning this problem were published (Cavalcante, 1976; De Lelis, 1978; Zanotto & Can...
P A Zanotto, M D Canedo, D A T Lelis
Termite physical barriers: Current status of retrofitting Granitgard around 'mock-up' buildings
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10057
Two years ago a field experiment was designed and installed to evaluate the effectiveness of Granitgard, the commercial name of a grade of crushed granite rock, as a termite physical barrier when retrofitted around 'mock-up' buildings. The field station is located at Walpeup in the semi-arid mallee region of northern Victoria (360 km north of Melbourne), and there are several ind...
J R J French, B M Ahmed
Laboratory method for testing the effectiveness of soil termiticides
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1561
In France, the protection of buildings against termites is based on a chemical treatment of wood, soil and walls. Because of the withdrawal of aldrin from the market, the need of new soil termiticides has appeared. Therefore, a laboratory method derived from Cymorek's method has been developped to assess their effectiveness. Some points are developed like the type of soil, the number of t...
M-M Serment, A-M Pruvost
Subterranean termites of economic importance in suburban Melbourne: Wood structures most frequently attacked and damaged
1990 - IRG/WP 1430
An examination of wood structures in forty buildings actively being attacked by subterranean termites in Melbourne revealed that all buildings were being attacked and damaged by Coptotermes species. This indicates the economic importance of these species. Hardwoods were more frequently infested than softwood species. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to termite control, ...
J R J French
Termite physical barriers: update on retrofitting Granitgard™ around 'mock-up' buildings after five years
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10226
This field experiment was installed five years ago (March 1992) to evaluate the effectiveness of graded crushed granite stone, commercially marketed under the name Granitgard™, as a physical barrier when retrofitted around 'mock-up' buildings. The field site is located at Walpeup in the semi-arid mallee region of north-west Victoria (360 km from Melbourne), and there are eight ...
J R J French, B M Ahmed
Why don't more people work with Serpula lacrymans nowadays? A discussion of some of the different approaches to experimenting with this unique fungus
1989 - IRG/WP 1383
Remarkably few laboratories are currently investigating this well-known fungus. Not only has it failed to gain acceptance as a standard test organism (for wood preservative evaluation) in many countries, but is also sometimes excluded from pure research studies when it ought to be an obvious first choice as a representative basidiomycete. This paper discusses some different approaches that have be...
J D Thornton
Questionnaire relating to the occurrence, prevention and repair of Dry Rot attacks in buildings
1989 - IRG/WP 1418
Dry Rot attack in buildings has become an increasing problem in Denmark. The reason is that old multi-storey houses from about 1890-1920 are being renovated and modernised and connected to this well-hidden Dry Rot attacks are detected. The traditional methods for repair used in Denmark are very expensive but with a high degree of confidence when done carefully. There is a big need for development ...
A P Koch
Evaluation of decay fungi in Norwegian buildings
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10562
During a period of 2 years and 3 months (1 January 2001 - 20 March 2003) Mycoteam had 3161 consultations in buildings in southern Norway, 1428 revealing damage from decay fungi. One consultation often revealed several occurrences of fungi, and the total number of occurrences of decay fungi was 3434. Thirty-five different species/genera/groups of decay fungi were recorded. During this period brown ...
G Alfredsen, H Solheim, K Mohn Jenssen
Insectos xilofagos que dañan la madera de edificios historicos de Morelia, Michoacán, México
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10673
Pine lumber in buildings in the historic center of Morelia that exhibited signs of attack were collected between 1999 until 2007. Four species were identified from this material. Two species were in the order Isoptera: Incisitermes marginipennis Latreille (Kalotermitiidae), Reticulitermes serratus Mendez (Rhinotermitidae), while the others were from the order Coleoptera: Calymmaderus oblongus (Go...
C M A Jurado Vargas, J Cruz de Leon
Wood decay fungi from New Zealand ‘leaky’ buildings: PCR identification and laboratory decay tests of wood preservative-treated Pinus radiata (Part 1)
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10620
Fungi colonising Pinus radiata D. Don framing timber of ‘leaky’ New Zealand buildings were isolated to produce pure cultures. Mycelia from these cultures on agar media were collected to extract DNA. To identify the fungi to the species level, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primer pairs ITS1-F and ITS4 were performed followed by sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. ...
D Stahlhut, R L Farrell, R Wakeling, M Hedley
Wood decay fungi from New Zealand leaky buildings – PCR identification (Part 2) and aerial spore trapping
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10649
Prior to this study, it was not know which species of decay fungi caused decay in New Zealand leaky buildings. Use of molecular biology methodology, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and subsequent DNA sequencing, as well as classical mycological techniques based on morphology, has enabled identification of decay fungi and has provided insight into their relative importance based on isolation frequ...
D Stahlhut, R L Farrell, R Wakeling, M Hedley
An Important Wood Destroying Beetle: Anobium punctatum (De Geer) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Distribution of Western Black Sea region
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10666
Anobium punctatum (De Geer) is an economically important insect species regarding damage to wooden structures. The damage mostly occurs in historic wooden buildings, wooden chairs, tables and seats. It has been determined in the Istanbul, Ankara, Ayancik, Bartin, Rize, Trabzon,
Gumushane and Gole regions of Turkey. There is no detailed study in terms of the distribution of this insect and the d...
A Toper Kaygin, Y Yildiz, Ü C Yildiz, S Yildiz, S M Onat, N K Özkazanç, B Kaygin, S Çelíkyay