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Your search resulted in 656 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Preservative effect of cellulose insulation material against some mould fungi and brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana in pine sapwood
1991 - IRG/WP 1484
The influence of mineral wool and loose-fill cellulose wool on biodeterioration of pine sapwood was studied. The test fungi were mould fungi Aspergillus versicolor, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Penicillium sp. and Aureobasidium pullullans and brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana. Cellulose wool inhibited the growth of mould fungi on the face of wood contacted with insulation material at RH of 97 an...
H Viitanen

Biochemical relationships between biodegradation of cellulose and formation of oxalic acid in brown-rot wood decay
1991 - IRG/WP 1472
Non-enzymic hydrolysis of cellulose with low concentrations of oxalic acid was examined. The incubation of pine wood pulp with 1% oxalic acid (pH 1.3) at 35°C for 4 weeks reduced the original viscosity to 60%. Reducing sugars were liberated from various cellulosic samples by the oxalic acid treatment. However, crystallinities of cellulose in those samples did not change before and after the treat...
M Shimada, Y Akamatsu, A Ohta, M Takahashi

Screening results of fungicides for sapstain control on Pinus radiata
1983 - IRG/WP 3236
Thirty-two compounds were tested to determine their ability to contain the growth of stain, mould and rot organisms on fresh Pinus radiata D Don. A screening technique was employed using 35 to 50 mm diameter biscuits of Pinus radiata stemwood 10 mm thick. No compound was found to be cost effective when compared against the standard treatments of NaPCP (0.5% a.i.) plus borax (1.5%) and Captafol (0....
P J Hayward, J Duff, W Rae

Laboratory screening to determine the preventive effectiveness against blue stain fungi and moulds
1991 - IRG/WP 3677
This paper reports results of preservative treatment and leaching experiments, using borax, polybor and boracol 20, on small wood blocks of English oak and American pitch pine heartwood. Earlier experiments on the performance of various biocides as possible additives to bilgewater to prevent fungal decay of shipping timbers had suggested that some formulations of boron might be associated with phy...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete

Options for termite management using the insect pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10142
The insect pathogenic hyphomycete fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin is promising as a biological insecticide for many species of subterranean termites. In Australia, a survey of termite mounds and feeding sites using a selective medium showed that this fungus is widespread but rarely causes mortality of termites under natural conditions. One isolate, codenamed FI610, has been se...
R J Milner, J A Staples, M Lenz

Protection of wood blocks treated with Trichoderma isolates selected on the basis of preliminary agar screening studies
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10154
Previously reported results of agar interaction screening studies for biocontrol agents of wood decay basidiomycetes showed two Trichoderma viride isolates, killed 16 of 19 target fungi (Tucker and Bruce, 1995). Testing of these isolates in wood was required to assess their performance at preventing decay of wood blocks. Standard testing of chemical wood preservatives is used to determine the toxi...
E J B Tucker, A Bruce, H J Staines

Statistical evaluation of 'micro-bending' samples for classification of wood attacking fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1544
Micro-specimens from both hardwood and softwood were exposed to selected species of field isolated fungi. The strength reduction and weight loss caused by these fungi were determined. A statistical procedure was then developed to classify the fungi into brown-, white-rot, or non-decay fungal categories based on these data. The procedure reveals the extent of hazard a fungus poses to wood members. ...
B Goodell, Jing Liu, A Homola, J Jellison, J Shottafer

The antifungal efficacy of Guayule resin
1987 - IRG/WP 3429
The Naval Research Laboratory is evaluating the non-rubber-producing portion of guayule (Parthenium argentatum) resin as a protectant for wood in terrestrial and marine service. This study phase, in collaboration with the universities of Arizona and Mississippi State, evaluates the resin's fungicidal worth. Resin-impregnated pine sapwood was exposed to brown rot fungi (Gloeophyllum trabeu...
J D Bultman, R L Gilbertson, T L Amburgey, J E Adaskaveg, S V Parikh, C A Bailey

Localized induction of hemlock brownstain by Ophiostoma piceae
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10106
Hemlock brownstain, a coloration disfiguring western hemlock and amabilis fir, causes economic loss in the high-value Canadian export lumber market. Recent work by the author has suggested that wood-sapstaining fungi can induce the formation of brownstain. Ophiostoma piceae, the most frequent staining fungus on western hemlock lumber in B.C., was chosen as a model to investigate fungal participati...
B Kreber

Oxalic acid quantification, oxaloacetase assay and ESI localization of P, C, and Fe from the brown rot fungus Postia placenta
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10063
The mechanism by which brown-rot fungi initiate depolymerization of holocellulose in wood remains unknown. Recently, oxalic acid (OA) has received considerable attention in cellulose breakdown by brown-rot fungi. The OA could serve as a proton donor for hydrolytic or an electron donor for oxidative (Fenton's reaction-H2O2/Fe2+) cleavages of cellulose. The acid may originate via oxaloaceta...
C R Jordan, W V Dashek, T L Highley

Comparative study of lignocellulolytic activities of Pleurotus spp. and white rot and brown-rot fungi
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10210
In this work, the in vitro species of Pleurotus (P.eringii, P. cornucopiae and P. ostreatus), from structures of degraded wood have been studied. This degradative activity was compared to those presented by Trametes versicolor (fungus characteristic of white rot) and Gloeophyllum trabeum (fungus representative of brown rot). The activities studied were the following: cellulase, xylanase, pectinase...
D Muñoz-Mingarro, F Llinares, M T De Troya, F Rubio, M Yuste, C Rodríguez-Borrajo, J E Garcia de los Rios, F Alvarez, P Jiménez, A Rojas, A Navarrete, P Reche

Proposed model for the penetration and decay of wood by the hyphal sheath of the brown-rot fungus Postia placenta
1989 - IRG/WP 1391
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of Pinus sp. decayed by the brown-rot fungus Postia placenta confirmed the existence of extracellular membranous structures previously described by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These structures appear to be an integral part of the hyphal sheath and assume a variety of forms including lamellar sheets, fibrils, and vesicles. These structures were observe...
F Green III, M J Larsen, L L Murmanis, T L Highley

Production of exraxellular hydrogen peroxide and oxalic acid by brown-rot fungus Poria placenta
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10112
Hydrogen peroxide and oxalic acid have been suggested to be essential in the degradation of wood carbohydrates by brown-rot fungi. Hydrogen peroxide has been suggested to be one of the diffusible low molecular weight agents produced by brown-rot fungi for the degradation of wood carbohydrates by generating highly active radicals. The production of hydrogen peroxide and oxalic acid by Poria placent...
A-C Ritschkoff, M Rättö, J Buchert, L Viikari

Pest control products act. An overview of regulation of heavy duty wood preservatives
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-30
The regulation of pesticides in Canada is carried out under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act and Regulations. Products which control, prevent, destroy, mitigate, attract or repel a pest are required to undergo a presale assessment for safety, merit and value. This review will determine whether a product, when used according to label directions, can be used both safely and will be eff...
K McCullogh

Early detection of brown-rot decay in southern yellow pine using immunodiagnostic procedures
1990 - IRG/WP 2356
Immunodiagnostic procedures have been used to detect incipient decay of southern yellow pine by six common brown-rot fungi. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were raised to liquid culture fractions of the six fungi. The antibodies, after preadsorption to sawdust, were tested in particle agglutination assays, immuno-dot blot, and ELISA for their·ability to detect the decay organisms when they were grow...
C A Clausen, F Green III, T L Highley

Susceptibility of Lentinus lepideus (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. to volatiles produced by Trichoderma spp
1987 - IRG/WP 1316
A range of Trichoderma species and strains were tested for their ability to produce fungistatic volatiles. Volatiles from all isolates produced fungistatic effects on Lentinus lepideus however wide interspecies and interstrain variability in the level of response was evident. Cross plating studies between the Trichoderma isolates and Lentinus lepideus showed that Lentinus lepideus was overgrown an...
A Bruce, C Johnstone, J A P McVey

Soft-rot control in hardwoods treated with chromated copper arsenate preservatives. Part 3: Influence of wood substrate and copper loadings
1977 - IRG/WP 2100
The hypothesis is proposed that hardwoods need more chromated copper arsenate (CCA) than softwoods to protect them from soft-rot attack mainly because hardwoods are more readily consumed by soft-rot fungi. Simple model systems, using copper-supplemented agar or groundwood pulp treated with CCA showed that fungi tolerated more toxicant (copper) as more available substrate (malt) was provided. Soft-...
M A Hulme, J A Butcher

Association of contents of nitrogen and sugars in rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) clones with susceptibility to sapstain by Botryodiplodia theobromae, Aureobasidium pullulans and Aspergillus niger
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10307
The purpose of this study was to determine if nitrogen and sugar contents in rubberwood from three selected varieties (clones) rubber trees would affect the rate of colonisation by Botryodiplodia theobromae (a tropical sapstain fungus), Aureobasidium pullulans (a temperate sapstain fungus) and Aspergillus niger (a common mould fungus). Sapstain growth was rated daily until at least 50% mycelial co...
A J Ashari, J W Palfreyman, A H H Wong

Detection of a brown-rot fungus using serological assays
1986 - IRG/WP 1305
Polyclonal antisera produced to Poria placenta (Fr.) Cooke were used in two tests to qualitatively assay for the fungus. Fungal hyphae were fixed to slides and fluorescent antibody (FA) techniques used to visualize the hyphae under the microscope. Fluorescence of non-Poria fungi, when present, could be reduced but not eliminated by cross-absorbing the sera with these fungi. The antisera was also u...
B Goodell, J Jellison

Preservative ability of wood to be fixed hydroxyl apatite substituted for antimicrobial metals
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30272
We succeeded in forming hydroxy apatite (HAp) in wood. HAp is non-toxicity and safe. Preservative ability of the wood, which substituted one part of Ca of constituent element of this HA p for antibacterial metals was measured. When Ca was substituted for Ag or Zn, mass loss in decay by brown-rot fungus F. palustris was restrained in about 50% (Ag) ~30% (Zn) of value of control specimen. However, w...
Y Haruhiko, I Sumaru

Studies on the resistance of DMDHEU treated wood against white-rot and brown-rot fungi
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10566
Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) modified with the textile finishing agent 1,3 dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylen urea (DMDHEU) has shown to improve durability against the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor. In a mini-block test, the weight loss over eight weeks of incubation decreased with increasing weight percent gain (WPG) of DMDHEU. At 25% WPG, no significant weight loss was observed, while untrea...
P Verma, C Mai, A Krause, H Militz

Evaluation of bacteria for biological control of wood decay
1990 - IRG/WP 1426
Laboratory soil-block and agar-block tests were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of bacteria as biological control agents against 5 brown-rot and 3 white-rot fungi. Pretreatment of Southern pine and sweetgum with a bacterial solution prevented decay in agar-block tests. However, the bacteria were generally ineffective in preventing decay in Southern pine, Douglas-fir, sweetgum and yellow popla...
R Benko, T L Highley

Evaluation of chlorpyrifos and fungicides alone and in combination for control of insects and fungi in wood and wood composites
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30187
Wood composites are rapidly being adapted for use in exterior applications. The incorporation of a preservative system to prevent fungus and insect attack is necessary with most exterior composites. Research studies were reviewed pertaining to organic preservative systems based on Lentrek* insecticide wood treatment which contains the active ingredient chlorpyrifos alone and in combination with te...
M P Tolley, P E Laks, R Fears

Fungi causing sap stain in wood
1980 - IRG/WP 199
The present paper is a revised edition of former Document No: IRG/WP/125. It contains some additions and an explanation of terminology, as was suggested at a previous meeting of the Group. The paper is a compilation based mainly on available literature. Some of my own unpublished results have been added together with other unpublished data which have been received from the Bundesanstalt für Mater...
A Käärik

The effect of precolonisation of blocks with common pole resident fungi on subsequent biological control of Lentinus lepideus by Trichoderma spp
1989 - IRG/WP 1387
Results of previous field studies have indicated that the spread of Trichoderma throughout the groundline regions of the interiors of creosoted poles are adversely influenced by the presence of large populations of resident mould organisms. Failure of the control fungus to develop and colonize all of the decay susceptible groundline region means that sucessful control of decay is most unlikely. Th...
A Bruce, T L Highley

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