Your search resulted in 34 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Preliminary laboratory bioassay to evaluate engineered Fibre-boards against subterranean termites C. acinaciformis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10768
In Australia, laboratory bioassays with subterranean termites typically contain groups of workers and soldiers in a substrate of moist mound material. This termite substrate may affect termite consumption, and the test materials create a favorable termite condition for the test. The main purpose of this test is to examine the effect of a melamine formaldehyde treatment of wood panels to evaluate t...
B M Ahmed (Shiday), H Militz, B Ozarska, I Ali, L Kloeser
Correlation of %Acetyl and Fiber Saturation in Acetylated Southern Pine Boards
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40598
Wood acetylation represents a chemical modification that increases the hydrophobicity of wood. The level of acetylation in the wood structure determines the extent of hydrophocity with higher levels providing reduced moisture affinity. Due to the reduced hygroscopic nature of acetylated wood, performance features such as dimensional stability, resistance to termites, and resistance to rot and de...
J Dickerson, E Cwirko, J Allen
Study of weathering Characteristics in Profiled and Treated Deck Boards
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40680
Wood exposed outdoors to repeated wetting and drying develops surface checks. Excessive checking of wooden deck boards has been a major source of dissatisfaction to consumers. In this study, Southern pine (Pinus sp.) deck boards were machined to flat (control) and ribbed surface profiles. The specimens were treated with aqueous formulations of 4,5-dichloro-2-N-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (EL2) and ...
M Akhtari, D Nicholas, L Sites
The resistance of composite boards protected with azole and inorganic nanoparticles to basidiomycetes and moulds
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40688
This paper presents a study on the resistance of wood composite boards, glued with silicone adhesive and obtained from chips of Scots pine Pinus silvestris L. and willow Salix viminalis L., to basidiomycetes and mould. The boards were protected in the production processes with fungicides based on metal nanoparticles, as well as on derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole, benzimidazole, and thiazole. The bio...
J Zabielska-Matejuk, I Frąckowiak, A Stangierska
Markers of quality in self-bonded beech boards
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40820
A self-bonding phenomenon takes place when five layers of beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) veneers are pressed at temperatures higher than 200ºC. If the pressing temperature between veneer surfaces reaches at least 225ºC during pressing and if the pressure applied is optimal, water-resistant bonds are formed between veneers. This study investigates the relation of thickness reduction (marker of compre...
C Cristescu, D Sandberg, O Karlsson
Potential of totora and derivatives as sustainable lignocellulosic material
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40859
Totora (Schoenoplectus californicus C.A. Mey. Soják) is a macrophyte from the Cyperaceae family that grows in the Americas from California to Chile. This plant has long been used by several cultures such as the Ohlone in California, the Moche in Peru, or the Incas in Los Andes. Some communities have maintained its traditional use until the present, such as the communities living nearby Lake San P...
J F Hidalgo-Cordero, D Casado, J García, L Robertson, M T Troya
Long-term field exposure of wood-plastic composites processed on a commercial-size extruder
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40894
Wood-plastic composites (WPC) contain wood fiber (or flour), thermoplastics and additives and are exposed to UV light, moisture, and biological deterioration in outdoor installations. Accelerated laboratory tests can help to predict the durability of WPCs, but long term evaluations are needed to validate these results. Field exposed above-ground WPC deck boards (30.5 x 139.7 x 609.6 mm) and in-gro...
R E Ibach, C M Clemmons, N M Stark
Binder-free, fire-resistant, light-weight fiberboard materials encrusted with expandable graphite and borax
2024 - IRG/WP 24-20714
Despite abundant data on innovative fire protection technologies tailored for wood and lignocellulosic materials, the prevailing approach revolves around the formulation of fire retardant solutions employing water-soluble salts, e.g., phosphorus or boron compounds. On the other hand, additives fostering the formation of a char layer during the combustion of lignocellulosic materials as a non-leach...
W Perdoch, W Grześkowiak, B Mazela
Shelling of flat and profiled western larch deck-boards exposed to natural weathering
2024 - IRG/WP 24-40997
Shelling is a severe type of raised grain that occurs at the surface of deck-boards made from wood species that have growth rings with pronounced differences in density between earlywood and latewood, for example southern pine (Pinus spp.). Shelling is more severe in deck-boards fixed with their growth rings oriented pith-side-up (concave) rather than bark-side-up (convex). Far less is known about...
L H Leung, P D Evans