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Your search resulted in 734 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Copper linoleate: A new low toxcity wide spectrum, heavy duty wood preservative
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30082
Copper linoleate, a "fixed" copper soap has been developed and evaluated in South Africa over a 30-year period. The initial product, an organic solvent based preservative has been tested in pine poles against termites and fungi. Results indiate that the product has performed well against existing heavy duty wood preservatives such as CCA and creosote in long term field trials (30 years). The paper...
D Conradie, P Turner, W E Conradie, A J Pendlebury, T Pizzi

Marine trial progress report
1980 - IRG/WP 453
In May 1977 and May 1978, tests of new chemical formulations for the protection of timber in the sea were installed in Mt. Maunganui Harbour. Investigation into new preservatives for such usage was urgently required since it had been found that there was progressive leaching of copper from copper-chrome-arsenate treated marine piles which could lead to a reduction in their service life. Hochmann (...
A F Preston, C M Chittenden

Report on the co-operative leaching tests
1975 - IRG/WP 246
The Work reported here was undertaken at the request of CEN to see (1) whether the standard beaker leaching method under discussion at CEN, and based on the German DIN could be made less labour intensive; and (2) whether the leaching parameters could be expressed in more general terms so that alternative procedures could be used. A co-operative experiment was set up in which the amount of leaching...
J W W Morgan

Chlorothalonil: A new ground contact wood preservative
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3712
Extensive investigations have been conducted in recent years on the performance of chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) as a ground contact wood preservative. Efficacy information is presented on a soil block test with 11 Basidiomycetes, a fungus cellar evaluation, above-ground field testing against termites in Australia and Hawaii, and ground-contact field stakes installed in Florida (9 ...
P E Laks, T L Woods

Some Experiences with Stake Tests at BAM Test Fields and in the BAM Fungus Cellar Part 2: Comparison of Static and Dynamic Moduli of Elasticity (MOE)
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20320
In routine in-ground stake tests of wood preservatives at the BAM test field Horstwalde and in the BAM fungus cellar periodical determinations of both static moduli of elasticity (MOE) on the basis of bending tests and dynamic MOE on the basis of the vibration method were performed as a possible method for the assessment of fungal attack. As expected from other publications, the absolute values of...
M Grinda, S Göller

Preservative treatment and field test monitoring of spruce pole stock: Pressure and diffusible chemical treatments
1990 - IRG/WP 3605
One hundred and forty four spruce (test species) and southern yellow pine (reference species) poles were variously treated by center boring, incising, or kerfing, followed by pressure treatment with CCA and/or diffusible preservatives. The diffusible preservatives included NaF/creosote, borax and ammonium bifluoride. The poles were set at a test site and evaluated for preservative distribution and...
B Goodell, A J Pendlebury

Susceptibility of Lentinus lepideus (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. to volatiles produced by Trichoderma spp
1987 - IRG/WP 1316
A range of Trichoderma species and strains were tested for their ability to produce fungistatic volatiles. Volatiles from all isolates produced fungistatic effects on Lentinus lepideus however wide interspecies and interstrain variability in the level of response was evident. Cross plating studies between the Trichoderma isolates and Lentinus lepideus showed that Lentinus lepideus was overgrown an...
A Bruce, C Johnstone, J A P McVey

Soft-rot control in hardwoods treated with chromated copper arsenate preservatives. Part 3: Influence of wood substrate and copper loadings
1977 - IRG/WP 2100
The hypothesis is proposed that hardwoods need more chromated copper arsenate (CCA) than softwoods to protect them from soft-rot attack mainly because hardwoods are more readily consumed by soft-rot fungi. Simple model systems, using copper-supplemented agar or groundwood pulp treated with CCA showed that fungi tolerated more toxicant (copper) as more available substrate (malt) was provided. Soft-...
M A Hulme, J A Butcher

Biological detoxification of wood treated with salt preservatives
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3717
The use of microorganisms that are capable to convert chemically fixed inorganic preservative complexes from impregnated wood waste into watersoluble components is investigated. A number of fungi were isolated from deteriorated and initially well-treated wood. They revealed an exceptionally high production of organic acids (pH 2). The fungi were identified and used together with others of the same...
I Stephan, R-D Peek

Resistance of various wood species against decay by Coniophora cerebella (Pers) Duby and Lenzites trabea (Pers) Bres
1976 - IRG/WP 142
Both fungi, Coniophora cerebella and Lenzites trabea, are important destroyers of timber. Coniophora often occurs inside buildings and Lenzites trabea has been observed on southern facades of buildings, on balconies and window frames. In most instances that we investigated coniferous timber had been decayed. But both species are known to attack also various hardwoods. For this reason tests similar...
O Wälchli

The use of propionic acid to prevent Pinus patula biodeterioration during outside chip storage in Zululand
1989 - IRG/WP 3531
Pinus patula SCHIEDE ET DEPPE IN SCHLD. ET CHAM. is susceptible to biodeterioration during outside chip storage (OCS), reducing pulp quality and tear and burst indices of resulting paper. Accelerated laboratory trials showed that chips treated with 2% (w/v) propionic acid and stored for 17 weeks, produced pulp of quality indistinguishable from fresh untreated chips. Pulp tests during field trials ...
S Ismail, E J Smith, A A W Baecker

Silafluofen, a new insecticide against wood-boring insects and termites
1991 - IRG/WP 3666
Hoe 084498 (proposed common name: Silafluofen) is a new insecticidal compound from Hoechst Aktiengeesellschaft and has been extensively tested to determine its potential use as an insecticide against wood-boring insects and soil termites. Various tests in official institutes indicate a good activity against several wood-boring insects and soil termites. The active ingredient is resistant to weathe...
G Rustenburg, C J Klaver

Application of a novel strength evaluation technique during screening of wood preservatives
1986 - IRG/WP 2262
The effectiveness of CCA and ACA in treated aspen mini stakes tested using a novel bag procedure, with unsterile soil fortified with Chaetomium globosum and Ceratocystis albida, is reported. Good agreement between toxic limits determined using the standard weight loss procedure, and those determined by the strength technique were found, with some indication that the strength loss method is more se...
J N R Ruddick

Natural resistance of timbers to marine borer attack. A laboratory test with Limnoria tripunctata
1977 - IRG/WP 430
Attack of the timber specimens was much less severe in the laboratory than in some marine localities. This is not surprising. One reason is certainly that wood-boring molluscs (Teredinidae and Pholodidae) which were missing in the laboratory are the most important wood-destroying organisms in the open sea. Another reason is that it is not possible to offer the gribbles optimal environmental condit...
H Kühne

A field method for determining the above-ground resistance of wood and wood products to attack by subterranean termite
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20035
A method for determining the above-ground resistance of wood and wood products to subterranean termites in the field is described. Termites are aggregated in 20-litre steel drums, each containing a highly susceptible timber substrate. At the centre of each drum, specimens of the test material under evaluation are sandwiched, using circular sections of wire mesh, between two layers of the substrate...
J W Creffield

Protection of southern pine using N,N-Napthaloylhydroxylamine: Field tests, soft-rot cellars and aquatic bioassay leach testing
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30204
Recent environmental restrictions are limiting the use of broad-spectrum biocides for wood preservation. There is an urgent need for new, sharply targeted, environmentally benign wood preservatives. N'N-Napthaloylhydroxylamine (NHA), a water-soluble calcium-precipitating agent, has been shown to inhibit decay by brown-rot and white-rot fungi in soil-block tests and prevent damage by Easte...
D M Crawford, F Green III

Fungitoxic effect of the quaternary ammonium compounds preservatives against Basidiomycetes by using agar-plate and agar-block methods
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30118
Results of investigations on the fungitoxic value of three versions of wood preservatives based on the quaternary ammonium compounds (lauryldimethylbenzylammonium chloride, lauryldimethyl-benzylammonium bromide and alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride) and borates in relation to the wood destroying fungi have been presented. The agar-plate (screening) and agar-block method were applied. A wide ran...
J Wazny, P Rudniewski

The effect of precolonisation of blocks with common pole resident fungi on subsequent biological control of Lentinus lepideus by Trichoderma spp
1989 - IRG/WP 1387
Results of previous field studies have indicated that the spread of Trichoderma throughout the groundline regions of the interiors of creosoted poles are adversely influenced by the presence of large populations of resident mould organisms. Failure of the control fungus to develop and colonize all of the decay susceptible groundline region means that sucessful control of decay is most unlikely. Th...
A Bruce, T L Highley

Laboratory and field evaluations of a novel formulation, BAM as an anti-sapstain agent
1991 - IRG/WP 3639
A novel anti-sapstain formulation, BAM, consisting of 2-(thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole (TCMTB) and methylene bis thiocyanate (MBT) was evaluated for ist anti-sapstain performance in the laboratory and in the field as well. BAM proved effective in controlling the growth of molds and a sapstaining fungus in the standardized Japan Wood Preserving Association (JWPA) tests. All the test fungi coul...
Y Nomura

Feasibility of using biological control agents to arrest and prevent colonization of Douglas fir and southern pine by decay fungi
1988 - IRG/WP 1345
The use of microfungi to control basidiomycetous decay has been evaluated in Europe for many years, where it has produced mixed results against Lentinus lepideus Fries, the fungus presumed to be the major cause of decay in Scots Pine poles. In the United States, remedial decay control has been largely chemical, with little use of alternative decay control strategies. Increasing restrictions on che...
J J Morrell, C M Sexton

Resistance of wood inorganic material composites against decay fungi and subterranean termites
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40062
Double diffusion process was applied to the treatment of small sound sapwood specimens [20(T) x 20(R) x 10(L) mm³] of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. The specimens were consecutively dipped in the two kinds of acqueous solutions to form water insoluble deposits within the wood after an expected reaction between the solutes. Following the comparison of deposits formed and treating conditions (tempera...
K Tsunoda, T Yoshimura, M Takahashi, S Hirao, H Usui

Effect of volatiles from bacteria and yeast on the growth and pigmentation of sap-stain fungi
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10331
Sapstain fungi cause deterioration of wood due to colonisation by pigmented hyphae but without producing significant strength losses. This is due to the production of melanin in the fungal cell walls of the staining fungi. Any biological control strategy targeted against this type of deterioration would therefore be considered successful if it inhibited either fungal growth or pigment production. ...
A Bruce, R E Wheatley, S Verrall

Laboratory studies on the antagonistic properties of Scytalidium spp to Basidiomycetes with regard to biological control
1981 - IRG/WP 1130
This investigation was initiated to study the progress of the antagonism against various opposing species of basidiomycetes. The action of the FY strain of the Scytalidium spp isolated by Ricard and Bollen (1968) was compared with that of new isolates of Scytalidium spp against isolates of wood decaying fungi from British sites, specifically Lentinus lepideus the most common basidiomycete causing ...
P I Morris, D J Dickinson

Control of sapwood-inhabiting fungi by fractionated extracellular metabolites from Coniophora puteana
1991 - IRG/WP 1494
The objective of this study was to test the fractionated metabolites released by Coniophora puteana for their antagonistic activity against the sapstain fungi Ceratocystis coerulescens and Aureobasidum pullulans, and the molds Asperigillus niger and Penicillium spp. The acetone-soluble fraction obtained from the culture filtrate prepared from Coniophora puteana grown on 6% malt extract agar inhibi...
S C Croan, T L Highley

Natural durability of fifty species of Indian timber in Goa waters against marine wood-borers
1989 - IRG/WP 4150
Results of the investigations on the natural durabilitv of fifty species of Indian timber, based on data collected bv exposing test panels at Betim near Panaji (Goa) continuously for a period of 11 months are presented. The study revealed that none of the timber species tested has any natural resistance at this locality and all the panels were completely destroyed within 11 months. Details on the ...
L N Santhakumaran, S Udaya Bhaskar, J C Jain

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