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Your search resulted in 591 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Laboratory testing of wood natural durability - In soil-bed assays
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20141
Laboratory methods for assessing wood decay resistance are being investigated in the framework of an ongoing European research project. This paper summarizes the main results obtained for soil-bed tests based on the European prestandard ENV 807-Test 2. The data suggest that this testing methodology is suitable for evaluating the natural durability of timber species in soil-contact under conditions...
R Sierra-Alvarez, I Le Bayon, J K Carey, I Stephan, J Van Acker, M Grinda, G Kleist, H Militz, R-D Peek

Field trials of Sinesto B at some sawmills in Portugal
1989 - IRG/WP 3512
The efficacy of SINESTO B as antistain chemical for use in Portugal has been studied. The studies were done during the years 1987-1988 at several Portuguese sawmills in co-operation with the Instituto dos Produtos Florestais and the APCIM (Associacao Portuguesa de Comercio e Industria de Madeiras). SINESTO B was used in 5% and 8% concentrations. The storage time varied from 10 weeks to 6 months. I...
I A Linderborg

On the laboratory use of X-rays in timber decay evaluations
1981 - IRG/WP 2144
The paper reports the results of laboratory experiments on the X-raying of some Pinus radiata sapwood blocks infected with Serpula lacrymans to determine the effect of density and moisture content on the absorption of X-rays by wood. It is concluded that with increasing moisture content there is a very marked increase in time required to pass a constant quantity of X-rays through a test block and ...
J D Thornton, J W Creffield, O Collett

Marine trials with water-borne salts and organotin compound
1986 - IRG/WP 4128
Pinus sylvestris blocks treated with water-borne salts (CCA, CCB, CCF) and organotin compounds (TBTO, TBTCl) were submerged in the sea at Follonica station. The results obtained after 12 years of immersion are presented. The samples treated with CCA, CCB and CCF at the lowest concentration (2%) were destroyed after 7-9 years and the samples treated with CCB and CCF at the highest concentrations (4...
A Gambetta, E Orlandi

Laboratory tests on the residual effects of pyrethroids against termites after one year
1983 - IRG/WP 1216
Due to recent restrictions of ecological nature which most of pesticides are been submitted, it is necessary in wood preservation to test new products and formulation with low mamalian toxicity for substitution of the traditional products. The efficiency of five synthetic pyrethroids in comparison to the traditional organo-chlorinated pesticide chlordane was evaluated. Wood blocks impregnated with...
A M F Oliveira

Evaluation of a new anti-sapstain formulation
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30035
A new anti-sapstain mixture, which consists of 2% IPBC (3-iodo-2-propynylbutyl carbamate) and 1.5% DCOI (4,5-dichloro-2-n-octylisothiazolin-3-one), was evaluated by three methods in the laboratory. A standardized test (JWPA standard 2) demonstrated that the new anti-sapstain formulation was highly effective in controlling growth of monocultures of five test fungi on wood substrate. When exposed to...
K Tsunoda, H Kumagai, M Sakurai

Bestimmung der pilzwidrigen Wirksamkeit von Holzschutzmitteln gegen Moderfäule-Erreger
1977 - IRG/WP 2125
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war der Vergleich der in verschiedenen Ländern zur Bestimmung der pilzwidrigen Wirksamkeit von Holzschutzmitteln gegen Moderfäule-Erreger angewandten Methoden. Als Vergleichsmaterial dienten drei normierte Methoden: die britische (42), skandinavische (45) und die in der DDR angewendete (47) sowie wichtige, von verschiedenen Fachleuten ausgeführte Arbeiten experiment...
J Wazny

Surface accumulation of copper on CCA-impregnated Pinus patula stakes during marine preservative trials in the southern hemisphere
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4181
Pinus patula stakes treated with CCA to target retentions of 30 kg/m³ salts were exposed to sea water in marine and estuarine ecosystems off the coast of Southern Africa for two years. Samples were then analysed for copper and arsenic. Analysis of samples from the marine ecosystem showed (IRG/WP/4167) that arsenic was longitudinally and transversely leached from the wood, whereas the copper was r...
G D Shelver, C D McQuaid, M Tarin, A A W Baecker

Screening techniques for potential wood preservative chemicals. Proceedings of a special seminar held in association with the 10th Annual Meeting of the IRG, Peebles 1978. Report No 136, 1979
1980 - IRG/WP 2138
This paper continues following issues: I. SCREENING INSECTICIDES 1) R W Berry (BRE/PRL, UK): Screen testing of insecticides for use in remedial wood preservatives. 2) D J Cross (FRI, New Zealand): Rapid screening of contact insecticides for use on forest products. 3) C R Coggins; A Forsyth; A E Glaser (Rentokil, UK): Experience in the use of indicative screening techniques for termiticides. ...

Über Hausbock Hylotrupes bajulus (L.), (Col., Cerambycidae), in Laubholz: Versuche mit Laubholzarten, Prüfung der Wirkung von Ligninstoffen und von Ginkgo biloba, Beobachtungen an Hesperophanes. [On House-longhorn Beetle Hylotrupes bajulus (L.), (Col., Cerambycidae) in hardwood: Investigations with several hardwood-species, tests on activity of lignin components and Ginkgo biloba, observations on Hesperophanes]
1982 - IRG/WP 1144
Hylotrupes bajulus-larvae feed and develop in softwoods, hardwood acts as a feeding poison. The reason for this is still little known. According to literature some observations contradict this established opinion and the question was raised, whether the colour-strain scutifer (= lividus) is able to live in hardwood. Testing ten European and tropical hardwood-species (following the DIN-EN test proc...
S Cymorek

Laboratory tests on the natural durability of timber methods and problems
1984 - IRG/WP 2217
In literature a large variety of test methods is mentioned to examine the natural resistance of timber against fungal attack. This concerns the kind of sampling as well as the test procedure, the test fungi, the duration of test, and the classification of the resistance according to the test results. These variations, however, are of great influence on the test result. Long term exposure will lead...
H Willeitner

Addendum to paper for discussion in Working II
1970 - IRG/WP II 5B
In view of the limited time that will be available for discussions in Nancy, this addendum has been prepared. Arising from the previous collaborative work and Mr Bravery’s visit to most of the co-operating Institutes, a scheme of work entailing tests carried out 1) by a technique chosen by individual Institutes; 2) by an agreed standardised technique would appear to be the best approach. A compl...
J G Savory, A F Bravery

Field evaluation determining the toxic effect and diffusion properties of Impel, Improsol and TBTO-capsules in L-joints (spruce) for pretreatment application
1991 - IRG/WP 3641
Bonded joints (L-joints and T-joints) are especially at risk from water absorption (rain, condensation) over bare, unprotected radial wood surfaces (joggle joints). It is therefore quite certain that lasting protection against fungi attack cannot be guaranteed in the long term if the surface of coating is damaged. Therefore, in a field investigation, using L-joints (spruce) over a total period of ...
R Gründlinger, K Messner, O Janotta

Field and greenhouse testing of window joinery of pine and spruce treated with LOSP
1991 - IRG/WP 3658
Norwegian window frame components of full size were double vacuum-treated with TBTN and TBTO, and connected as 'L-joints' and subsequently coated with stains. The corner sections were exposed (out of ground contact) both in field (temperated coastal climate, Taastrup, Denmark) and in a greenhouse (Uppsala, Sweden). The window frame L-joints of spruce (Picea abies Karst.) - treate...
F G Evans, B Henningsson, E Borsholt

Durability of heat-treated wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40145
Heat-treated wood from the French process were laboratory tested against decay using agar block test and a modified soil block test. Water absorption, bending strength, lignin content and acid number were also determined to evaluate the effect of heat treatment. Heat treated samples exhibit a higher lignin content and a lower acid number compared to untreated control indicating the degradation of ...
D P Kamdem, A Pizzi, R Guyonnet, A Jermannaud

Blue stain in timber in service. Results of further IRG collaborative tests to compare different artificial weathering systems
1981 - IRG/WP 2146
The previous work described in Document No IRG/WP/286 examined 3 preservatives (1% phenyl mercury succinate - PMS, 5% pentachlorophenol - PCP and 1.5% Preventol A4 - PA4) subjected to 5 different artificial weathering systems (BAM Xenotest, Cuprinol Marr, EMPA Xenotest, Gori Atlas and PRL Marr) and after natural weathering at 5 sites (BAM, Cuprinol, EMPA, Gori and PRL). Results showed good correla...
A F Bravery, D J Dickinson

Ability of chloropicrin, Vorlex, or methylisothiocyante to prevent marine borer attack of Douglas fir piling
1989 - IRG/WP 4153
The preservative-treated shell around Douglas-fir piling is an excellent barrier to attack by marine borers; however, damage to this shell can permit marine borer attack. The feasibility of using fumigants to enhance piling performance was examined by exposing fumigant-treated Douglas-fir sections in marine waters off Newport, OR, or Port Hueneme, CA. The piling were inspected annually and increme...
M A Newbill, J J Morrell

Supercritical fluid treatment: Effects on bending strength of white spruce heartwood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20008
The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on wood strength were evaluated using white spruce heartwood, a species known to be especially susceptible to collapse during exposure to higher pressures. The effects of pressures of 2000 or 3600 psig and temperatures of 40 or 80°C were evaluated using 30 or 60 minute exposure periods. No significant differences were noted in modulus of rupture or modu...
S M Smith, J J Morrell, E Sahle-Demessie, K L Levien

Relative tolerance of CCA by larvae and adults of the common shipworm, Bankia gouldi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4174
Southern pine sapwood "2 x 4´s" were created by bolting together four panels 13 mm thick by 89 mm wide by 457 mm long. The two outer laminates were untreated and the two inner laminates were each treated to different CCA retentions, ranging from 8.0 to 43.2 kg/m³. Test specimens were exposed from May to October in a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Larvae were unable to settle on and burrow into...
B R Johnson

Test methods for wood preservatives against Lyctus: (1) Testing of treated veneer. (2) Testing of glue-line treated plywood. (Laboratory methods)
1977 - IRG/WP 293
Powder-post beetles destroy large quantities of veneer and plywood. Two test procedures are described which can be used to support application-oriented research into veneer and plywood preservatives. These procedures simulate practical conditions on a laboratory scale. Their characteristic feature is that wood species of special susceptibility are used for the tests; the susceptibility of the spec...
S Cymorek

Kerfing reduces checking in ACA-treated western white spruce poles
1988 - IRG/WP 3477
Western white spruce poles, pressure treated with pentachlorophenol and ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA) were installed in the Westham Island test site. The pentachlorophenol treated poles were unkerfed, while both unkerfed and kerfed ACA poles were placed in test. The checking and kerf width and depth were recorded at the time of installation. After ten years of weathering the checking characteri...
J N R Ruddick

Comparison of performance of wood preservatives in laboratory and field tests of treated commodities
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20010
The purpose of laboratory tests for evaluating efficacy of wood preservatives is usually to establish toxic values against standard strains of wood decay fungi. Exposure conditions are usually chosen as optimal for fungal growth. Toxic values so determined serve as a guide as to expected performance of the preservative in field stake tests or in above ground exposure tests. Test material is select...
M E Hedley

Resistance to decay of particle boards: Presentation of a test method
1986 - IRG/WP 2260
The experimentations were undertaken on particle boards 35 and 50 mm thick. The rot resistance tests were carried out on specimens whose dimensions were 600 x 75 x 35 mm³ for particle boards 35 mm thick and 800 x 75 x 50 mm³ for particle boards 50 mm thick according to a method derived from the one described in the documents IRG/WP/2214 and IRG/WP/2243. Two exposure periods were used: 12 and 16 ...
G R Y Déon, N Trong

Termite resistance of Malaysian and exotic woods with plantation potential: Field evaluation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10289
An in-ground resistance of selected Malaysian and exotic timbers to attack by a representative aggressive subterranean Coptotermes termite was evaluated as part of an on-going collaborative research between the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia and the University of Hawaii on termite control of building timbers under humid tropical conditions. A test site at FRIM, highly susceptible to the sub...
A H H Wong, J K Grace, L H Kirton

The effectiveness of three tributyltin compounds in beech against soft rot fungi using a soil-bed technique: A preliminary report
1986 - IRG/WP 3390
The effectiveness, towards soft rot fungi, of bis (tributyltin) oxide, tributyltin ethanesulphonate (TBTES) and benzyltributylammonium tributyldichlorostannate in both leached and unleached beech stakes is compared to that of a CCA preservative (Tanalith CT 106), using a soilbed technique. In addition, the effect of test solvent (water or toluene) on the performance of TBTES is evaluated. Total ti...
R Hill, A H Chapman, B Patel, A Samuel, J K Carey

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