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Antisapstain field trials of NeXgen in New Zealand
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30145
This document covers the results of summer and winter log trials of NeXgen, an antisapstain formulation containing methylene bis thiocyanate plus chlorothalonil. Log billets (20 - 25cm diameter) were stripped of bark using a commercial maul debarker and antisapstain treated within 8 hours of felling by dip application. Billets were stored in a pole barn and assessed for internal sapstain and decay...
R N Wakeling, T L Woods, D R Eden, C M Chittenden, B Carpenter

Bending properties of wood after its decay with Coniophora puteana and subsequent modification with selected chemicals
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40146
Mechanical properties of wood are often decreased due to decay processes caused by biotic and/or abiotic factors. Damaged wooden elements (e.g. historical structures) can be reinforced by more methods, including their modification with convenient chemicals. This paper presents influences of selected chemicals on basic bending properties (modulus of elasticity - MOE, modulus of rupture - MOR) of so...
L Reinprecht, S Varinska

Economical schedule for boron treatment of rubber wood: Pilot plant investigations
1993 - IRG/WP 93-40002
An economical treatment schedule (15 minutes initial vacuum of 85 kPa; 15 minutes pressure of 1000 kPa; 5 minutes final vacuum of 85 kPa) was arrived at for treating air-dried rubber wood (Hevea brasiliensis) in a pilot plant cylinder. Treating with 3% BAE (boric acid equivalent) solution resulted in a dry salt retention of 13.1 kg/m³. Also, the study showed that green rubber wood can be treated ...
R Gnanaharan, T K Dhamodaran

Review of current wood preservation in Turkey
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30315
The aim of this study was to find out the current potential of the Turkish wood preservation industry, and to make some suggestions for its further proceeding, because the forest products potential and the geographical location combined may give to the wood preservation industry in Turkey a great advantage for exportation treated wood materials to the Middle East Countries. In this study, therefo...
I Usta

Environmental aspects of wood preservation
1987 - IRG/WP 3406
The preservation industry employs a wide range of chemicals and processes to provide timber commodities capable of resisting biodeterioration and degradation. The public often perceives the chemicals as health hazards and treatment plants as potential threats to the environment. This paper attempts to place in proper perspective the value of wood preservation. It discusses aspects of health and sa...
H Greaves

Immunoassays for detecting and tracking wood-protecting chemicals
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-10
To respond to new environmental regulations, forest products industries are reducing or eliminating the release into the environment of chemicals used to protect wood products. For this, mills need tools that support practical and reliable programs for monitoring concentrations of wood protectants in processes and the environment. Conventionally, wood preservatives are detected mainly by gas-liqui...
C Breuil, J Bull

A method test of chemicals for the treatment of walls infected with Serpula lacrymans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2408
A method, which has been used in the UK for over 25 years, is described for assessing the effectiveness of products for application to walls during remedial treatment to eradicate the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans. Approvals for products previously used for this purpose in the UK are being changed. Approval for tri n-butyltin oxide has been withdrawn, and PCP derivatives can continue to be used...
J K Carey

Effects of chemicals used for ground-line protection of hardwood poles on termite attack
1988 - IRG/WP 1356
The majority of chemicals formulatet to protect the groundline of hardwood poles in Australia have been fungicides. Nine products were tested against Coptotermes lacteus attack to determine their value in preventing attack by subterranean termites. Results indicated that Busan, high temperature creosote, pigment emulsified creosote, copper naphthenate gel and "Blue 7" had a repellent effect on Cop...
R S Johnstone, R H Eldridge

Remediation of environmental impacts related to inorganic wood preservative chemicals using in-situ geochemical fixation
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50166-17
Use of the inorganic wood preservative chemical chromated copper arsenate (CCA) has resulted in several documented cases of soil and ground water contamination at wood treatment plants due to spills or releases of the treatment chemical. The most significant impact from releases of CCA to the environment is related to hexavalent chromium contamination of ground water. This is due to the relative s...
R M Thomasser, J V Rouse

An appraisal of anti-sapstain chemicals in Queensland, Australia
1985 - IRG/WP 3331
Eleven formulations were tested in the field for effectiveness against sapstain, mould and fungi on Pinus elliottii in Queensland. The commercially used sodium pentachlorophenoxide (0.5% a.i.) and Captafol (0.2% a.i.) performed well. Busan 1009 (0.3% a.i.), Protek T (5.0% a.i.), Woodgard E.S. and E.C. (0.8% a.i.), together with sodium tetrachlorophenoxide (0.5% a.i.) offer potential as anti-sapsta...
L E Leightley

Japanese standardized method for evaluating effectiveness of anti-sapstain and anti-mould chemicals
1988 - IRG/WP 2299
Japan Wood Preserving Association established a method for testing effectiveness of chemicals against sapstain and mold fungi on wood in 1979. The method is concerned with a laboratory technique using small timber specimens (20 x 50 x 3 mm³), petri dish and 5 test fungi. Effectiveness of each candidate chemical is evaluated on the basis of the relative resistance to sapstain and mold fungi which ...
K Tsunoda, K Nishimoto

Development and field trials of Evotek 230, a new antisapstain product
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30140
Laboratory and greenhouse studies, using freshly sawn pine boards, demonstrated that the fungicidal properties of prochloraz and carbendazim were complementary for protection from sapstain and mould under extreme conditions of close stacking and high humidity. Analysis of dip bath solutions before and after dipping 20 boards showed no evidence of any stripping of the active ingredients. Neither fu...
A Adams, J Oudenweyer, J L Lindars

Fungus cellar and antisapstain field trial studies of six triazole fungicides
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30077
The efficacy of six triazole fungicides was compared using a fungus cellar soil bed test, a rapid antisapstain laboratory trial and a 36 week antisapstain field trial. After 21 months in the fungus cellar the mean soundness of radiata pine treated with 1.5 kg/m³ of cyproconazole, azaconazole, hexaconazole, tebuconazole, propiconazole and flusilazole in combination with 1.0 kg/m³ didecydimethyl a...
R N Wakeling, J G Van der Waals, R D Narayan, J B Foster, B E Patterson, P N Maynard

Field evaluation of anti-sapstain products
1987 - IRG/WP 3402
Product A based on methylenebisthiocyanate, product B based on methylenebisthiocyanate plus 2-thiocyanomethylthio-benzothiazole, product C based on 2-thiocyanomethilthio-benzothiazole and product D based on didecyl dimethil ammonium chloride plus 3-iodo-2 propynil butyl carbarnate were evaluated on Pinus radiata sawn timber as fungicides for sapstain and mould in the Sawmill Division of the Univer...
M C Rose, A Bedoya

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Tuff Brite C in the control of sapstain in laboratory and field tests
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3718
Since 1990, the anti-sapstain product Tuff Brite C (ASC 66898) has been evaluated internationally in laboratory and field tests, and has been commercially introduced in New Zealand. The product is an aqueous flowable formulation of chlorothalonil and carbendazim. Efficacy tests which have been carried out in New Zealand, Australia, USA, South Africa and Europe are described and summarized. Tuff Br...
T L Woods, C J Klaver

Performance of proprietary formulations of anti-sapstain preservatives on Hevea brasiliensis timbers in laboratory tests
1989 - IRG/WP 3532
A total of 10 proprietary and two experimental formulations were assessed for their effectiveness against sap-stain caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae on Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis). Sterilized wood samples 5x20x40 mm³ were dipped in the test chemicals for 60 seconds and then inoculated with 0.5 ml of culture filtrate of Botryodiplodia theobromae for incubation in sterile, damp petri dishes....
L T Hong

Health and safety in use of antistain chemicals
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-29
Health and safety are a very important issues in wood protection nowadays. As for the sapstain control many new chemicals are being used instead of PCP. This has given rise to concern among the regulatory authorities, the formulators of the control agents and the users of treated wood. Are the new products safe to use? How expensive tests must be done to prove that the product is harmless to the w...
I A Linderborg

Wood protecting chemicals for the 21st century
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30018
After assessing the past research with protection chemicals, this paper proposes future avenues for research and development in wood protection. Three scenarios are put forward for consideration. First, more is not better and future systems will emphasize combination formulations which enhance properties while providing biological efficacy. Second, current systems, especially those based on copper...
H M Barnes

Anti-sapstain chemicals for diffusion treatment of rubber wood
1986 - IRG/WP 3367
Performance of Sinesto B and Akzo EN 494, two formulated products of alkyl ammonium compounds, was tested as fungicidal additive in the boron solution to control mould and stain during diffusion storage of rubber wood. Sinesto B at 2.0% (a.i.) concentration has given good control over mould and its protection against sapstain was only satisfactory. Akzo EN 494 at 0.7% (a.i.) concentration has give...
R Gnanaharan

The risk assessment process. Point of view of a biocide manufacturer [Évaluation du risque. Point de vue d'un fabricant de biocide]
1990 - IRG/WP 3568
Risk assessment is an inherent part of our everyday lives. The risk assessment equation combines Hazards and Exposure. For the Wood Preservation Industry, the hazards may be characterised by the toxicity a the ecotoxicity of chemicals and the exposure by the identification of exposed people, of the exposure routes and exposure frequency. To quantify the exposure, good co-operation is required betw...
D Baur

Methods of testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting sawn timber during storage and transport
1976 - IRG/WP 273
No international standard method for testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting fresh sawn timber exists. The methods used can be divided into three types: a) Rapid screening tests for finding chemicals effective against blue-stain and mould fungi. The chemicals are tested in agar medium, in pieces of filter paper or on small pieces of wood using pure cultures. b) Laboratory tests for evaluating ...
T Vihavainen

Laboratory evaluation of anti-sapstain formulations
1989 - IRG/WP 3510
Four formulations were tested for their efficacy in controlling molds and sapstaining fungi on wood according to the Standard-II of Japan Wood Preserving Association (JWPA). Relative efficacy was compared on the basis of visual rating of the fungal growth on the treated and untreated wood surfaces when the wood specimens were exposed to each monoculture of 5 test fungi at 26±2°C and 70-80% for 4...
K Tsunoda

Toxic wood preserving chemicals in the environment: Kenya - a cause for concern
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-17
The uncontrolled release of wood preserving chemicals into the environment, in most African countries, is discussed. Kenya has some 25 wood preservation plants, 23 of which use formulations of Copper- Chrome-Arsenate (CCA). The bulk of treated timbers consists of poles and posts used in ground contact. Poor fixation of CCA elements are associated with the species used, Eucalyptus saligna and Acaci...
R Venkatasamy

Qualitative and quantitative assessment of chemicals used for wood durability improvement by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20349
The Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) could be a suitable technique to assess chemicals used for wood durability improvement in the forest products industry. NIRS methodology can be used to obtain results more quickly, less costly and without damaging the wood. In this study, wood samples selected from heartwood and sapwood of Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster) were prepared to assess the artificial d...
S Zahri, F Charrier, H Baillères, B Charrier

Water analysis in chemicals, wood or chemically treated wood using a new analytical method for selective water detection
2006 - IRG/WP 03-30391
Water or moisture content analysis can be a challenging task in many applications. However, knowing accurately the type of water which can be found in a given sample or product can provide important information about a chemical compound used for wood treatment and especially about the treated wood sample. Moisture content in wood plays an important role in fungal growth and it needs to be extensi...
R Craciun, D Taylor

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