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Your search resulted in 553 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Efficacy of termiticide treatments to soil in field tests in the southern United States
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30043
In standard ground-board and concrete-slab efficacy tests in the southern United States, termiticides provide several years of subterranean termite control depending on rates applied to the soil and test site location. Years of 100% control (as of February 1994) provided by each currently marketed termiticide applied at highest label rates under concrete slabs in our four primary test sites (Flori...
B M Kard, J K Mauldin

Studies on the fungicidal effectiveness of a petroleum derived product as a creosote alternative
1986 - IRG/WP 3384 E
This work, appears first because of the necessity to find out a profitable use for a residual product of the petrol pyrolisis, and second, because the lack of high natural durability wood used until now-a-days to build posts and sleepers in creosote lacking countries. Our main objective was pointed to the characterization of this new product and to find out the effectiveness against the wood-destr...
A M Navarrete, M T De Troya

Defining fungal decay types - A proposal for discussion
1985 - IRG/WP 1264
The present definitions of the fungal decay types, white rot, brown rot, and soft rot are somewhat vague. The definitions are based on a mixture of criteria involving morphological and chemical aspects of decay as well as taxonomic affiliation of the responsible fungal species. The present vague definitions have led some fungi being erroneously places in a wrong decay type. Furthermore, some fungi...
T Nilsson

Methods to determine the efficacy of three water repellent additives in waterborne preservatives
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30142
The paper describes the methods used to determine the efficacy of three different water repellent additives in waterborne preservatives. The wooden samples used are pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) that are treated with 9 different waterborne preservatives in retention for hazard class 3 (above ground commodities). There are two sample sizes exposed, cladding boards (19 x 148 mm) w...
F G Evans, B Nossen, K M Jenssen, L R Wilhelmsen, G Fuglum

Efficacy of hexaflumuron as a bait-toxicant in the field using a transferred nest of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10379
A natural nest of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki was transferred into the field test site, and monitoring stations were installed around the nest buried back in the ground in January, 1995. Following estimation of foraging populations [271,200o}49,600 (July - October, 1996); 142,600o}19,600 (April - July, 1998)], bait applications were conducted twice. Termites came back to the stations in spring,...
K Tsunoda, Y Hikawa, T Yoshimura

Degradation of resin constituents in various wood species by the white rot fungus Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10301
In previous studies, the white-rot fungus Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55 was shown to cause extensive degradation of lipophilic extractives (resin) in Scots pine wood. Further research was carried out in order to investigate the ability of Bjerkandera sp. for reducing resinous constituents in various softwood (Douglas fir, larch and spruce) and hardwood species (birch, beech and poplar). The greates...
J Dorado, T A Van Beek, F W Claassen, R Sierra-Alvarez

Fluoride and chromium concentrations in soil adjacent to remedially treated distribution poles
1996 - IRG/WP 96-50066
Soils adjacent to Rentex treated 'on-line' distribution poles were analysed for total fluoride and chromium content for comparison with background values of these elements. Soil samples 6 cm and 25 cm downslope of selected poles were recovered at 1 week, 1 month, 6 and 12 months after treatment. Background soil samples were taken 50 m from the poles at sampling times. Fourteen po...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, H J Staines, P Durrant

Effect of fungal degradation on the chemical composition of acetylated beech wood
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40267
This study investigated the impact of fungal attack on the chemical composition of acetylated wood. Beech wood acetylated to different degrees was exposed to decay by the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor under solid-state fermentation conditions. Laboratory soil-bed assays were also conducted to study the degradation of acetylated wood by soft rot fungi and other soil-inhabiting microorganisms...
H Militz, Dong-won Son, L Gómez-Hernández, R Sierra-Alvarez

FAROX, a novel insect growth regulator for use against wood-boring insects
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30080
The active ingredient in FAROX - fenoxycarb - is a novel insect growth regulator for preventive use against wood-boring insects (Hylotrupes, Anobium and Lyctus). FAROX has the same biological effect as a natural insect growth factor produced by the insect itself. FAROX is tailor-made for insect control; it attacks at the points where the insect should normally be changing its form and blocks these...
A R Valcke

The biocidal efficacy of sulphates against basidiomycetes
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30192
Copper sulphate is used for the preservation of wood since decades. However, if copper sulphate is not combined with a compound it can be leached up to 50% and more from the treated wood. Previous results for leached wood indicated that the loss of biological efficacy against soft rot corresponds to leaching of copper. For basidiomycetes, however, the effectiveness decreases much more rapidly. The...
H Leithoff, E Melcher

The use of fumigants for controlling decay of wood: a review of their efficacy and safety
1989 - IRG/WP 3525
Volatile agricultural chemicals (fumigants) such as chloropicrin (trichloronitromethane) and sodium n-methyldithiocarbamate have been used in the United States for controlling internal decay of large dimension wood products for over 20 years. This usage has been concentrated in the electric utility industry, but fumigants are increasingly applied to protect bridge timbers, marine piling, and even ...
J J Morrell

Efficacy of Avermectin B1 dust and bait formulations in new simulated and accelerated field tests
1985 - IRG/WP 1257
Avermectin B1 on a silica carrier dust was used in dust and bait formulations whose efficacy against Reticulitermes flavipes was assessed in new simulated and accelerated field tests. A 0.5 mg avermectin/mg dust and a bait with 50 ppm avermectin in paper pulp sandwiched between pieces of corrugated boxboard caused nearly complete mortality in bioassays and suppression of foraging in field tests. T...
G R Esenther

Anti-sapstain chemicals for diffusion treatment of rubber wood
1986 - IRG/WP 3367
Performance of Sinesto B and Akzo EN 494, two formulated products of alkyl ammonium compounds, was tested as fungicidal additive in the boron solution to control mould and stain during diffusion storage of rubber wood. Sinesto B at 2.0% (a.i.) concentration has given good control over mould and its protection against sapstain was only satisfactory. Akzo EN 494 at 0.7% (a.i.) concentration has give...
R Gnanaharan

The risk assessment process. Point of view of a biocide manufacturer [Évaluation du risque. Point de vue d'un fabricant de biocide]
1990 - IRG/WP 3568
Risk assessment is an inherent part of our everyday lives. The risk assessment equation combines Hazards and Exposure. For the Wood Preservation Industry, the hazards may be characterised by the toxicity a the ecotoxicity of chemicals and the exposure by the identification of exposed people, of the exposure routes and exposure frequency. To quantify the exposure, good co-operation is required betw...
D Baur

A field trial to assess the potential of antisapstain chemicals for long-term protection of sawn radiata pine
1986 - IRG/WP 3375
Seven chemical formulations were tested as antisapstain treatments for freshly sawn radiata pine sapwood (90x50 mm²). Each formulation was used with and without a water-repellent additive and was sprayed on to 1 m long boards. The boards were then stacked into "mini" packets and stored unprotected from the weather for 6 months. Haipen 50w (at 0.2 or 0.4% active) and NaPCP (1% active) plus 1.5% bo...
J A Drysdale

The use of organic wood preservatives in ground contact and the suitability of laboratory test procedures to determine their efficacy
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20175
Organic fungicides, such as propiconazole, have proven to be highly effective when used as a co-biocide in recently developed wood preservative formulations. They have however been ineffective when used as a stand alone preservative, particularly when used in ground contact (European Hazard class 4). Previous research, using the test methods of ENV 807 (1993), provided conflicting evidence regardi...
I J Herring, D J Dickinson

"XYLOPHENE ANTI-TERMITES" :A complete range of treatment products against termites
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30230
Dyrup-Xylochimie purpose for several years efficient treatment products for timber and wood materials, with its trade mark : "Xylophèn". As everybody know, termites become an important problem for construction in France. So important that, a national law was voted in May 1999, to define areas where termites are present, in order to protect future landowner. To prevent efficiently termites damages...
L Cubizolles, E Wozniak

Water transfer in wood in relation to fungal attack in building - Effect of condensation and diffusion
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1543
Wood is continuously exchanging moisture with the surrounding atmosphere, the temperature and relative humidity are important factors. Wood moisture in this case is not enough to provoque decay by fungi. However, when, during the night, condensation appears cyclically, wood absorbs water and moisture content may be sufficiently high to allow development if drying does not take place. The water tra...
D Dirol, J-M Vergnaud

The efficacy of boron preparations
1987 - IRG/WP 3400
The toxicity threshold of boric acid for egg larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus Linné is approx. 0.4 kg/m³ of wood (71 g B/m³) over a 12-week test period, and approx. 0.3 kg/m³ of wood (53 g B/m³) over a 6-month test period. The corresponding values for borax are 0.5-0.6 kg/m³ of wood (56-68 g B/m³) and 0.3-0.4 kg/m³ of wood (34-45 g B/m³). The values are somewhat lower in the case of the egg l...
J T De Jonge

Methods of testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting sawn timber during storage and transport
1976 - IRG/WP 273
No international standard method for testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting fresh sawn timber exists. The methods used can be divided into three types: a) Rapid screening tests for finding chemicals effective against blue-stain and mould fungi. The chemicals are tested in agar medium, in pieces of filter paper or on small pieces of wood using pure cultures. b) Laboratory tests for evaluating ...
T Vihavainen

Efficacy of triflumuron dust against Schedorhinotermes intermedius (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30226
Insecticidal dusts have been used against termites for decades, with arsenic dust being the standard in Australia. While fair success over the years has been achieved against genera such as Coptotermes and Nasutitermes, Schedorhinotermes has been much more difficult to control. This genus has nests which are very difficult to locate and thus it is problematic to determine whether a treatment has b...
W Madden, P Hadlington, M Hill

Production of fungal protoplasts from selected wood-degrading fungi
1991 - IRG/WP 1500
Studies of hyphal morphology and the effects of various chemicals on growth are often difficult to perform on filamentous fungi because of the difficulty of observing the protoplasm through the rigid hyphae wall and because most activity occurs in a limited region near the hyphal tip. As an alternative, hyphae can be reacted with certain cell wall degrading enzymes to remove the cell wall to produ...
C Rui, J J Morrell

Upgrading the fungal resistance of OSB
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40138
There is a perception that oriented strand board (OSB) is less resistant to fungl than plywood under conditions of moderate exposure to moisture. Douglas fir-faced plywood (DFP) has been suggested as a benchmark for acceptable durability under such conditions. This project was initiated to determine the minimum level of low-toxicity chemical treatment needed to upgrade the fungal resistance of OSB...
P I Morris, J E Clark, D Minchin, R Wellwood

Influence of fungal exposure on the redistribution of copper in treated spruce wood
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10450
The redistribution of copper in treated wood after exposure to basidiomycete decay fungi is described. The micro-distribution of copper in copper(II) sulphate or copper(II) octanoate/ethanolamine treated Norway spruce wood before and after exposure to 3 different wood decay fungi was studied using transmission electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis. The copper content of the mycelium and the...
M Humar, F Pohleven, R J Murphy, D J Dickinson, I Moris, M Zupancic, P Kalan, M Petric

Laboratory evaluation of anti-sapstain formulations
1989 - IRG/WP 3510
Four formulations were tested for their efficacy in controlling molds and sapstaining fungi on wood according to the Standard-II of Japan Wood Preserving Association (JWPA). Relative efficacy was compared on the basis of visual rating of the fungal growth on the treated and untreated wood surfaces when the wood specimens were exposed to each monoculture of 5 test fungi at 26±2°C and 70-80% for 4...
K Tsunoda

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