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Your search resulted in 152 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The resistance of timbers to impregnation with wood preservatives
1979 - IRG/WP 3137
It is anatomical structure which determines liquid flow rate within different timber species. This cannot be deduced from properties such as density or rate of growth, and can only be found by experiment. A standard test has been in use at the Princes Risborough Laboratory for many years, employing a pressure-impregnation treatment, and a large number of timbers have been studied. The test consist...

Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis - a threat to copper-treated wood
1983 - IRG/WP 4100
This paper presents the first reported attack by the crustacean marine wood-borer Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis of CCA treated eucalypt piles. The attack occurred after 12 years service of the piles in the River Derwent at Hobart, Tasmania. Attack by both this borer and Limnoria tripunctata Menzies is also reported in CCA treated softwoods and hardwoods over periods ranging from 5 to 22.9 years...
J E Barnacle, L J Cookson, C N McEvoy

Degradation of woods by obligately anaerobic fungi
1990 - IRG/WP 1452
Little is known about the processes occurring during the degradation of wood by obligately anaerobic fungi. When woods from a range of hardwood species were incubated for 11 days with a strain of the Chytrid Neocallimastix frontalis many of the woods were measurably fermented; Fagus sylvatica (23%) was the most highly degraded. Microscopic examination of Populus tremuloides wood after incubation w...
K N Joblin, G E Naylor

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - To determine the effect of timber substrate on the efectiveness of different preservatives in sea-water: Coding scheme
1976 - IRG/WP 420
It was agreed in Wildhaus on 15 May 1976 that preparations for the test detailed in Document No: IRG/WP/414 should commence immediately, but that initially only two water-borne preservatives should be used - a copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) and a copper/chrome/boron (CCB) formulation respectively. PRL, England (R Cockcroft) would be responsible for supplying only the reference species treated with th...

Chromated copper arsenate preservative treatment of hardwoods. Part 1: CCA fixation performance of seven North american hardwoods
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30131
There has been an increased interest in utilisation of hardwoods from eastern North America for exterior applications which require protection with preservatives such as CCA. We have examined CCA fixation at two selected temperatures of seven common North American species: red maple (Acer rubrum L.,), white birch (Betula papyrifera ), yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), trembling aspen (Po...
T Stevanovic-Janezic, P A Cooper, Y T Ung

Laboratory Evaluation of Soft Rot Resistance of Non-Durable Lesser-Known Malaysian Hardwoods
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10582
Resistance of six non-durable lesser-known Malaysian hardwoods, Pulai (Alstonia spp.), Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis), Ludai (Sapium spp.), Jelutong (Dyera costulata), Gaham Badak (Blumeodendron tokbrai) and Kayu arang (Diospyros spp.) compared with temperate Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris), were evaluated using the unsterile soil burial (mixed with Chaetomium globosum) versus vermiculite-b...
A H H Wong

Laboratory Leaching Tests to Study the Effects of Post-Treatment Storage Periods on CCA Leachability and Fixation in Treated Permeable and Refractory Malaysian Hardwoods
2006 - IRG/WP 06-50240
The biological resistance and environmental safety of CCA-treated wood relies on the extent of post-treatment storage fixation of CCA in wood prior to being utilized. A study on the comparative leachability (fixation) of CCA-treated refractory and permeable heartwoods of 3 Malaysian hardwoods subjected to different post-treatment storage (fixation) periods of up to 4 weeks, at 2 laboratory leachin...
A H H Wong, H C Lai, N P T Lim

The influence of wood density on the durabilities of three Ghanaian hardwoods (Nauclea diderrichii (de Wild.) Merr., Nesogordonia papaverifera (A. Chev.) R. Capuron and Corynanthe pachyceras Welw.) )
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10603
Review of factors that influence wood durability shows that although density varies depending on stem position, its role on decay resistance appears controversial. The role density plays in influencing the durability of three hardwoods from Ghana, namely Nauclea diderrichii (de Wild.) Merr., Nesogordonia papaverifera (A. Chev.) R. Capuron) and Corynanthe pachyceras Welw. is therefore investigated ...
C Antwi-Boasiako, A J Pitman, J R Barnett

Marine exposure assessment in southern Portugal of the natural resistance of a number of lesser known species of tropical hardwoods to teredinid and limnoriid borers
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10614
Naturally durable species of timber are used as an alternative to preservative treated timber for marine structures, but many species have not been evaluated for their potential for use in this environment. EN 275 specifies a 5-year test period - too long a period for screening tests to be economically viable. In this study, candidate timber species were selected for testing in the sea on the basi...
J R Williams, S M Cragg, L M S Borges, J D Icely, G S Sawyer

Preventing Xylosandrus crassiusculus Beetle Attack in Large Green Timbers Using Pyrethroid Dip Treatments
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10642
Although awareness about the risk of invasive species has increased over the past decade, a large number of highly destructive exotic pests are still being introduced around the world. One of the more important pest introductions in the Southeastern United States has been the Asian ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus crassiusculus. This species is particularly important because of its ability to kill...
C Schauwecker, A F Preston, J J Morrell

Dimensional Stability of Nine Tropical Hardwoods from Cameroon
2009 - IRG/WP 09-10687
This study investigated the swelling behavior, rate of swelling and dimensional stability of nine tropical hardwood species from Cameroon, namely ayous (T. scleroxylon), bilinga (N. diderrichii), bubinga (G. tessmannii), iroko (C. excelsa), Makore (M. heckelii), moabi (B. toxisperma), movingui (D. benthamianus), teak (T. grandis) and zingana (M. brazzavillensis). Continuous swelling was monitored ...
S R Shukla, D P Kamdem

Natural Durability Variations of Malaysian Timbers from Sarawak after 26 Years Exposure by Stake Test
2009 - IRG/WP 09-10704
An extensive graveyard stake test site was established in 1977 in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia, to evaluate the in-ground durability of 132 Sarawak wood species, mainly hardwoods. Test samples were planted at 100 x 50 cm spacing. Authenticated wood specimens from 3 trees of each of 132 species were processed into 20 replicated outer heartwood (or else undifferentiated heartwood) stakes of 19 x 19 x 457...
A H H Wong, Ling Wang Choon

Utilidad práctica de mini estacas en ensayos de campo
2009 - IRG/WP 08-20395
For testing chemicals for the wood against degradation agents of biotic, known as preservatives, both testing in the laboratory and in the fields are used. Field trials (Cemetery stakes) are often accepted as more "real" whose frequency of observation is set to more or less a year in temperate climates and six months or less in tropical situations, taking into accounts the aggressiveness of the so...
O Encinas, J V Puentes, N K Sarmiento, N Mora

Utilidad práctica de mini estacas en ensayos de campo
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20395
For testing chemicals for the wood against degradation agents of biotic, known as preservatives, both testing in the laboratory and in the fields are used. Field trials (Cemetery stakes) are often accepted as more "real" whose frequency of observation is set to more or less a year in temperate climates and six months or less in tropical situations, taking into accounts the aggressiveness of the so...
O Encinas, J V Puentes, N K Sarmiento, N Mora

Performance of boron diffused wood products used indoors for 144 months in Bangladesh
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30581
In this service performance study of boron diffused hardwoods, boron in the form of boric acid (H3BO3) was applied separately through paste and through wet cloth. The born diffused woods were kept indoors for 144-months in Bangladesh to ascertain the performance of treated wood against wood destroying insects. The new easy application processes of cost effectual boric acid have been found effectiv...
A K Lahiry, T Lahiry

Fixation and leaching characteristics of Malaysian tropical hardwoods treated with CCA-C
2012 - IRG/WP 12-50289
The fixation and leaching characteristics of 8 Malaysian tropical hardwood (MTH) species treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA-C) wood preservative were examined. The species evaluated were Acacia (Acacia mangium), Bintangor (Calophyllum sp.), Geronggang (Cratoxylon arborescens), Medang (Litsea sp.), Meranti rambai daun (Shorea acuminata), Putat (Planchonia sp.), Ramin (Gonystylus sp.) and S...
S Salim, S Shahomlail, Z Ashaari, Yong-Seok Choi, Gyu-Hyeok Kim

Initial investigations into the spalting potential of Peruvian hardwoods
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10813
This study was performed to determine if several moderately-utilized Peruvian hardwoods had potential for spalting applications. We applied a modified decay jar methodology with six native Peruvian woods and three moulds, with a period of incubation of six weeks. Results showed that Nigrospora sphaerica and Marupa (Simarouba amara) resulted on the highest significant internal pigmentation (black),...
S M Vega Gutiérrez, S C Robinson

Classifying white rot decay resistance of some hardwoods from Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia and correlations with their tropical in-ground durability
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10788
White rot wood decay under Malaysian (humid tropical) terrestrial conditions pose more serious threats to the in-ground service life of hardwoods than other common fungal decay types. A study is made on decay resistance variation for a total combined list of 30 Peninsular Malaysian and Sarawak timber species (plus 6 exotic reference temperate commercial woods for comparison) using the laboratory s...
A H H Wong, J M E Jem, Lai Jiew Kok

Utilization of TG-DSC to study thermal degradation of beech and silver fir
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40628
Thermal treatment of wood is, besides other wood modification system, used to improve the decay resistance and dimensional stability. However, the chemical changes that are caused by treatment process are still difficult to quantify, characterize and control. Previous studies have shown that thermodesorption coupled to GC-MS is an attractive tool to characterize and quantify products formed during...
K Candelier, A Treu, J Dibdiakova, E Larnøy, A Petrissans, S Dumarçay, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin

Commercial Timbers of Kenya
2016 - IRG/WP 16-10876
The global timber trade has for years been too familiar with an assortment of available African timbers, reputed for their appearance in terms of colour, grain, pattern and durability. African forests are fast disappearing through over-exploitation as a result of demand for agricultural land. Kenya, the home of some of these valuable hardwoods, has been similarly affected, with its forest land cov...
R Venkatasamy

A Case Study of Long-term CCA Preservative Leaching from Treated Hardwood Poles in a Humid Tropical Condition
2016 - IRG/WP 16-50324
Chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated Malaysian hardwoods have long been used as utility poles, posts, construction piles and motorway fencing in soil contact exposed to the threats of decay fungi and termites. Despite global concerns citing predominantly temperate conditions of long-term leaching of CCA toxic heavy metals from wood into surrounding soils and groundwater since the 1990’s, the ...
A H H Wong, W S M Chin

Natural durability of Sextonia rubra, an Amazonian tree species: description and origin
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10887
Sextonia rubra is a tropical tree species belonging to Lauraceae family. In French Guiana, its long lasting heartwood is largely exploited for different purposes including house construction, and furniture making. Decay tests have confirmed S. rubra natural durability, and led us to discover some variability. Rubrynolide and rubrenolide, which are two majors metabolites isolated from the heartwood...
E Houël, A Rodrigues, E Nicolini, O Ngwete, C Duplais, D Stien, N Amusant

Weathering protection of European hardwoods through double modification
2017 - IRG/WP 17-30715
Beech and poplar were thermally modified, treated with melamine resin and both treatments were combined. The weathering performance (cracks and general appearance) of modified beech and poplar was assessed in natural weathering and correlated to material properties such as work in bending (WB) and Brinell hardness. In addition, the equilibrium moisture content after exposure of 12 months and subse...
G Behr, A Gellerich, S Bollmus, H Militz

Effect of a Water Repellent Treatment on Moisture Behavior of Three Australian Hardwoods: A Preliminary Report
2021 - IRG/WP 21-40921
Wood is inherently hygroscopic and will sorb moisture either directly from the atmosphere or via capillary action. Moisture can have marked effects on wood properties and repeated wetting and drying creates dimensional changes that lead to physical damage. Exposure to elevated moisture levels also increases the risk of fungal attack. Wood preservatives have long been used to minimize the risk of ...
B Hassan, J J Morrell, K Wood

The Resistance of Some Commercially Thermally Modified American Hardwoods to Termites and Fungi
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40944
Thermally Modified Wood (TMW) is now being produced in the United States but there are few data on the durability of these materials. In this study, commercially-produced thermally modified yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), red maple (Acer rubrum), and white ash (Fraxinus americana) were evaluated for fungal and termite resistance. The resistance of the three TMW species against Gloeophyllu...
B Cortes, B Bond, A Taylor, J Lloyd

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