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Preliminary agar screening studies as the first stage in the development of a biological control system against basidiomycetes in ground contact situations
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10111
Preliminary screening of Trichoderma isolates as possible biocontrol agents for protection of wood in ground contact situations against basidiomycete decay was undertaken on three types of media. Media used were 3% malt extract agar (MEA); a low nutrient synthetic media with a carbon: nitrogen ratio typical of that found in softwoods (LNM); and a similar synthetic media where the amino acid profil...
E J B Tucker, A Bruce

Exposure of preservative treated wood to terrestrial microcosms, pure cultures of fungi and in the field
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20114
Small stakes (5x10x100 mm3) of treated and untreated Pinus sylvestris sapwood were exposed in terrestrial microcosms with different soils, two taken from test fields in Sweden, one soil from a conifer forest and one garden compost soil. Stakes of the same size were also exposed to pure cultures of the brown and white rot fungi, Postia placenta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. After exposure, weigh...
M-L Edlund

On the possibilities of the use of juvenile hormone in wood protection
1976 - IRG/WP 363
The annual world-wide extent of losses caused by wood-destroying insects in timber in buildings and timberyards is very difficult to estimate. In general exact values are only known in cases of claims for damages from insurance companies or in litigation. At present the best known wood destroying insects in Switzerland are the house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus) and the common furniture bee...
P Tscholl

Co-operative research project on L-joint testing. Sampling after 4 years exposure
1987 - IRG/WP 2274
In September 1983, Document No: IRG/WP/2208 was distributed giving guidance on sampling after 8 months exposure and including tables on which to record the test results. Similarly in September 1984, Document No: IRG/WP/2233 was distributed concerning sampling after 18 months exposure. No major problems have been notified to Princes Risborough Laboratory concerning the sampling method. It is theref...
J K Carey, A F Bravery

Field test of wood preservatives with Nasutitermes rippertii RAMBUR in Cuba
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10181
A field test of wood preservatives was carried out with Nasutitermes rippertii RAMBUR in the vicinity of the Material Testing Centre „Alexander von Humboldt" in Santiago de las Vegas/ Havana (Cuba) for 12 and 24 months. Test specimens of Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Fagus sylvatica L. with dimensions of 25 x 25 x 490 mm³ were arranged vertically or horizontally in a circle o...
W Unger

Screening of the technical performance and aquatic toxicity of N-methylolacrylamide treated wood
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40166
In the course of the last decades chemical modification of wood species, with a limited natural durability, has been subjected to intensive research. As a possible alternative and supplementary treatment of non-durable wood in a range of applications it remains one of the major topics in the wood preservation world. Different modification systems have been scaled-up and are now in an industrialisi...
V Rijckaert, S De Geyter, J Van Acker, M Stevens

A technique for measuring preservative loss or redistribution during leaching
1983 - IRG/WP 2199
Radiata pine sapwood stakes were treated with benzalkonium chloride (AAC) or copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA). After fixation and drying the outer 2 mm and 2-4 mm layers were removed from one radial longitudinal face. The planed face was coated with a waterproof coating and AAC-treated stakes were leached for 6, 12 or 18 weeks; 12 weeks for the CCA-treated stakes. After airdrying three 2 mm layers (0-...
J A Drysdale

Testing blue stain fungicides for joinery timber in combination with natural weathering
1976 - IRG/WP 268
Joinery timber in outside use becomes affected by blue-stain after a short time of exposure. This is especially the case with pine sapwood treated with unpigmented lacquer, but also with other timber species as well as different types of surface treatment. According to the basic investigations of BUTIN this is due to special types of blue-stain fungi, called "Lack-bläue" (lacquer blue-stain), in ...
H Willeitner

Soft-rot testing. Memo to CEN
1983 - IRG/WP 2206 A
1. Development of a single test procedure to assess performance of preservatives against soft rot fungi is an ideal that cannot be realised at present, if results are to be both reproducible between laboratories and pertinent to the practical requirements of individual countries. 2. Consensus opinion amongst members of Sub Group I - Soft rot tests, of Working Group II - Fundamentals of Testing, of the IRG, is that the immediate needs of CEN would be best answered by: (a) a code of recommended practice, (b) a multiplicity of test procedures, and (c) a degree of flexibility in test procedures. 3. The code of recommended practice should recognise the need for: (a) a pure culture, synthetic medium (sand or vermiculite + nutrients), single wood species test to be adopted by all laboratories as a common reference point of testing, (b) mixed inoculum and/or unsterile soil laboratory or fungus cellar tests which account for local variations in the fungal flora, (c) incorporation of a range of wood species where applicable (i.e. where mixed hardwoods comprise the main resource), (d) provision of local internal standards of known performance under field conditions, (e) incorporation of leaching procedures other than standard methods with deionized water (e.g. mild acid, milk alkali, ionic solutions of various salts) where applicable to local exposure conditions, (f) precise definition of the criteria used for establishing toxic thresholds (mass loss, strength loss, microscopic examination). 4. Initial screening tests should remain the province of the individual research worker. 5. The code of recommended practice should have the sole purpose of establishing provisional retention levels for subsequent confirmation by field trial. 6. IRG should list and approve test procedures considered adequate to establish toxic thresholds for preservatives against soft rot fungi. 7. It should be clearly understood that when using a series of test techniques, it is inevitable that a range of toxic thresholds will be obtained for the same preservative. 8. Guidelines should be drawn up for interpretation of test data for subsequent transformation to provisional retention levels. 9. Adoption of the broad principles outlines above is recognition of the dynamic nature of toxic thresholds. The additional information obtained by a more flexible, and complex, approach to testing may make interpretation more difficult but should provide data from which response of preservatives to varying biological and environmental hazards can be more realistically assessed. 10. It is recommended that CEN adopt, in principle, the basic philosophy of testing outlined above and move towards formulation of a Working Document in collaboration with IRG
J A Butcher, D J Dickinson

The ground proximity decay test method
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20205
A decay field test method, which has been recently proposed for the standardization by the AWPA, is described for evaluating the relative performance of wood samples in a severe above ground situation exposed to the weather. Data is presented on the relative performance of untreated control samples and standard preservative systems exposed at the same site at different time periods, or at differen...
A F Preston, P J Walcheski, K J Archer, A R Zahora, L Jin

Utilisation of carbohydrates by stain fungi in agar culture
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10248
Stain fungi are often defined by their ability to utilise the starch and free sugars found in ray parenchyma cells, and their inability to utilise other wood constituents. However, several species of stain fungi produce bore holes in wood cell walls. This suggests that enzymatic activity capable of degrading structural polysaccharides and/or lignin is associated with the growth of the appressorium...
J Snow, P Vinden, S M Read

Permeability measurements on surface layers for detecting wood with abnormally high permeability
1988 - IRG/WP 2298
Wet storage of timber during the warm period of the year may lead to an increased permeability of the wood, an undesirable phenomenon for several wood industries and also for many end-uses. Neither before nor after drying, such wood with "wet storage damage" can be visually distinguished from wood with a normal permeability. A non-destructive method for inspecting the permeability of surface layer...
J B Boutelje, G Hägglund

Glue-line additives for protecting plywood. A review
1978 - IRG/WP 2102
The conclusions of this review are: 1) Insecticidal glue-line additives can be used satisfactorily to protect plywood against insect attack. 2) It is uncertain, in spite of some claims, wether fungicidal glue-line additives can be similarly used to protect plywood against fungi under damp conditiones. There is a need for further work to validate the mycological tests that may be used to investigat...
R Cockcroft

A field study on the suitability of the European lap-joint test
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20239
Within the framework of the European SM&T Research Project "Co-normative research on field tests for wood preservatives out of ground contact in conjunction with methods for preconditioning test specimens prior to test" (FACT) one aim was to establish the suitability of the European lap-joint test (as it is described in ENV 12037:1996) to assess wood preservatives in the field in EHC 3. Scots ...
M Grinda, Ö Bergman, H-V Borck, D Dickinson, P Esser, R Gründlinger, H Leithoff, S Molnar, L Paajanen, N Pfabigan, E D Suttie, F Thomassin, T Nilsson, J Van Acker, M Van Der Zee, A Voss

The effect of moisture content on the electrical resistance of timber as detected by a pulsed current reistance meter (Shigometer)
1984 - IRG/WP 2212
The literature concerning the use of the Shigometer® for detecting decay in standing trees and wood poles is reviewed and the differences of opinion over the effect of timber moisture content on electrical resistance are highlighted. A simple experiment designed to test this effect is described and the implications of the results for testing poles in service are discussed. There was a large diffe...
P I Morris, D J Dickinson

Influence of the content of organic matter of soil on the degradation of wood by soft rot fungi
1970 - IRG/WP 27
The degradation of wood specimen burried in the soil by soft rot fungi is influenced by a number of factors. These are in particular the water holding capacity, water content, content of organic matter, pH, content of mineral nutritive substances etc. The results of the interlaboratory tests, carried out within the IRG/WP let presume that the intensity of wood degradation occurs proportionally inv...
O Wälchli

The development of a field testing technique using Coptotermes lacteus mounds in Australia
1985 - IRG/WP 1270
A method to rapidly screen potential bait substrates placed around Coptotermes lacteus mounds is described. A perforated P.V.C. conduit is buried in a shallow trench in a rectangular arrangement around an active mound. Seven P.V.C. holders containing cork baits are inserted vertically into the conduit around the mound. Within three weeks following installation of the baits around five mound coloni...
J R J French, P J Robinson

Formosan Subterranean Termite Resistance to Heat Treatment of Scots Pine and Norway Spruce
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40264
New challenges to the durability of wood building materials have arisen in the U.S. The Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki) now infests sizable portions of the U.S. south and their range is extending. Heat treatments offer a unique opportunity for wood-based composites because many of the process techniques already employ various thermal applications and could be easil...
W R Smith, A O Rapp, C R Welzbacher, J E Winandy

Moisture content and other tested values in. Double layer tests of different size in Lithuania and Germany
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20299
The paper presents measurement results of moisture content and the analysis of durability trial of double layer wood in variants of varying size, conducted in Girionys, Kaunas distr., Lithuania and in Hamburg, Germany. In this trial 3 sample sets of varying size, containing 25, 50 and 100 specimens, are used. The aim of this trial is to ascertain an optimal number of test specimens. The dynamics o...
J Saladis, A O Rapp

Melamine resins as preservatives results of biological testing
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40061
Based on previous work of the authors on resins, the upgrading of wood with a true solution of a methanol etherificated melamine resin in low aqueous concentration was performed. For the relative assessment of the biological resistance against brown and white-rot fungi were used not only untreated controls of pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.), but also heartwood of European larch (Larix decidua M...
A O Rapp, R-D Peek

A review of the current status of the estimation of emissions from preserved wood and their use in the environmental risk assessment of wood preservatives under the Biocidal Products Directive
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-7
A review and update of the status of the issues concerning the estimation of emissions from preserved wood (e.g. amendments to the proposed ‘OECD Guidelines’), and the environmental risk assessment of wood preservatives under the Biocidal Products Directive (e.g. compartmental sizes, emissate ecotoxicity testing)....
E F Baines

The use of lap-joints in natural durability testing: moisture content development during 36 months outside exposure trials
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20217
Lap-joint trials (following European Standard ENV 12037) were set up with 11 different softwood and hardwood species. The main aim was to evaluate the suitability of this test standard (developed for testing wood preservative effectiveness) for natural durability testing. The moisture development has been followed during a 36 months period. In this paper, the outcomes of different moisture content...
H Militz, C J Bloom

Collaborative soft rot tests: Specific gravity loss resulting from soft rot
1973 - IRG/WP 227
It was proposed at the 5th meeting of Working Group II of the IRG in June 1973 in Lahti, Finland, that the specific gravity (swollen volume basis) of test blocks used in the IRG Collaborative Soft Rot Tests should be determined on all the blocks at the completion of the exposure period. Specific gravity determined on the basis of the oven dry weight and water swollen volume was selected because (1...
C R Levy

Co-operative tests concerning the influence of solvent and drying method on the toxic limit of wood preservatives against Coniophora cerebella
1972 - IRG/WP 216
In the working group II of the IRG it was agreed that more knowledge was necessary concerning the influence of the solvent on the toxic limit of organic solvent types of wood preservatives against Basidiomycetes. A test program was drawn up and after discussion in the mentioned working group the final program was accepted by the co-operating institutes in 1969. In the test program two fungicides, ...
T Hof

Bethoguard; A new wood protecting fungicide for use in metal free ground contact wood preservatives
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30301
Research has identified the limitations in both the spectrum of activity and permanence of organic biocides placed in wood in high hazard environments, particularly in the absence of heavy metals such as copper. More specifically, the control of soft rot decay in wood in soil contact has proven to be most problematic. The new organic biocide, Bethoguard; an oxathiazine, has demonstrated excellen...
S C Forster, G R Williams, M Van Der Flaas, M Bacon, J Gors

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