Maple Ridge, BC, Canada test site

Site Information
Organization: FPInnovations
Contact person: Rod Stirling
Who uses it or can use it?: FPInnovations
Is it a contract testing site?: Yes
Location: Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
Coordinates: 49.266104 N, 122.571153 W
Type of testing
Decay: yes
Termites or other insects: No
Ground Contact: AWPA E7 (stakes), E8 (posts), PEM-10 (2013)
Above Ground: AWPA E25 (decks), E9 (L-joints), PEM-11 (2013) (Ƴ-joint), shakes and shingles
Weathering: Coatings on siding, decking
Marine: No
Type of decay (brown-rot, white-rot, soft-rot): All
Termite species: No
Marine Organisms: No
Geophysical information
Rainfall: 2150 mm
Temperature mean: 9.6⁰C
Climate Index: 63 (Scheffer index)
Soil-type (if ground contact testing): Sandy silt loam
Additional images:

References: (last 7 years only)
- Morris, P.I., Laks, P.E., Ingram, J.K., Larkin, G.M., Stirling, R., 2015. Above-Ground Decay Resistance of Selected Canadian Softwoods at Four Test Sites after Ten Years of Exposure. Forest Products Journal. In press.
- Morris, P.I., Ingram, J.K., Stirling, R., 2015. Field performance of old-growth and second-growth western red cedar fence posts with and without barrier wraps. International Research Group on Wood Protection. Document No. IRG/WP/15-10838. 7p.
- Morris, P.I., Stirling, R., Ingram, J.K., 2014. Field Testing of Wood Preservatives in Canada XXIII: Performance of Field Cut Preservatives. Proceedings of the Canadian Wood Preservation Assocation. 35: 10p.
- Morris, P.I., Temiz, A., Ingram, J., 2014. Borate redistribution in glulam in an above-ground field test. International Research Group on Wood Protection. Document No. IRG/WP/14-30652. 16p.
- Stirling, R., Morris, P.I., 2014. Effect of pigmented photo-protective pre-coats on the service life of transparent and semi-transparent coatings. Proceedings of the Canadian Wood Preservation Assocation. 35: 15p.
- Morris, P.I., Stirling, R., Ingram, J.K., 2013. Field testing of wood preservatives in Canada XXII: Shingles and Shakes. Proceedings of the Canadian Wood Preservation Association. 34: 14p.
- Stirling, R., Morris, P.I., 2013. Performance of coatings on wood treated with carbon-based preservatives. International Research Group on Wood Protection. Document No. IRG/WP/13-40638. 11p.
- Stirling, R., Morris, P.I., 2013. Improved coating performance on wood treated with carbon-based preservatives and UV/Vis-protective pre-coats. Forest Products Journal. 63(3): 95-100.
- Blanchard, V., Stirling, R., 2013. Plasma pre-treatment enhances field performance of exterior wood coatings. Wood and Fiber Science. 45(2): 228-231.
- Morris, P.I., Ingram, J.K., Stirling, R., 2012. Durability of Canadian treated wood. Proceedings of the American Wood Protection Association. 108: 12p.
- Morris, P. I., Ingram, J., Larkin, G., Laks, P., 2011. Field tests of naturally durable species. Forest Products Journal. 61(5): 344-351.
- Morris, P.I., Ingram, J.K., 2011. Field testing in Canada XX: Durability of CA- and ACQ-treated Canadian wood species in stake and decking tests. Proceedings of the Canadian Wood Preservation Association. 32: 18p.
- Stirling, R., 2010. Residual extractives in western red cedar shakes and shingles after long-term field testing. Forest Products Journal. 60(4): 353-356.
- Laks, P. E., Morris, P. I., Larkin, G. M., Ingram, J. K., 2008. Field tests of naturally durable North American wood species. International Research Group on Wood Protection. Document No. IRG/WP/08-10675. 11p.