Bergen (Fana), Norway test site

Site Information
Organization: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
Contact person: Lone Ross Gobakken and Gry Alfredsen
Who uses it or can use it?: Research project partners
Is it a contract testing site? No
Location: Fanavegen 249, 5244 Fana, Bergen, Norway
Coordinates: 60.27241 N, 5.330519 E
Type of testing
Decay: Horizontal double layer, mini-stakes
Termites or other insects: None
Ground Contact (stakes, posts): None
Above Ground: Horizontal double layer, mini-stakes
Weathering: None
Marine: None
Type of decay (brown-rot, white-rot, soft-rot): All (brown-rot, white-rot, soft-rot)
Termite species: NA
Marine Organisms: NA
Geophysical information
Rainfall: 2250 mm (mean annual rainfall)
Temperature mean: 7.7°C (mean annual temperature)
Climate Index: Southern boreal zone
Soil-type (if ground contact testing): NA

- Meyer-Veltrup L, Brischke C, Alfredsen G, Humar M, Flæte P-O Isaksson T, Larsson Brelid P, Jermer J, 2017. The combined effect of wetting ability and durability on outdoor performance of wood – development and verification of a new prediction approach. Wood Science and Technology 51, 615-637. DOI: 10.1007/s00226-017-0893-x
- Alfredsen G, Flæte P-O, 2015. Tall oil – performance after a decade of field exposure. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, IRG/WP 15-30672
- Brischke C, Alfredsen G, Flæte P-O, Humar M, Isaksson, Meyer L, 2015. The combined effect of wetting ability and durability on field performance – verification of a new prediction approach. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, IRG/WP 15- 20565
- Gobakken LR, Alfredsen G, Brischke C, Flæte PO 2014. Levetid for tre i utendørs konstruksjoner i Norge. Rapport fra Skog og landskap. 16/2014.
- Larnøy E, Frise F, Alfredsen G, Militz H, 2014. Comparison between decay assessment methods for above ground field testing. Agarica 34: 47-53.
- Schabacker A, Alfredsen G, Gobakken LR, Militz H, Flæte PO 2013: System treatments of Pinus sylvestris - influence on moisture, decay and discoloration. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, IRG/WP/13-30612
- Poster: Bornemann T, Brischke C, Alfredsen G, Larsson-Brelid P, Humar M, 2013: Moisture performance of wooden decks and claddings exposed at different locations in Europe. Proceedings from North European network in Wood Material Science and Engineering, Hannover.
- Brischke C, Meyer L, Alfredsen G, Humar M, Francis L, Flæte PO, Larsson-Brelid P, 2013. Natural durability of timber – A review of above ground data. Drvna Industrija 64: 113-129
- Bornemann T, Brischke C, Alfredsen G 2013: Climatic impacts on the moisture performance of wooden decking and facades. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, IRG/WP/ 13-20518
- Brischke C, Meyer L, Alfredsen G, Flæte P-O, Francis L, Hansson M, Larsson-Brelid P, Jermer J, Welzbacher CR, Rapp AO, Brandt K, Melcher E 2013: A critical view on early indicators for above ground field performance of wood. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, IRG/WP/13-20509
- Thomas Bornemann, Christian Brischke, Gry Alfredsen, 2013. Decay assessment; dose-response performance model; fence post; terrace decking; moisture monitoring; service life prediction. The Biodeterioration of Wood and Wood Products symposium (BWWP), 24-27 April, Tartu, Estonia.
- Hundhausen, U., Reimann, C., Gobakken, L.R. 2013. Evaluation of mould growth on coated wood using digital image analysis (ImageJ). In proceeding: Process and Service life modeling - 3rd Workshop. COST Action FP1006 “Bringing new functions to wood through surface modification”. April 17 – 19, 2013, Ghent, Belgium
- Alfredsen G, Flæte PO, Schrøder A, Holte S, Larnøy E, 2012. Decking – Surface and system treatments after ten years of exposure. Proceedings: The 8th Meeting of the Nordic Baltic Network in Wood Material Science & Engineering, Kaunas, Lithuania
- Gobakken, L.R., Høibø, O.A. 2012. Factors influencing mould growth and modelling of aesthetic service life. COST Action FP1006 workshop ‘Basics for Chemistry of Wood Surface Modification’ pp. 83-85. (2012) [ISBN 978-3-200-02623-0].
- Gobakken, L.R., Vestøl, G.I. 2012. Effects of microclimate, wood temperature and surface colour on fungal disfigurement on wooden claddings. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, Stockholm. IRG Document No: IRG/WP 12-20490. 10 pp.
- Stirling R, Flæte PO, Alfredsen G, Morris PI, 2012. Extractives in Norwegian-Grown and North American-Grown Western Redcedar and Their Relation to Durability. International Research Group on Wood Protection, 43th Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IRG/WP 12-10762
- Vestøl, G.I., Gobakken, L.R. Field-testing of Norway Spruce Claddings with Monitoring of Moisture Content, Material Temperature and Microclimate. IUFRO Conference Division 5 Forest Products. July 8-13, 2012. Estoril, Portugal.
- Brischke C, Meyer L, Alfredsen G, Humar M, Francis L, 2012. Durability of timber products – Part 2: Proposal for an IRGWP - Durability Database. International Research Group on Wood Protection, 43th Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IRG/WP 12-20497
- Brischke C, Meyer L, Alfredsen G, Humar M, Francis L, Flæte PO, Larsson-Brelid P, 2012. Durability of timber products – Part 1: Inventory and evaluation of above ground data on natural durability of timbers. International Research Group on Wood Protection, 43th Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IRG/WP12-20498
- Evans F, Alfredsen G, Flæte PO, 2011. Natural durability of wood in Norway – results after eight years above ground exposure. Proceedings: The 7th Meeting of the Nordic Baltic Network in Wood Material Science & Engineering, Oslo, Norway.
- Vestøl, G.I., Gobakken, L.R. 2011. A Field Test of Fungal Growth on Wooden Claddings as Affected by Wood Properties, Microclimate, and Wood Moisture and Temperature. Forest Products Society’s 65th International Convention on June 19-21, 2011 in Portland, Oregon, USA
- Westin M, Alfredsen G, 2011. Durability of modified wood in UC3 and UC4 Results from lab tests and 5 years testing in 3 fields. International Research Group on Wood Protection, 42th Annual Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand, IRG/WP 11-10756
- Flæte PO, Alfredsen G, Evans FG, 2011. Natural durability of wood tested in different environments in Northern Europe. International Research Group on Wood Protection, 42th Annual Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand, IRG/WP 11-10756
- Alfredsen G, Flæte PO, Militz H, 2010. Performance of Novel Wood Protection Systems – Evaluation Based on Five Different Test Setups. Proceedings: Society of Wood Science and Technology, Geneva, Switzerland
- Gobakken, L.R., Høibø, O.A., Solheim, H. 2010. Mould growth on paints with different surface structures when applied on wooden claddings exposed outdoors. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 64: 339-345.
- Gobakken, L.R., Høibø, O.A., Solheim, H. 2010. Factors influencing surface mould growth on wooden claddings exposed outdoors. Wood Material Science and Engineering. 5: 1-12.
- Friese F, Larnøy E, Alfredsen G, Pfeffer A, Militz H, 2009. Comparison between different decay assessment methods. Proceedings: The 5th Meeting of the Nordic Baltic Network in Wood Material Science & Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Flæte PO, Evans FG, Alfredsen G, 2009. Natural durability of different wood species – results after 5 years testing in ground contact. Proceedings: The 5th Meeting of the Nordic Baltic Network in Wood Material Science & Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Gobakken, L.R., Whist, C.M., Høibø, O.A., Hovde, P.J., Larnøy, E. 2009. Assessment of mould growth on coated wood – methods and applications. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, Stockholm. IRG Document No: IRG/WP 09-20423. 13 pp.
- Alfredsen G, Westin M, 2009. Durability of Modified Wood – Laboratory vs FieldPerformance. Proceedings: The Fourth European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM4), Stockholm, Sweden
- Alfredsen G, Jacobsen B, Evans FG, Edlund M-L, 2008. Decking - surface and system treatments. Proceedings: The 4th Meeting of the Nordic Baltic Network in Wood Material Science & Engineering, Riga, Latvia
- Flæte PO, Alfredsen G, Evans F, 2008.Comparison of four methods for natural durability classification after 2.5 years. ProLigno 4(3):15-24
- Evans F, Flæte PO, Alfredsen G, 2008. Natural durability of different wood species in above ground applications - Weight and MOE loss. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, 39th Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, IRG/WP 08-10667
- Gobakken LR, Mattsson J, Alfredsen G, 2008. In-service performance of wood depends upon the critical in-situ conditions. Case studies. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, 39th Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, IRG/WP 08-20382
- Segerholm BK, Rowell RM, Larsson-Brelid P, Wålinder MEP, Westin M, Alfredsen G, 2007. Improved durability and moisture sorption characteristics of extruded WPCs made from chemically modified wood.Proceedings: The 9th International Conference on Wood & Biofiber Plastic Composites, Madison, WI, USA
- Flæte PO, Alfredsen G, Evans F, 2006. Natural durability of Norwegian wood species for above ground applications – Project presentation and preliminary results. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, 37th Annual Conference, Tromsø, Norway, IRG/WP 06 –10594
- Larnøy E, Alfredsen G, Militz H, 2006. Moisture correction for ultrasonic MOE measurements above fibre saturation point in Scots pine sapwood.The International Research Group on Wood Protection, 37th Annual Conference, Tromsø, Norway. IRG/WP 06 – 20333
- Larsson-Brelid P, Segerholm BK, Alfredsen G, Westin M, Wålinder MEP, 2006. Wood plastic composites with improved dimensional stability and biological resistance. Proceedings: The 2nd International Conference on Environmental-Compatible Forest Products (ECOWOOD), Porto, Portugal