These awareness guidelines are meant as a supportive document for the local organizing committee to help raise awareness of how to make the IRG conference more sustainable. The suggestions are voluntary, and all efforts are highly appreciated. The 3 principles of sustainability are environmental sustainability, social sustainability, and economic sustainability. These principles can guide us in creating a balanced and sustainable future for our planet and its inhabitants.
The local organization committee (LOC) should consider appointing one person to be in charge of sustainability. This person will advocate the implementation of sustainable choices that are feasible within the context of the location of the conference and the customs within the country. Below are a set of focus areas and examples that can give inspiration when organizing an IRG-WP conference. The examples will be sustainable and doable in some countries, but not in others.
The location is the first important step towards a sustainable event.
Choose a location that is easily accessible internationally. Preferably it is accessible by public transport from neighboring countries and from an international airport.
Choose a venue with an appropriate size for your event. A venue that is too large often requires more energy for lighting and heating.
The LOC should select hotels that are committed to sustainability and may demonstrate this by offering a sustainability certification.
Inform about appropriate clothing according to weather/season and the need for heating/cooling indoors. Reducing/increasing the temperature with for example 1-2°C when it is cold/warm, will save energy. An extra jumper or lighter clothing will make the participant feel comfortable.
Transportation is often responsible for a large part of the environmental impact of an event. Try to limit the need for participants to fly when alternate transportation is available.
If the location can be reached by train or bus or car-pool, encourage IRG-WP members to go for this option.
Inform IRG members on how to reach the location. Suggest the most sustainable options. Include a map with the nearest train stations, bus stops, bicycle parking, etc. If you expect that a large proportion of the participants will come by car, encourage the formation for carpooling groups.
Choose local vendors and caterers who do not have to travel far for their services and who offer their services using a sustainable transportation method.
Check out your caterer's products as well. Plant-based dishes and meat substitutes can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Take the opportunity to give people a taste of a tasty and sustainable alternative.
It is highly recommended to follow the policy on sustainable catering with at least 50% varied veggie offerings. Note: When fish is included, preferably ask for fish with a label and with a plant-based diet.
Or going a step further and opt for 100% vegetarian or even 100% vegan catering, - if this is considered as a sustainable choice given the location/country/custom.
When you ask for the dietary preferences of the guests in advance, you may use vegetarian or vegan as the default choice. Explain why you are doing this. That way you may get the majority of people, who don't mind eating vegetarian but "don't want to be difficult," to go along.
If the water quality allows it - offer tap water instead of bottled water.
Choose fair trade coffee and tea. Purchase this or ask your caterer if they can provide it. Ask for a bottle of milk and a pot of sugar instead of small milks and sugars etc. to avoid waste.
Think in advance about what will happen to any food leftovers. Does your caterer have a system for this? Arrangements can be made for leftover pick-up or deliveries.
A thoughtful waste plan will ensure less plastic in the oceans, less fossil fuels, less material in the incinerator, and less litter in our environment. By also thinking consciously about the materials that are used and their possible reuse, you, as the organizer of a low-waste event, also contribute to the transition to a disposable-free society.
When food and drinks are served, this is often accompanied by a lot of waste. Make arrangements with the caterers to avoid excess waste. The following choices can reduce the amount of waste:
Reduce the amount of plastic wrap and replace it with reusable trays, baskets, jars or boxes.
Avoid the use of excess paper at your event by carefully and consciously handling post-its, bundles, advertising flyers, note blocks etc.
When using banners, other decorations, clothing, etc., - consider not to include dates or other specific information, so that the materials can be used for later occations.
Choose badge holders and lanyard that can be reused after the event, and set up a system for collecting them at the end of the event..
Consider reusable cups, crockery, boxes etc on the Wednesday excursion
Consider the type of promotional items that are handed out at the event – including the bags. Think about sustainable alternatives (reusable water bottle, coffee cup, local product, etc) and let participants choose them themselves.
An event involves a great deal of communication, and here too, smart planning and creative thinking can have a great impact on the environment. Apart from the promotion and information about the conference itself, it is also important to communicate about the sustainability aspect. This ensures that the participants know in what way they can actively contribute, but also that after the event itself they are able to integrate sustainability into their own events or daily lives.
Include IRG-WP's sustainability efforts in the promotion of your IRG event right away.
Give information about certain 'sustainable choices' during the event. This ensures more understanding for certain measures. It also gives insight into the impact of certain decisions, such as when you provide information about which caterer was chosen and why, etc.
Where possible, measure and evaluate the impact of certain measures (for example: number of disposable cups saved, flights avoided, etc) and communicate this to the participants after the event.
When communicating about the conference, consider this:
- Try to minimize the number of posters, flyers, etc. and consider electronic alternatives.
- Provide digital alternatives to information brochures and documentation folders.
- If you do print, consider sustainably sourced fiber paper and print recto verso (two-sided printing) with environmentally friendly printing ink, in an appropriate format.