International Research Group
on Wood Protection
Role and Responsibilities for Section Leaders and Working Party Conveners
1. Role and responsibilities for Section Leaders
The Section Leader is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Section in terms of selection of main session papers, identifying special sessions and coordinating the efforts of the Working Party conveners. The Section Leader also participates as a member of the Scientific Programme Committee
1.1. Tasks in between the Annual Meetings
- Selection of key-note speakers
- Together with the Vice-chair identify potential Key-Note speakers after consultation with active section members during and after the IRG Annual Meeting.
- Circulate names and themes to all SPC members.
- Work with the SPC to establish final themes and speakers.
- If proposal is accepted, make formal invitation and ask for written confirmation including information on travel support by January 31st . Keep the IRG Secretariat informed.
- Transmit full text of Key-Note to Secretariat and SPC members by the deadline for documents.
- Contacts with Working party conveners
- Keep contact with WP conveners to assess the need for new WPs or changes to current WPs.
- Consult WP conveners for advice on needs for programme amendments and paper allocations.
- Prompt WP conveners to stimulate WP members to submit papers on specific topics.
- Nomination of new Section Vice-chair
- Consult with active section members to receive nominations.
- New Vice-chair should preferentially have experience in IRG (e.g. as WP convener).
- Discuss the new proposals with current section vice-chair, SPC chair and Nominations Sub-Committee (NSC) chair at least 6 months in advance of election date to ensure co-ordination of nominations for different IRG committee and officer vacancies.
- Advice and Proposals
- Provide advice and proposals to the SPC chair on SPC related matters.
- Make proposals on other IRG organizational matters on behalf of the IRG members if requested.
- Section leaders are encouraged to guide and steer their sections in line with current and future research within their domains.
- Preparation of the IRG Programme
- Prepare a provisional programme based on papers obtained from the Secretariat in close collaboration with the Vice-chair of the section.
- Contact other Section leaders to agree on paper allocations.
- Contact WP converners to arrange the WP sessions.
- Send a provisional programme for the section to the SPC chair.
- Discuss time allocations and order in which papers will be presented with SPC chair.
- Agree on final section programme and WP programmes with SPC chair.
1.2 Tasks during the Annual Meeting
- Guidance of WP conveners
- Pass on to WP conveners relevant information from the SPC meeting.
- Advise WP conveners on roles and responsibilities.
- Assess the need together with the WP conveners to continue or terminate existing WPs.
- Establish need for new WPs.
- Main session
- Chair main session together with Vice-chair.
- Contact speakers before the session and advise on allocated time etc.
- Advise new Vice-chair on co-ordination of section programme.
- Inform SPC chair of needs for changes to the programme.
- Encourage input from IRG members on future section activities.
- Invitation of key-notes, topics for special seminars
- Invite input from the attendees to identify topics and speakers for keynotes, special seminars, mini-symposia etc.
- Make proposals on these topics at the closing SPC meeting.
- Convene meeting with WP conveners during the Conference
- Discuss current and future work within the Section and the associated Working Parties with WP conveners and report back to the SPC
2. Role and responsibilities of Working Party Conveners
Working Party Conveners are responsible for ensuring that the WP Sessions run smoothly and on time. They are also expected to help identify special sessions and other possible activities (such as collaborative projects) within their Working Parties.
2.1. Tasks in between the Annual Meetings
- Contact with Section leaders
- Maintain regular contact with Section leaders to assess the need for new WPs or changes to current WPs.
- Stimulate WP members to submit papers on specific topics that might be used for the next IRG Meeting.
- Preparation of the IRG Programme
- Give advice and input on paper allocations and time needs if requested by Section leader
2.2 Tasks during the Annual meeting
- Convening Working parties
- Contact the speakers of your WP before the start of the WP and advise them on allocated time and order of presentations.
- Stimulate discussion between WP members.
- Prepare a question for each paper in case there are none from the floor.
- Assess the need together with the WP members to continue or terminate existing WPs.
- Establish need for new WPs.
- Inform Section leaders of needs for changes to the programme.
- Encourage input from IRG members on WP activities.
- Invitation of key-notes, topics for special seminars
- Invite input from the attendees to identify topics and speakers for keynotes, special seminars, mini-symposia etc.
- Make proposals on these topics to the Section leader.
- Meeting with Section leaders
- Topics of the discussion for the Section meeting could be:
- Decision on continuation or termination of the WP
- Name of WP or changes to the name
- Name of convener or proposals for a new convener
- Proposal from the WP for
- Key-notes
- Special seminars
- Joint meetings with other WPs
- Papers proposed for future meetings (topic + name of author(s))
- Any other business of interest to the Section Leader and the IRG membership.
This document supersedes IRG/WP 00-60122.
Adopted by the Executive Council in September 2003.
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