The EC is responsible to the Membership for ensuring secure and effective arrangements for provision of the IRG Secretariat. When selecting a location and suitable staff, the EC will address the following requirements:
- dedicated office requirements for Secretary-General
- work-station requirements for administrative assistant
- space for archiving, storage, filing and collating of documents
These requirements shall be made available to IRG by Hosting Institute and the Board of Trustees but they will be funded by IRG in proportion to an agreed utilization rate and always within budget limits set by the IRG Executive Council.
The purpose of the Board of Trustees is as follows:
- to provide legal, financial, personnel and other necessary procedural advice to the EC and to the Secretary-General at the local/national level;
- to support and advise the Secretary-General and EC in their relationships with the Host Institution and with other national bodies;
- to support and advise the President of IRG and the EC on matters relating to staff and personnel issues of the Secretariat at the local/national level;
- to make recommendations to the Finance Committee and EC with respect to the appointment of Auditors at the national level.
Members of the Board of Trustees provide advice and have no executive powers or liabilities in the affairs of IRG (other than those of good faith). The individual appointments are subject to endorsement by the Executive Council. They shall receive no remuneration but under exceptional circumstances the Executive Council may authorize reimbursement of expenses, necessarily incurred on IRG business, subject to the prior authorization of the President and one other Senior Officer of IRG (Vice-President, Finance Chairman and Secretary-General).
This is a revised version of document IRG/WP 95-60057, adopted by the Executive Council on 18 June 2006.
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