International Research Group
on Wood Protection
Conditions for Membership of IRGWP
Regular Members are scientists and technologists who meet the qualifying requirements for membership of IRGWP by virtue of their being active in research or have an interest relating to the durability and protection of wood and wood-based products or being practitioners in the science and technology of wood protection and being qualified there-in by education, training or experience.
Conditions for approval of Regular Members
- Regular Membership is open to any person with appropriate qualifications, experience or interest who is active in, or maintains an involvement in, research and development relating to wood protection or to the technology and practice of wood protection in accordance with the Statutes of IRGWP.
- Regular Membership is on a personal basis and is not transferable.
- Applications for Regular Membership must be made on the appropriate form and submitted to the IRG Secretariat. Applications will be reviewed by the Secretariat.
- Applications for Regular Membership will be decided by the Executive Council.
- All applications accepted for Regular Membership shall be announced to the Plenary Meeting.
- Regular Membership is awarded in perpetuity so long as the member continues to pay the appropriate IRGWP annual fees as set by the Plenary Meeting.
- The IRGWP will not sponsor attendance by Regular Members at the Group’s Annual Meeting other than under the terms of a Ron Cockcroft Award.
Student Members are full-time students at universities or technical institutions who are studying subjects related to any aspect of wood protection. The purpose of Student Membership is to encourage participation by students early in their careers, and to encourage their continued participation in the field and in the IRGWP following graduation and entering into employment.
Conditions for approval of Student Members
- Student Membership is open to any student studying or conducting research into any aspect of science which relates to the durability and protection of wood and wood-based products in accordance with the Statutes of IRGWP.
- Applications for Student Membership must be made on the appropriate form, endorsed by a member of their supervising/tutorial staff at the School of study, and submitted to the IRG Secretariat. Applications will be reviewed by the Secretariat and the applicant may be required to provide additional documentation in accordance with clause 1.
- There is no limit to the number of Student Memberships that are permitted from any relevant university or technical institution.
- Student Membership is awarded by the Executive Council. Normally it is valid for a maximum of three years, but it is subject to an annual renewal process. At the end of their Student Membership the Student Member will be offered Regular Membership.
- All applications accepted for Student Membership shall be announced to the Plenary Meeting.
- Membership renewal is contingent upon the submission of an annual certification from the Institution using the form available from the IRG Secretariat, that the Student Member is continuing in full-time study at that institution.
- Student Members enjoy the same benefits as Regular Members but at a specially reduced membership fee.
- IRGWP will not sponsor attendance by Student Members at the Annual Meeting of IRGWP, other than under the terms of a Ron Cockcroft Award.
- IRGWP reserves the right to limit the number of Student Memberships at any time.
- The Executive Council will not renew the Student Membership where there has been a failure to fulfil the obligation to provide the annual certification of continuing study in wood protection
Corresponding Members are scientists who meet the qualifying requirements for membership of IRGWP and whose participation in IRGWP is sponsored by IRGWP, for a limited time period. The purpose of Corresponding Membership is to encourage and facilitate participation by scientists from countries not otherwise represented in IRGWP, and who are unable through national economic circumstances to secure adequate funding for regular membership. It is also intended to permit membership for scientists from Institutions active in wood protection research who are temporarily unable to maintain their regular membership.
Corresponding Members are required to provide a Report on the current status of wood protection research and developments in wood protection technology in their country at the beginning of their term as corresponding member of the IRGWP.
Conditions for approval of Corresponding Members
- Applicants for Corresponding Membership must qualify for membership of IRGWP in accordance with clause 1 of the Conditions for Approval of Regular Members.
- Only one corresponding member will be supported from any Institution and normally IRGWP will not sponsor more than one Corresponding Member from any one country. In special cases, for example where communications in a country are restricted but more than a single research Institution is active, two Corresponding Members from different Institutions may be sponsored.
- Applications for Corresponding Membership must be made on the appropriate form and submitted to the IRG Secretariat. Applications will be reviewed by the Secretariat and the applicant must demonstrate qualification in accordance with the rationale and conditions for membership.
- Corresponding Membership will not be awarded to a scientist at any Institution which already has a regular member.
- Preference will be given to scientists from research institutions such as Universities, and Forest Products Research Institutes.
- Applications for Corresponding Membership will be decided by the IRG-WP Executive Council.
- All applications accepted for Corresponding Membership shall be announced to the Plenary Meeting.
- Corresponding Membership is awarded for three years. After three years the Corresponding Member may apply for a second three year term, the awarding of which is at the discretion of the Executive Council.
- Corresponding membership will be renewed by the Executive Council under the condition that the member has made an effort to interact with the organization. In cases where membership is not to be renewed by the Executive, the corresponding member will be notified in writing by the Secretariat.
- Corresponding Members enjoy the same benefits as subscribing members but their membership is sponsored by IRGWP.
- IRGWP will not sponsor attendance by Corresponding Members at the Annual Meeting of IRGWP other than under the terms of a Ron Cockcroft Award.
- IRGWP reserves the right to limit the number of Corresponding Memberships at any time.
Honorary Life-Long Members are scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the aims, functions, organisation or standing of IRGWP whilst in Regular Membership which is of a quality demanding extraordinary recognition. The purpose of the Honorary Life-Long Membership is to acknowledge such outstanding service to IRGWP through Life-Long Membership sponsored by the IRGWP.
Conditions for approval of Life-Long Members
- Honorary Life-Long Memberships will be awarded at the discretion of the Executive Council of IRGWP following consultation with the Scientific Programme Committee and subject to endorsement of Plenary Meeting.
- Recommendations for Honorary Life-Long Membership may be made in writing to the Secretariat, by any Regular Member or Honorary Life-Long Member of IRGWP. Written support for such a recommendation must be made by at least two other Regular Members of IRGWP who have been in continuous membership for each of the last 5 years.
- Honorary Life-Long Members have the same benefits as fully paid up Regular Members but their membership is sponsored by IRGWP.
IRGWP reserves the right to limit the number of Honorary Life-Long Memberships at any time.
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