Corresponding Members must submit an Annual Report describing wood protection research and/or industrial activities in that members country.
There are two objectives of this Annual Report:
The Annual Report is expected to contain short summaries under the following headings, unless other guidelines are obtained from the IRG Secretariat:
1 National Institutes and Organisations
A list in tabular form of the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of Institutes and Organisations active in research, development, testing and teaching relevant to biodeterioration and protection of wood. Include an indication of the number of staff engaged in activities related to wood protection, if possible.
2 Industrial activity
A list, table or short statement of the principal industrial organisaitons involved in developing, formulating, trading or applying wood preservatives and the major organizations using treated wood. Include any statistics or estimates of scale which can give indications of the size of the industry.
3 Current issues
A short review of the principal technical and scientific issues which are the subject of current research and public or commercial interest in your country; include references to current environmental and/or regulatory matters.
4 Publications and Reports
Provide a reference list of the most relevant recent scientific or technical publications and any formal reports produced during last 12 months which relate to research, development, trade or practice of wood protection.
5 Personnel occurrences
Provide a short statement of any appointments, awards, promotions, resignations or any other new information (including changes of address, phones, fax etc) relating to the leading personnel in the scientific, technical or industrial community in your country.
6 Author
Give your full name, address and contact numbers and the date at which the Report was completed and sent to the IRG Secretariat.
It is perfectly acceptable for the Annual Report to include individual “stand-alone” contributions from each and every key institute or organization in your country, rather than you preparing an integrated compilation for all, but you should request and include information under all the above headings.
The Report need not be extensive, 1000 to 2000 words would be adequate as a general guide.The report can be submitted in paper form, but it is preferable to receive this report either as a diskette or an attached file..
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