May 19-24, 1996
La Creole Beach Hotel, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, France
La Creole Beach Hotel
Excursion to BASSE-TERRE to visit the CARBET falls, the BIOTEC test field of LA ROSE, followed by a tour to the tropical reserve of the ROUTE DES MAMELLES, plus a BOUCAN (typical lunch) at the 'MAISON DE LA FORET". Tour included giving gifts to local children and a tree planting ceremony by all participants.
La Creole Beach Hotel including exotic dance music from local band.
Gerald Ozanne (Chair), J, Arthur, F. Avat, P. Creyssel, Gerard Deroubaix, Daniele Dirol, H. Dorolle, Alain Jermannaud, S. Jobic, Gilles Labat, P. Marchal, M.C. Moreau, A.M. Pruvost, M. Rayzal, Marie-Madelaine Serment, V. Perrat