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Your search resulted in 3598 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

On the changes of natural durability of wood sterilised by gamma radiation
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10571
The preliminary study data of natural durability of wood in lab conditions against rot fungi dependency on different sterilisation method have been presented. In the research, white rot fungus Schizophyllum commune Fr.: Fr. and brown rot fungus Poria placenta (Fries) Coke sensu J. Erikson. on the Scots pine were tested. Cobalt 60Co was used as a gamma radiation source at the dosage of 30 kGy. Cont...
R Despot, M Hasan, M Glavaš, G Rep

Micromorphological Characteristics of Degradation in Bamboo Attacked by White Rot Fungus Lentinus edodes
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10575
In comparison with micromorphological works for wood decay, little known is about the decay pattern of bamboos by wood decay fungi. The present work was undertaken to understand the general degradation pattern of bamboo and the influence of polylaminate layers in bamboo fiber walls on the restriction of fungal decay. The weight loss of bamboo species Phyllostachys puberscens against the white rot ...
Chang Hyun Cho, Kwang Ho Lee, Yoon Soo Kim

Micromorphology of Bamboo Fibers Degraded by Brown-Rot Fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10576
The decay pattern of bamboo by brown-rot fungus was examined. In addition, the influence of polylaminate structures in bamboo fibers on the restriction of fungal decay was also investigated. The weight loss of bamboo Phyllostachys puberscens by the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum after 16 week incubation was about 25%. Parenchyma cells were severely degraded. Microscopical studies showed tha...
Kwang Ho Lee, Chang Hyun Cho, Yoon Soo Kim

Common Decay Micromorphology “Anomalies” Challenge Current Decay Classification
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10578
Decay micromorphology was studied systematically for diversely preservative treated Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica 20 x 20 x 500 mm stakes across 13 in-ground field test sites, during a 6.5 year exposure. New insight into the micromorphology of the early stages of decay enabled new and more detailed interpretation of the mechanism of their formation and suggested that current decay classificati...
R Wakeling

The “wire-loop slicing technique” for the rapid field collection of large numbers of Coptotermes acinaciformis termites from above-ground mound colonies
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10583
This technique of rapidly slicing through an above-ground C. acinaciformis mound colony with a steel wire-loop attached to a vehicle allows the collection of large numbers of termites. The sliced mound topples onto a tarpaulin arranged on the ground, the outer wall layers break away in large segments, and the carton materials incorporating the termites are readily collected and transferred to larg...
B M Ahmed, J R J French

Evidence for Basidiomycete Tunnelling in Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10587
Decay micromorphology was studied systematically for diversely preservative treated Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica 20 x 20 x 500 mm stakes across 13 in-ground field test sites, during a 6.5 year exposure. Sites were selected to maximise occurrence of a diverse range of decay types. Presence of clamp connections in close associated with tunnelling coupled with macroscopic features similar to whi...
R Wakeling

Blue Staining of Coated Modified and Unmodified Wood
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10589
We investigated resistance of unmodified, DMDHEU modified and oil heat treated uncoated and coated Scots pine wood against blue stain fungi. Both EN 152-1 and the reverse exposure tests showed excellent resistance of DMDHEU and especially of oil heat treated wood against blue staining. It is not needed to add any additional protective coating layers to prevent modified wood from staining. However,...
M Petric, M Pavlic, M Humar, M Tomažic

The effect of chitosan on the growth and physiology of two wood inhabiting fungi
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10590
The effect of chitosan on the wood inhabiting fungi Sphaeropsis sapinea and Trichoderma harzianum was evaluated at cellular level. Increasing concentrations of chitosan caused an increase in the amount of peroxide in cultures of S. sapinea, which was accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in superoxide. The same effect was not observed in T. harzianum. The growth of both fungi was inhibited when h...
D Vesentini, T Singh

Quantification of methylene bis thiocyanate in wood and its effect on a sapstain fungus Ophiostoma floccosum
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10591
The mobility and concentrations of MBT at different depths of wood billets (200 mm long, 40 mm in diameter) were determined using NMR spectroscopy and ICP-ASE, and then correlated the effect of wood MBT concentrations on growth of O. floccosum in a bioassay using stereomicroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The 13C NMR spectra showed the presence or absence of MBT in wood but w...
T Singh

Comparative studies of natural durability of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) among the geographic cultivates
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10592
Variation of natural durability of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) (also known as Sugi) was investigated by accelerated tests for decay (Fomitopsis palustris (Berk. et Curt.) Murr.) and termite (Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe) attacks on 13 clones of Sugi trees from Kyushu-Okinawa Region (Fukuka, Ooita, Saga, Miyazaki, Kagoshima). For this purpose, 57 twenty-five years old Sugi trees o...
I Usta, K Takata, S Doi

Direct analysis from wood of the blue stain fungi Aureobasidium pullulans and Hormonema dematioides by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10595
Aureobasidium pullulans and Hormonema dematioides are the two organisms used in the EN 152 laboratory method for determining the effectiveness of preservatives against blue stain in service. The literature concerning the disfigurement of surface coatings and exposed timber in-service states that A. pullulans is the dominant blue stain fungus, due to its frequent isolation from stained material. In...
M J Ray, D J Dickinson

Termite Response to Oil-Heat-Treated Norway spruce, Scots Pine and Eucalyptus Wood
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20325
The work here presented focused on the behaviour of subterranean termites (Reticulitermes grassei Clément) towards Oil-Heat-Treated (OHT) Norway spruce (Picea abies L.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill) wood, with a particular interest in the development of simple methods adequate to study the resistence of these materials to termite attack. Small test ...
L Nunes, T Nobre, C Welzbacher, A O Rapp

The role of chromium in wood preservatives - The situation and new results concerning biological efficacy
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30397
A heavy discussion about the status of chromium-containing compounds in wood preservatives has ensued in the European Union since the Biocidal Product Directive 98/8/EG has come into force.The origin of this discussion is the fact that according to the Biocidal Product Directive chromium trioxide and sodium dichromate have been identified as active ingredients and therefore the placement of wood p...
P Jüngel, H Härtner, E Melcher

Efficacy of some fungicides against mold on freshly cut beech sawn wood
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30403
The quality class of molded wood is lowered and this can result in financial losses due a decrease in its trade value. Currently beech wood is often used without steaming it first and it moulds in the course of drying. The aim of this study was to identify kinetics of beech wood molding and effectiveness of action of chosen modern pro-ecological wood preservatives applied in the protection of fres...
A Fojutowski, A Kropacz

Identification of fungi colonising coated and modified wood exposed outdoors using sequencing and T-RFLP profiling
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20326
Wood decay and staining fungi are known to colonize coated and modified wood. Rapid and reliable ways of identifying fungi on coated and modified wood may improve diagnostics and product development. In this work nine fungi growing in painted wood panels exposed outdoors at a test field in Uppsala, Sweden, were identified using sequencing and T-RFLP (Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphi...
U Råberg, J Bijelovic, C J Land, S Bardage, N Terziev

Is Field Test Data from 20 x 20mm Stakes Reliable? Effects of Decay Hazard, Decay Type and Preservative Depletion Hazard
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20327
Effects of decay hazard, decay type and preservative depletion hazard on the performance of variously preservative treated 20 x 20 x 500 mm Radiata pine and Fagus sylvatica test stakes across 13 field test sites in New Zealand and Queensland Australia were determined. Radiata pine treated with an ammoniacal copper quaternary preservative (ACQ) (1.56% m/m a.i.) and copper chrome arsenate (CCA) (...
R Wakeling

Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Polyethylene Glycol Penetration into Wood Cell Walls
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20328
Penetration of high molecular weight polyethylene glycol (PEG) into wood cell walls was investigated in red pine. PEG of different molecular weights (1000, 8000 and 20000) was labelled by bromination and treated samples were analyzed on Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) in dynamic mode. Both negative and positive spectra of the samples were collected in high spatial (bunche...
D Jeremic, P Cooper, P Brodersen

EN 152: Is this Standard Relevant for today’s Wood Preservatives? A Critical Review.
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20331
The paper critically reviews the Blue stain test method described in EN 152 including possible test variables. Whereas EN 152 has been successfully used for solvent borne wood preservatives, it appears that the methodology is not suited for modern water borne products, where the majority fail. The paper will show that there exist different quality claims not concordant with EN 599-1 within diff...
B Jensen, F Imsgard, J Larsen

Moisture correction for ultrasonic MOE measurements above fibre saturation point in Scots pine sapwood
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20333
There is a high correlation between methods for dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEdyn) and static modulus of elasticity (MOEstat). MOEdyn methods have been found sensitive to detect early stages of decay and may be seen as an option for non-destructive wood durability testing. As the MOEstat measurements do not change after reaching the fibre saturation point, the uncorrected MOEdyn data from ultr...
E Larnøy, G Alfredsen, H Militz

High-energy multiple impact (HEMI)-test – Part 2: A mechanical test for the detection of fungal decay
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20339
The suitability of the high-energy multiple impact (HEMI)-test for detection of early fungal decay was examined. The HEMI – test characterizes the treatment quality of thermally modified wood by stressing the treated material by thousands of impacts of pounding steel balls. This method differentiates between heat treatment intensities, which are expressed by structural changes of the wood. Simil...
C R Welzbacher, C Brischke, A O Rapp

Testing durability of treated wood according to EN 252. Interpretation of data from Nordic test fields
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20341
To evaluate the effectiveness of new wood preservatives intended for treated wood in ground use there is a European standard, EN 252. The test shall run for five years before any formal interpretation of the results can be made. Due to environmental concerns, the use of wood preservatives based on copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA) has been restricted in recent years. As a consequence of restrict...
M L Edlund, F G Evans, K Henriksen, T Nilsson

L-joint based testing for service life prediction of exterior plywood in out of ground contact conditions
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20342
Good biological performance of several plywood types in exterior conditions is most probably related to altered wood moisture behaviour compared to solid wood. Therefore a test set up was developed, using EN 330 L-joint testing methodology, to facilitate differentiation of plywood for exterior applications. The proposed test set up is an adaptation of an accelerated L-joint method introduced by V...
J De Smet, I De Windt, J Van Acker

Performance of boron-treated radiata pine in above ground field tests in New Zealand
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30406
Boron treatment was approved for exterior, above ground use in New Zealand in 1958, provide treated commodities were painted with a three-coat paint system. Above ground tests of rail units and L-joints were established at the NZ Forest Research Institute (now Scion) between 1967 and 1980 to monitor performance of boron treatment in relation to that of untreated and CCA-treated timber. Results sh...
M Hedley, D Page

Overview of European discussions on Standardisation and list of proposed standards for WPC performance qualification
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20345
The standardisation is a driving force to promote the development of Wood Polymer Composites (WPC) by giving confidence to users and consumers. In Europe, the high interest of WPC require at this time a diffusion of information concerning the performances of WPC products. The WPC performances must be assessed according relevant standards in order to qualify the intrinsic properties of WPC (mechani...
G Labat, M Vernois, T Gay

Testing biological durability of wood-plastic composites
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20347
Testing biological durability is inherently different for wood-plastic composites (WPC) compared to solid timber. However there is clearly a need for more information on the durability of WPC’s, on the effect of decay on the material properties of WPC’s and on methods for assessing decay of WPC’s. For the emerging European WPC market there has been some discussions on how to work on these to...
J Van Acker

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