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Your search resulted in 1391 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Biological Safety Evaluation of Animal Contact of Preservative-Treated Wood
2003 - IRG/WP 03-50196
Biological safety of preservative-treated woods that could be contacted to human and animal was evaluated for rat and rabbit exposed to CCA-, ACQ- and CCFZ-treated woods. The accumulation of preservatives ingredient in the rat’s plasma and viscera, and the transforming function of replacing preservatives were examined in this study. The result indicated that preservative-treated wood did not bri...
Dong-heub Lee, Dong-won Son, Myung Jae Lee, Chang Ho Kang, Cheon Ho Kim, Eui-Bai Jeung

Design of a laboratory method for evaluating the effectiveness of soft rot preservatives
1988 - IRG/WP 2312
This purpose of this work was to design a method which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of products which present protect wood against soft rot, using new products·of a different nature, on wood of·Pinus sylvestris L. and Fagus sylvatica L., and which, suitably applied, avoid big economic losses deriving from lack of knowledge of the active principles suitable to present protect w...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete

Make ready of a detection system for insect attack by acoustical method
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10183
A contract CRAFT of European research allowed to build a detector prototype able to diagnose on site the presence of Hylotrupes bajulus and termites, even during the first stages of infestation when no sign of activity is visible. Based on non destructive control technics, the device picks up the acoustical waves emitted by the insects in the wood fibers. The amplification and the filtering of the...
M Hyvernaud, F Wiest, M-M Serment, M Angulo, O Winkel

Assessing the bioresistance conferred to solid wood by chemical modification
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40099
The chemical modification of wood using straight chain alkyl anhydrides can considerably enhance its durability. This paper presents an assessment of the effectiveness of these modifiers in improving the biological resistance of a susceptible softwood when exposed to four different basidiomycete fungi, soft rots and the larvae of the house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus). It was clear that so...
E D Suttie, C A S Hill, D Jones, R J Orsler

Intrigue Dust - A new method of eradicating subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) colonies
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10396
Arsenic trioxide is used by pest controllers in Australia to eradicate subterranean termite colonies. In 2000 Bayer Australia introduced Intrigue Termite Dust as a more environmentally acceptable alternative. Intrigue, containing 80% triflumuron, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, disrupts the moulting process in termites. Dusted termites return to the nest and pass around triflumuron via mutual groomi...
W Madden

In-house accelerated method for testing decay resistance of treated wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20286
Fungicidal compounds often change their effectiveness when they are incorporated into candidate formulations. For this reason fungistatic effectiveness needs to be re-evaluated as many times as the formula has been modified for better performance. To avoid multiple expenses, in-house fungistatic tests are essential. Our goal was to develop in-house usable, simple but reliable and reproductive proc...
N Vidovic

Evaluation of the natural durability and ultrasonic method for decay detection of some european hardwood and softwood species
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10537
This paper presents the first part of an investigation on the natural durability of mixed plywood made of durable and non durable plies from the following selected timbers : Cedrus atlantica, Cupressus sempervirens, Castanea sativa, Populus sp. I 214 and Fagus sylvatica. In order to carry out this study, the natural durability of the massive wood used to manufacture the plywood panels was asses...
F Faraji, M-F Thévenon, B Thibaut

Remedial ground-line treatment of CCA poles in service. A progress report after 28 months' testing
1988 - IRG/WP 3481
Remedial treatments of CCA-treated poles in service with incipient soft rot were carried out with boron rods, boron/glycol solution, boric acid paste, copper/creosote paste and a commercial product (DFCK paste) respectively. The micro-flora before remedial treatment and 6 months after as well as the spread of chemicals in the poles were reported in Document No: IRG/WP/3388. In this progress report...
B Henningsson, H Friis-Hansen, A Käärik, M-L Edlund

The use of selective media for studying the colonization of wood in ground contact by microorganisms
1978 - IRG/WP 186
In October1976 a field trial was set up in order to monitor the progressive colonisation of wood in ground contact using orientated small stakes of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula sp.) (30 x 45 x 250 mm³). Half the number of each species were treated with a 1% solution of CCA by a vacuum impregnation process. All the stakes were coated on three sides with an epoxy-resin sealant to...
C P Clubbe

Computerized axial tomography. A non-destructive method for three-dimensional wood density/moisture content measurement
1987 - IRG/WP 2285
Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT-scanning) - used for medical investigations of the brain - has been evaluated as a nondestructive method of three-dimensional wood density/moisture content measurements. Density can be measured with an accuracy of ±3 kg/m³, and the accuracy in average moisture content is ±1% below and above fibre saturation point. It is theoretically possible that measurements...
L O Lindgren

New experiences with Dry Rot in Danish buildings, heat treatment and viability tests
1989 - IRG/WP 1423
An increasing number of concealed dry rot attacks, especially in older multi-storey houses under renovation, have been detected during the last few years. A necessary consequence is a demand for cheaper methods of repair, compared to the standard method used in Denmark for many years otherwise severely attacked houses will by pulled down. A heat-treatment has been developed and tested in practice....
A P Koch, C Kjerulf-Jensen, B Madsen

NMR T1 relaxation time as a non-destructive method for the study of decay in wood
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2406
The NMR spectroscopic technique of measuring the T1 spin-lattice relaxation times has been investigated for its potential in the detection of microbial decay in wood. The T1 NMR analyses were carried out on samples of Scots pine and European beech that had been exposed to decay and non-decay fungi representing each of the important groups colonising wood. Decay in the test material was also assess...
P W McCormack, A E G Cass, R J Murphy

Optimisation of an analytical method for the determination of total fluoride in preservative-contaminated soils using water steam distillation and an ion-selective electrode
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20153
This paper describes a simple modified procedure for the quantitative fluoride determination of different origin in a soil matrix using a water steam distillation and an ion-selective electrode. Distillation methods generally require a preliminary preparation step like fusing. The modified method presented here is based on the direct distillation of fluoride so that no further sample preparation i...
E Melcher

Ammoniacal wood preservatives for use in non-pressure treatment of spruce and aspen poplar. Part 2
1984 - IRG/WP 3274
A series of thermal diffusion treatments were carried out on unseasoned white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) lumber and air dry aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides Michx.) timbers using an ammoniacal copper arsenate wood preservative. Under the specific conditions described, certain charges of lumber met the present Canadian Standards Association Wood Preservation Committee's requireme...
C D Ralph, J K Shields

Marine performance of preservative treated Southern pine panels. - Part 1: Exposure in Newport, Oregon
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10368
The ability of selected wood preservative to protect southern pine sapwood against marine borer attack was evaluated over a 6 year period in Yaquina Bay, Oregon. The site exposed the wood to potential attack by both Teredo navalis and Limnoria spp. Both creosote and CCA provided excellent protection at moderate retentions, while ACQ produced slight differences in performance depending on the coppe...
R G Rhatigan, J J Morrell, A R Zahora

Colonization of treated and untreated ponderosa pine exposed in Hilo, Hawaii
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20068
The rate of decay in above ground exposures is largely controlled by rainfall and temperature, factors which can be used to construct a climate index of decay hazard in above ground exposures. Developers of new biocide formulations have utilized this knowledge by establishing test sites in sub-tropical regions such as the Gulf Coast of the United States. More recently, field sites have been locate...
C M Freitag, J J Morrell, K J Archer

Arbeitsverfahren zum Herstellen und mikroskopischen Auswerten von Dünnschnitten aus Holz-Bohrkernen. [Working method for producing and evaluating microscopically thin cuts of bore samples]
1980 - IRG/WP 2133
Bore samples are important specimens; e.g. they are in use to investigate poles in service. On the basis of known methods of microtomy a technique is described which permits the production of longitudinal cuts from bore samples. For this purpose, the bore sample is glued onto a mounting; the surface of cut is coated with a polystyrene solution. The cut thus consolidated can be stained, drained, an...
S Cymorek

An alternative method for the determination of lignocellulolytic enzymatic activities of white rot fungi
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10261
Some lignocellulolytic activities of wood decay fungi can be evaluated in an indirect way through the study of the decolorization that white rot fungi produces in culture media in the presence of dyes. In this assay, ten dyes were selected, which were added in concentrations of 0.00 1% - 0.003% (P/V) to four-day cultures of Trametes versicolor containing 1% of beech sawdust in a basal salt medium...
D Muñoz-Mingarro, F Llinares, F Rubio, M Yuste, C Rodríguez-Borrajo, J Jiménez, M T De Troya

Co-operative tests concerning influence of solvent and drying method on the toxic limit of wood preservatives against Basidiomycetes. Preliminary report
1971 - IRG/WP 204
In the Working Group II of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development working group on wood preservation (now International Research Group on wood preservation) it was agreed that more knowledge was necessary concerning the influence of the solvent on the toxic limit of organic solvent types of wood preservatives against Basidiomycetes. A test program was drawn up and after discuss...
T Hof

In ground performance of wood treated with a substituted isothiazolone
1990 - IRG/WP 3612
Isothiazolones (I.T.A.'s) are a class of biocides that have potential for use as wood preservatives. The substituted ITA, RH-287, (4,5,dichloro-2-n-octyl-isothiazolone-3-one) is being evaluated as a broad spectrum wood preservative. The evaluation program includes in ground stake tests which were established at two test sites in Mississippi, USA The tests used southern yellow pine treated...
L E Leightley, D D Nicholas

The new method of detecting decay in poles
1984 - IRG/WP 2229
In 1982 the Swedish Telecoms Administration in corporation with the Swedish Dog Training Centre started to investigate the possibility of using dogs for detecting decay in poles. At present two German Sheppheards and two Labrador Retrievers are in operation and the results have up to now well fulfilled our expectations. The following results have been obtained: 1.) The dogs can with high reliabili...
A Ammer, B Svedberg

Fungitoxic effect of the quaternary ammonium compounds wood preservatives against the Ascomycetes and Deuteromycetes
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30138
Results of investigation on fungitoxic value of the three formulations of wood preservatives based on the quaternary ammonium compounds (lauryldimethylbenzylammonium chloride, lauryldimethylbenzylammonium bromide, alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride) in relation to the surface wood colouring (moulds) and soft-rot fungi have been presented. The agar-plate (screening) and agar-wood plate for mouldi...
J Wazny, P Rudniewski

Effect of test site location on in-ground preservative performance after 6 years
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20231
Pinus radiata test stakes were treated with 4.1 kg/m3 of CCA and Fagus sylvatica with 6.1 kg/m3 of CCA. Both wood species were also treated with a copper plus triazole preservative (3 kg/m3 of copper) and chlorothalonil plus chlorpyriphos in oil (4.8 kg/m3 chlorothalonil). Furthermore, P. radiata was treated with ammoniacal copper plus a quaternary ammonium compound (2.6 kg/m3 copper) and a 60/40 ...
R N Wakeling

A method test of chemicals for the treatment of walls infected with Serpula lacrymans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2408
A method, which has been used in the UK for over 25 years, is described for assessing the effectiveness of products for application to walls during remedial treatment to eradicate the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans. Approvals for products previously used for this purpose in the UK are being changed. Approval for tri n-butyltin oxide has been withdrawn, and PCP derivatives can continue to be used...
J K Carey

List of fungi observed in avalanche barriers located in subalpine and alpine regions
1970 - IRG/WP 17
In the Subalpine region (Schilt-Stein; 1400-1500 m above sea level) the following fungi were observed: Basidiomycetes: Corticium alutaceum, Corticium ochraceum, Corticium sp., Collybia sp., Dacryomyces deliquescens, Exidia glandulosa, Lenzites abietina, Lenzites sepiaria, Lenzites trabea, Osmoporus odoratus, Peniophora pubera, Peniophora sp., Polystictus abietina, Poria placenta, Poria mucida, Po...
O Wälchli

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