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Your search resulted in 692 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Specifying preservative-treated resistant timber: Conforming to European Standards
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20235
The most common construction timbers used in the UK are of low natural durability and, generally, resistant to preservative treatment. These include species of spruce, hemlock and fir. However, their characteristically limited and non-uniform uptake of preservatives may still confer sufficient protection to give satisfactory durability performance in terms of biological resistance. This paper desc...
E D Suttie, A F Bravery, T B Dearling

Preservatives stains as exterior wood finishes
1977 - IRG/WP 389
For many years wood preservatives and paints have been used as the only treatment for exposed wood surfaces. Because of the inherent color of the preservatives, such as creosote, the wood surface was stained as well as protected from attack by micro-organisms. Paints protect surfaces from weathering, but recently, with an increased interest in maintaining the more natural appearance of exterior wo...
D W French

Evaluation of tropolone as a wood preservative : activity and mode of action
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30282
The fungicidal activity of 2-hydroxy cyclohepta-2,4,6-trienone (tropolone) analogue of b-thujaplicin a natural product responsible for the durability of heart wood of several cupressaceous trees was investigated in vitro on growth of white and brown rot fungi. Results obtained show that tropolone, easily prepared from commercially available products, possesses strong fungicidal activity similar ...
P Gérardin, M Baya, N Delbarre, P N Diouf, D Perrin, P Soulounganga, E Gelhaye, J P Jacquot, C Rapin

Internal pressure development in Douglas fir lumber during pressure treatment
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40091
Preservative treatment of Douglas fir lumber to meet current industry standards poses a major challenge and a variety of methods have been developed to overcome these problems. One aspect for treatment improvement that has received less attention is the relative effect of treatment parameters on changes in pressure within the wood. Previous studies of spruce and radiata pine suggest that internal ...
P F Schneider, J J Morrell

Accidental mold/termite testing of high density fiberboard (HDF) treated with borates and N’N-naphthaloylhydroxylamine (NHA)
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10462
High density fibreboard (HDF) was made from beech and pine furnish (50:50) and treated with boric acid (0.1-3%), borax (0.1-3%) or N'-N-(1,8-naphthalyl) hydroxylamine (NHA) (0.1-1%) prior to gluing with urea formaldehyde (UF) resin in order to determine resistance to Eastern subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar), the most economically important termite species in North Am...
S N Kartal, H H Burdsall Jr, F Green III

Performance of preservative-treated timber commodities in above-ground service tests
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20064
Service tests established by NZ FRI are of commodities where treatment has been undertaken in commercial plants and although such data as preservative uptake of individual items is recorded and sample analysis undertaken, material is usually "run-of-mill" for the commodity being treated. The NZ FRI Service Test database includes a wide range of preservative/species combinations in virtually all ab...
M E Hedley, D R Page

Development and field trials of Evotek 230, a new antisapstain product
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30140
Laboratory and greenhouse studies, using freshly sawn pine boards, demonstrated that the fungicidal properties of prochloraz and carbendazim were complementary for protection from sapstain and mould under extreme conditions of close stacking and high humidity. Analysis of dip bath solutions before and after dipping 20 boards showed no evidence of any stripping of the active ingredients. Neither fu...
A Adams, J Oudenweyer, J L Lindars

The wood preservative performance of biocide mixtures containing chlorpyrifos
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30055
Chlorpyrifos (O,O-diethyl[3,5,6trichloro-2-pyridyl]phosphorothioate) was evaluated as a wood preservative insecticide in two long term field tests. In the first project, pine sapwood blocks treated with chlorpyrifos (CPF) were exposed to Coptotermes formosanus using an above-ground test format. CPF is effective in protecting wood from attack by this termite, but its activity appears to decrease wi...
P E Laks

Objectives of future collaborative soft rot tests
1972 - IRG/WP 209
Progress has been made towards acceptance of a defined laboratory test method for determining the toxicity of preservatives against soft rot fungi (Documents IRG/WP/201 and IRG/WP/208) and, at the 1971 meeting in Brussels, the framework of collaboration for the next phase of testing was discussed. Time available at Brussels did not permit restatement of objectives, consideration of the stages by w...
J G Savory

Preliminary agar screening studies as the first stage in the development of a biological control system against basidiomycetes in ground contact situations
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10111
Preliminary screening of Trichoderma isolates as possible biocontrol agents for protection of wood in ground contact situations against basidiomycete decay was undertaken on three types of media. Media used were 3% malt extract agar (MEA); a low nutrient synthetic media with a carbon: nitrogen ratio typical of that found in softwoods (LNM); and a similar synthetic media where the amino acid profil...
E J B Tucker, A Bruce

Administration of wood preservative usage in New Zealand
1977 - IRG/WP 395
Principal administration of the preservative treatment of timber in New Zealand is by the Timber Preservation Authority (TPA). The TPA was established in 1955 by Act of Parliament and is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Forests who appoints its members. Its field staff are Forest Service employees. The Authority comprises twelve members and includes representatives of timber trade associa...
M E Hedley

Exposure of preservative treated wood to terrestrial microcosms, pure cultures of fungi and in the field
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20114
Small stakes (5x10x100 mm3) of treated and untreated Pinus sylvestris sapwood were exposed in terrestrial microcosms with different soils, two taken from test fields in Sweden, one soil from a conifer forest and one garden compost soil. Stakes of the same size were also exposed to pure cultures of the brown and white rot fungi, Postia placenta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. After exposure, weigh...
M-L Edlund

On the possibilities of the use of juvenile hormone in wood protection
1976 - IRG/WP 363
The annual world-wide extent of losses caused by wood-destroying insects in timber in buildings and timberyards is very difficult to estimate. In general exact values are only known in cases of claims for damages from insurance companies or in litigation. At present the best known wood destroying insects in Switzerland are the house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus) and the common furniture bee...
P Tscholl

Benzalkonium chloride (an AAC preservative): Criteria for approval, performance in service, and implications for the future
1985 - IRG/WP 3328
The data base generated for benzalkonium chloride was considered adequate for commercial approvals, particularly after revision in late 1982. Field trials, although not part of the approval criteria, generally supported commercial use; decay observed in one test (post and rails) after 6 years' exposure would have resulted in some caution in setting retentions. No laboratory trial, nor fie...
J A Butcher

The development of soft rot decay in bamboo fibres
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1572
The development of decay by soft rot fungus Chaetomium globosum was investigated in young and mature culms of bamboo Phyllostachys virideglaucescens. Soft rot decay was influenced both quantitatively and qualitatively by the differing levels of lignification in the material. Weight loss was significantly greater in the younger culm compared with the older, more heavily lignified culm. The distribu...
O Sulaiman, R J Murphy

Potential toxicants for controlling soft rot in preservative treated hardwoods. Part 2: Laboratory screening tests using sawdust
1977 - IRG/WP 2101
A technique is described for the rapid screening of toxicants against microorganisms, represented by the brown rot, Gloeophyllum trabeum, and a natural inoculum from soft rotted wood. Sawdust, in this case from sapwood of Eucalyptus maculata, is pretreated with the candidate formulation and moistened before inoculation. Visual scoring of growth can be used to discriminate suitable candidates as ea...
J D Thornton

Gaseous preservative treatment of wood
1990 - IRG/WP 3631
A recent development in processing wood with a gaseous preservative means that dry, treated wood can be produced in under 30 hours with the benefits of product diversification, faster stock turnover and the ability to respond to short term demand. About 400,000 m³ of wood are treated each year in New Zealand with boron salts to protect from borer infestation. Traditionally this treatment is effec...
R Burton, A J Bergervoet, K Nasheri, P Vinden, D R Page

The examination of preservative-treated radiata pine using electron spin resonance spectroscopy
1987 - IRG/WP 3423
Electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) may be used to characterise the molecular environment of chemical species containing unpaired electrons. These species include free radicals, bi-radicals, point defects in solids, localised crystal imperfections and many transition metal ions. ESR has previously been applied to the examination of wood weathering or wood pyrolysis and now FRI and Massey Un...
D V Plackett, E W Ainscough, A M Brodie

A new factory applied preservative treatment for joinery
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40246
Conventional pre-treatment processes involve the principle of applying preservatives to the external surfaces of wood to achieve the necessary penetration and retention of the chemicals although the heartwood remains difficult to treat. The present development involves the production of internal reservoirs within new joinery components, which are subsequently filled with a specially developed g...
I M Robertson, W Beauford

A technique for measuring preservative loss or redistribution during leaching
1983 - IRG/WP 2199
Radiata pine sapwood stakes were treated with benzalkonium chloride (AAC) or copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA). After fixation and drying the outer 2 mm and 2-4 mm layers were removed from one radial longitudinal face. The planed face was coated with a waterproof coating and AAC-treated stakes were leached for 6, 12 or 18 weeks; 12 weeks for the CCA-treated stakes. After airdrying three 2 mm layers (0-...
J A Drysdale

Conservation of Nypa fruticans and Indigenous Timber Species of Sundarban Mangrove Forest of Bangladesh by Using Preservative Treatment.
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40297
This report describes the possibilities and benefits of preservative treatment of some Bangladeshi wood species. It is concluded that: Heartwood of Sundri is not easily treatable. The treating schedule of 14.1 kg/cm² pressure and eight hours treatment period may be used for treating sundry logs. During the treatment of Sundri wood must not mix with other species. Other timber species such as Gew...
G N M Ilias

Performance of preservative-treated rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) in Goa and Kochi waters (west coast of India).
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20104
Performance of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) against biodeterioration, when pressure-treated with Copper-Chrome-Arsenic (CCA) and Copper-Chrome-Boric (CCB) and exposed in Mandovi estuary (Goa) and in Kochi waters for a period of 32 months and 9 months respectively, has been discussed. The control panels were completely destroyed within a period of 4 to 6 months at both the localities. The resist...
L N Santhakumaran, M V Rao

Internal pressure development within Oriented Strand Board during supercritical fluid impregnation
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40175
Supercritical fluids (SCF) offer an attractive alternative to conventional treatment processes for delivering material into wood, but there are many unanswered questions concerning the technology. One major concern is the potential for the development of excessive pressure gradients in the wood that might exceed the material properties and lead to crushing or other pressure-induced damage. Previou...
G Oberdorfer, P E Humphrey, R J Leichti, J J Morrell

Copper based wood preservative - A new approach using fixation with resin acids of rosin
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30249
Copper soaps with carboxylic acid groups of resin acids of rosin were shown to be potential long-term wood preservatives. The principle involved is the attachment of copper to the network formed by the inorganic part of the preservative (rosin) through the -COOH groups. The mechanisms of fixation have been studied, and it has been shown that this association could be obtained : (1) by forming the ...
C Roussel, J P Haluk, A Pizzi, M-F Thévenon

Preliminary desk research in the Netherlands on development of a Knowledge Based System for Life Cycle Assessment of wood products
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50093
TNO is currently coordinating an EC-project (LIFE-SYS WOOD) to develop a consistent approach to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of wood products. Existing and new LCA-inventory data of six wood products will be evaluated on reliability and consistency. After validation, LCA-results will be made available through a Knowledge Based System (by 1998-1999). The aim of the KBS is to make LCA-results availab...
P Esser, D Robson, R Vanhauten

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