Dr Mike Barnes


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Dr H Michael Barnes died on August 30, 2023 at age 80.  A Celebration of Life Service officiated by his friend Mike Sanders was held in Starkville, MS on September 5, 2023 followed by a family burial ceremony.

Mike Barnes was born June 9, 1943 in Long Beach, California and grew up in Baytown, TX. He graduated from Robert E. Lee High School in 1961 and was a proud Gander where he played football and received a football scholarship to Louisiana State University (LSU). Doc went on to graduate from LSU with his BS in Forestry and Material Science Forest Products Technology before going to SUNY at Syracuse School of Environmental Science and Forestry to receive his PhD in Wood Material Science.

Dr Barnes was Warren S. Thompson Emeritus Professor of Wood Science and Technology prior to retiring in 2022 after 51 years with Mississippi State School of Forest Resources at the Forest Product Laboratory. Among his professional achievements, Mike served in leadership to many of his professional organizations. During his career he received many professional awards from various associations.  Besides the awards he received, he was most proud of the students he impacted around the world which led to his receiving the Teacher of the Year Award from the Mississippi State University Forest Products Society Student Chapter.

Mike was preceded in death by Martha, his wife of 58 years, his parents Red and Ruth, and his brother David. He is survived by his sons Bryan, Brooks, Brandon and Brett as well as four grandchildren.

To read much more about Mike’s life, please read his IRG bio that he wrote in 2020 at this link.

This Memorial was originally written for inclusion with the September 2023 IRG Newsletter.